Timing of wounds with swift and multiple attackers/defenders

By Ser Folly, in Warhammer: Diskwars

Hi there,

last night we had a question arising. I'll give the basic information about the situation first...

Disks A1 and A2 controlled by me are both simultaneously pinned by my opponent's disk B.

A1 has a counter strength of 5 without any other relevant effects.

A2 has a counter strength of 4 and swift both ways.

B is a hero with stamina 1 and thoughness 4.

Now my question about the fate of disk B:

Does disk B suffer only one wound (with five exessive dmg) during this engagement because all dammage in an engagment is assigned at the same time (swift just coming into play if a disk is KILLED before it can apply its attack). That's how I ruled it.


Or does disk B suffer a wound from disk A2's swift counter and then another one from disk A1 normal counter thus being defeated.

Actually I think I did it correctly but it seems somewhat weird.

Thanks, Folly

If I'm reading you correctly, disk b would die. In the combat, A2 would deal damage first, giving one wound. Then, A1 and B would deal their damage, with disk B being eliminated.

Dkartzinel has it. Swift damage is always dealt first in a combat, followed by standard attack, with slow attacking after other disks have completed their attacks.

Well that gives some use to slow units...because with proper planning you could bring down a hero with stamina 2 without any preliminary ranged attacks.

Attack with a swift, a normal and a slow disk and you might be able to cause 3 wounds in one Engagment.

That seems a bit too powerful...


I thought "normal" attacks & counterattacks dealt damage simultaneously, vs. Swift & Slow attacks rerspectively.



I thought "normal" attacks & counterattacks dealt damage simultaneously, vs. Swift & Slow attacks rerspectively.


Yes, they do. If multiple disks have the same speed, they attack simultaneously. All swift together, all normal together, etc.

Well that gives some use to slow units...because with proper planning you could bring down a hero with stamina 2 without any preliminary ranged attacks.

Attack with a swift, a normal and a slow disk and you might be able to cause 3 wounds in one Engagment.

That seems a bit too powerful...

It is powerful, but you pay out the nose for swift usually (looking at you, swordmasters), and often take a penalty in toughness and counter/attack strength or both. The only unit that has good all-around stats and swift are silver helms, and their cost is very high. There actually aren't that many disks with swift outside of the elves. It seems to be their keyword moreso than others, which makes sense if you think of Always Strikes First from the miniatures.

You can also pick swift attackers off the top of engagements usually as they tend to be weaker in counter strength and toughness. Inflicting three wounds in one combat would be extremely unusual, though it is theoretically possible, and if you are getting pinned by three enemy disks you are probably in trouble anyway regardless of attack speed.

Slow is definitely not a powerful mechanic, as you can be killed easily before attacking, but it can be useful, especially with wardancers and skin to bark.