How many genies can fit into a bottle?

By Sails of Atlantis, in Android: Netrunner Rules Questions

I have a noob question...

According to the Djinn card's text. It says that the "Djinn can host up to 3 mu of non-icebreaker programs." & "The memory costs of hosted programs do not count against your memory limt."

Since Djinn is a "Daemon" program, it doesn't count as a "Icebreaker."

So does this mean I can use Djinn to host another Djinn which inturn hosts a third Djinn? Leaving me with 2 available M.U.s in the 1st and 2nd arrays and 3 M.U.s on the 3rd array? All at the cost of 1 actual M.U. on my rig?

Absolutely, although there is an obvious risk to this (one program trashing subroutine can target the root Djinn and take out the whole stack). But sure, you can stack Daemons all you like.

See the flavor text on Leprechaun ;-)

Neat, hadn't even noticed that flavor text until now. I wonder if anyone read that and thought "I should try that."

Speaking of Leprechaun, I'm pretty sure you could host that on one of your Djinns and then host your breakers on there if you were really determined to cram everything into one memory slot. Like the one on Omnidrive.

Neat, hadn't even noticed that flavor text until now. I wonder if anyone read that and thought "I should try that."

Speaking of Leprechaun, I'm pretty sure you could host that on one of your Djinns and then host your breakers on there if you were really determined to cram everything into one memory slot. Like the one on Omnidrive.

You can totally do that. Stick Djinn on Omni-Drive (so you can use the credit to pay for finding Viruses), host two on Djinn (maybe Datasuckers or Mediums or similar) then stick Leprechaun on Djinn, then stick SMC/Garotte/Morning Star/Magnum Opus/Your choice of 2x 2MU programs on Lepreachaun.

Congrats; you are now hosting 7MU of useful programs for 0 MU :D

EDIT: just be sure to pack Sacrificial Constructs.

Oh man, I feel a janky Professor build coming on XD

Edited by CommissarFeesh

Gotta play around Bad Times.

You can't put more than one Djinn into a Professor deck, though, so it might be a bit awkward since you want to install that first. I think I'm going to try that deck, though, if only for the laughs of laying that out on a table.

Edited by AmtsboteHannes

I think I'm going to try that deck, though, if only for the laughs of laying that out on a table.

To coin a cliche, don't say they didn't warn you ;-)

But reread Bad Times: a rig like this is going to LAUGH at losing 2 MU because it isn't using any MU. Honestly, the existence of so many Daemons and MU Hardware is why I think Bad Times is going to be a dead draw in your hand so many times. If it said "The runner trashes 2 MU worth of programs" that would be better.

Edited by Grimwalker