A stupid question 'bout LT

By TheHunterBoy, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi everyone

Stupid question (for you, not for me!): what do you use to figure LT in a normal LT encounter? One of the large markers of LTs in RtL? A miniature of a manster monster? Another miniature from some other game??

Actually... is a great game, btw!

Well they did start selling metal minis of the Lts so you could get those.

Otherwise, you are just supposed to use their marker that is on the overland map to represent them during the encounter. Remember some of them are large 4 square base Lts, like Kratz.

Thank you!

Tonight we'll have our first RtL campaign: now I'm ready for it!

My group uses one of the out of play heroes to be the 1 space lieutenants. Often Varris the dead, that guy looks like a servant of evil.

For the off chance that I ever play RtL again, I have Aekold Helbras from Warhammer to represent Alric, for example. Lots of games come with useful figures; Rackham, also FFG-owned, creates great minis (Confrontation...).