What craft skill for electronics

By Gribble_the_Munchkin, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

Hello all

What craft skill would a techpriest or other person with access to appropriate templates, use for creating augurs, cogitators, cybernetics, etc.

I've got a character concept that focuses less on the combat-y side of techpriest-dom and more on the mysterious and spiritual dimensions of electron and circuit board.

I've ruled out technomat (which is using machines without necessarily having the knowledge), armourer (as its not weaponry or armour based), wright (as thats masonry, architecture and large stuff like vehicles and spaceships), smith (as that's metal working and forging). Which doesn't leave much.

I could use tech use, but that only broadens the skills use and is inconsistent with needing craft skills to make stuff.

Hello all

What craft skill would a techpriest or other person with access to appropriate templates, use for creating augurs, cogitators, cybernetics, etc.


I've ruled out technomat (which is using machines without necessarily having the knowledge)

In my opinion , it is exactly Trade (Technomat) must be used in this situation. You don't create anything new, just follow the instructions and templates blessed by Omnissiah . Maybe you must first test Tech-Use to determine how correctly your character understood these instructions and templates...

Yeah, sounds like Technomat, to me. Technomat and Tech-Use, if we want to get picky.