Black Crusade Rules in Tome of Decay

By filliman, in Black Crusade

Has anyone used the rules for running the black crusade itself? If you have, did the rules work without much/any house ruling? how many hosts/fleets/other stuff did you have to use to make it work? I ask because i'm gauging the strength of my players' resources, and I wanted to know if anyone had a rough estimate of what they would need. Also, I know the corebook says you need an infamy of 140+ to call for the crusade, but if your own warband possesses the materials itself, who's to say you can't just go take a joyride through Imperial territory? The Chaos train has no brakes. Until some disloyal minion throws himself into the sensitive bits of machinery.

Edited by filliman

I imagine 140 is a bit of a high level to aim for. That said, I am planning to run my group through it at some point.

I am even drawing up a map of a system set in the Vortex.

Edited by Elurindel

well considering the size of a black crusade I can understand why you need 140 infamy I mean yeah to have the materials but considering the nature of chaos if your infamy was low would why they fight under your banner? They are self serving and the warriors of chaos only fight under those who have the eyes of the gods.

Plus are really infamous in their own right.

I hope to be able to use it, if my lovely bunch of merry Heretics can stop crashing ships into planets.....this seems to be their new pastime in fact. "C'mon Ariadne (Apostate), we have the weatlh! Think of how EXCESSIVE it would be!" "Hmm, you have a point Sanguis (Sorcerer), lemme just TURN THE SHIP THIS WAY. YOU'RE ALL COMING WITH ME!!!!" que infamy point burning. Repeat process all night. All in all though, I can see needing that much Infamy to rally the whole vortex to you, but if your warband already has quite a few hosts and fleets across the vortex, kept to task through fear and generous psychic "disciplining" I don't see why you couldn't just muster them at the 13th Gate and say "Alright lads, out there is the Imperium of Man! We're going to pillage the stuffing out of it! For Me-uh, Chaos!"