After the Emperor. New god in the imaterium.

By JonathonPR, in Black Crusade House Rules

So how do I incorporate the post Emperor god with the 4 gods of chaos. I like the idea of the Ynnead/Emperor theory. So what would a god made from the Emperor of Man at its core, shaped by the Imperial Faith, thousands of years of psykers being fed into it, and the souls of every craftworld Eldar? I imagine it to be the most self righteous being in the galaxy. Calling on its "angels" can be as much damnation as salvation. It might judge the summoners as unrighteous or tainted and attack them as often as protect them or punish the wicked. If summoned during an invasion it could decide to leave them to their fate or if it has the power bring more of its kind to destroy the population itself. That being said Ynnead/Emperor would still intervene to mold the Emperium into the ordered realm it wants. Through the original purpose of the Golden Throne Ynnead/Emperor has some control over the webway and the temperament of the warp.

Rewards are based on corruption and piety. Going for lower corruption and higher piety.

Ynnead is describes as being its own plane apart from the warp and the material world. It has three parts that can be described as heaven, purgatory, and Hell. The Emperor being the Emperor he hates chaos but wants their power. At one point he found a way to steal power from the four chaos gods. Horus later did this for himself but with the consent of the gods who later backed out just before the Emperor destroyed Horus's soul. The Emperor still wants to destroy chaos but is doing so by absorbing the essence from the lesser daemons and heralds of the chaos gods. Aligned daemons are feed souls to prevent them from dissipating back into the warp before the power from the chaos gods can be absorbed from them. The ones that survive the process are kept as unaligned daemons and are released as punishment against humans or xenos who are tainted by chaos.

I need help designing the rules for divine rewards and how to earn piety. What acts would gain approval from the Emperor and how much would they be worth. While that Emperor has been influenced by the Imperial cult he does have many views that clash with clerical dogma, and has a large part of him made up from Eldar souls.

I always had the impression that if/when the Emperor finally does kick the bucket, his essence would flood the warp with unrelenting hatred and spite. After all, the Imperium has devolved from his grand vision into a backwards juggernaut that worships him as a god; it was his hatred of being viewed as a divine being that caused his rift with the Word Bearers in the first place, and now literally everyone who he wished to defend and uplift are now crushed beneath the heel of his cult.

With this in mind, it seems far more likely that he would instead join with the essence of the independent Chaos entity Malice, granting it the boost needed to become a full fledged Chaos god it its own right.b
In either case, however, the resulting being would definitely be bent on destroying/devouring the subjects of other chaos beings in an attempt to bring it's sense of "balance." I take it that the Adeptus Terra/Imperial Cult would likely be split between those attempting to keep the Imperium running as though nothing has happened, and more feral cults like the Redemption who would go for the new, wild Emperor of Spite. If enough folk move over to Chaos Emperor worship, it could potentially lead to a civil war similar to the Horus Heresy.

In terms of what the Chaos Emperor would desire of his subjects, I'd say anything involving hampering the efforts of other Chaos forces. The Emperor would favor the bold, so simply use the same "Infamy" rules that are presented for regular Chaos worshipers, but have favor earned through stopping Chaos cults, killing cultists, and destroying artifacts. Due to his rage at being a god, the exact thing he wished to avoid, he would likely also grant favor to those who actively stop his own cult, by destroying his own temples and shrines. In essence, his followers would be an iconoclasts, raging against the warp, the Imperial cult, and religion in general.

I'm more of the belief that when the Emperor dies, that's it. He just snuffs it and there is no more. None of this "Star Child" crap or resurrection and is just the delusions of madmen trying to hold onto the belief that the emperor will return. He's dead and there's nothing you loyalists can do except embrace the greater good.

Sorry, went into the mindset of a former Tau army player. Lousy Emperor...

On his death, the Imperium will collapse and start to revert back to antiquated methods of travel and navigation, it's worlds will conflict and eventually the vast human empire will start to degrade. The light of the astronomicon will get snuffed out most likely and warp travel will become impossible. Worlds will get cut off and isolated to ruin or their own empire and the denizens of the warp will have their delights. On the plus side the Tyranids will have nothing to aim for and may just bugger off. Every cloud...

There is however, another thought to what occurs when he will inevitably die officially. The Warp is generally the product of powerful emotions and thought of sentient and psychically attuned races and that each of the four gods are a manifestation of that and embody specific traits . Khorne represents the product of the anger and warfare which occurred during humanity's middle ages. Tzeentch was created on the idea of change and betterment which existed in all sentient beings. Nurgle, the idea of life and death. Slaanesh was created due to the hedonistic revelry of that powerful psychic race, the Eldar who wouldn't keep their lusts in check and thus formed the fourth beast.

It is therefore entirely possible that if the Emperor dies properly and is snuffed out, the outpouring of grief and raw emotions of sadness throughout the human race could cause such a potent psychic surge (even latent) that the creation of a new chaos entity of immense power is justified as this is exactly how the same occurs for Slaanesh. We therefore would now have a sixth chaos god (I'm counting Malal/Malice as the fifth since I like him) formed devoted to perhaps emotions of grief and sadness or of emotions in general. Sadness with a sadistic streak...that is your life after the Emperor if you ask me.

Back to OP though, the Emperor would be very horrified at his empire. For a start, he didn't wish to be seen as a God. The Emperor thought of himself as nothing more than a man. Granted one of the most powerful ever was and will be for a while but he didn't want to be revered as such. He had the big idea of the Imperial Truth which focused on the banishment of all religion from the Imperium and calling it superstition and nonsense which would plague humankind from pure logic, reason and science of which he held so highly. After he was entombed in the throne though, the idea of the Imperial Cult and the God Emperor started to rise instead, written up by Lorgar and that then became the Imperial Cult.

Seeing your Imperium now with churches and faith, superstition and fear of technology, a lack of understanding of how many of the basic devices work without a rite of activation to make the **** thing work, my goodness it would send a man insane. An Emperor in any form resurrected though, I think he would become what he set out to banish and instead of humble about his beliefs would roll with it. Insist on being treated as a god and continue his degradation. Technology being treated with suspicion, logic and reason (what left of it) now firmly replaced with more rites, beliefs and cult. The emotions and focus of humans from the millenia of worship and reverence to this being would be twisting and moulding his new form in the warp as he once tried to change humanity. A fitting twist wouldn't you say? To earn his favour then, you would be trying to stroke his ego, go basically with the ten commandments.

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me" - To have him venorated and worshipped as the one true god over all others.

You'd also want to look favourably on those which revert to belief and faith over actual reasoning, avoid actually thinking and being logical, smart and instead being mind rottingly stupid and having the God Emperor do it all for you.

Wait hang on have I just described all current religions there?

Edited by Calgor Grim

Interesting Ideas. I myself was searching for ideas for a new god (current DH1 campaign). Sensei, Star Child, Tyrant star, Menagerie, King of Taters, Komus.... Also this have some other interesting gods. Very interesting is Necoho, the god of atheism.

To sum up, I used "In The 100th Thousandth Millennium, There is only Peace Love and Happiness A Dark Hersey Scenario For Leprecon 2011 By Tadeusz Cantwell" as a starting point for my new god.


The first preacher, strange peacefull cult, the inevitable dream where you need to do strage deeds such as help wounded and mutants, study art with eldars, cheer orks in football game where they play with humans and loose badly, go through tyranid bridge and finally meet all four chaos gods sitting together with Emperor by the table in white room. Any violence in dream is stoped and there is a possibility to never get up from the dream. "Where the God Emperor has awoken from his time of healing and brought the light he found at the foundation of the cosmos. With this light the awakened beacon burned away all imperfection and brought peace, love, understanding and forgiveness to all sentient beings." So acolytes need to take away all the hatred if they want to pass campaign alive.


Now everything looks like madness of course but the idea is that it is something new, something completely emotionless and madness - Komus, the new god. Tyrant star represents here a warp womb for a new god, which appeared multiple times in history. I included a shadowlight shard concept and created four such shards representing the powers of four chaos gods. Using them, The Menagerie and going to invite Tyrant Star and open it. Those shards are so powerfull that using them, one can make a Greater Deamon of Chaos from scratch. ALso I included a new Ordo - Ordo Secretus which researches into apocryphas (future divination riddles) left by Emperor. One of such divinations is that something if not stoped will bring the end. Sensei, the children of Emperor, hunted by malleus, thinks that using shards the Emperor could be revived. Anyhow, the campaign is too hard to explain in one post as it is currently ongoing.