Some RtL Questions

By Montag1, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Ok, things are starting to make much more sense. I still need some clarification on a few issues though.

1.) The Overlord draws 3 cards before you offically start any level of the dungeon? If I am going from the 1st to the 2nd level of the dungeon as the Overlord, I discard down to 3 cards if I have more but if I dont even have 3 I draw "extra" cards till I get to 3? This doesnt include the 2 I draw at the beginning of my turn so I actually start each level with 5 cards (the 3 "free" ones and the 2 I draw at the start of my turn). Am I doing this correctly? Heh, hope my explanation wasnt too confusing

Also, if I am doing it right, is it ok for the Overlord to discard all his cards for threat when he thinks the Heroes are going to finish that level next turn and still get his 3 "free" cards for the start of the next level than still draw the additional 2 so on the Overlords very first turn on the next dungeon he will actually have 5 cards to work with?

2.) The Overlord Reinforcement Marker gets turned over everytime you spawn and costs 15 Threat to reactivate. My question is do you automatically turn the Marker back over (so you can respawn) everytime you start a new level of the dungeon? For example, on the 1st level you spawn some creatures and turned the Marker over. You never spend the 15 threat to turn it back up but the Heroes progress to the 2nd level. When starting the 2nd level does the Overlord flip his Reinforcement Marker back up for "free" or does he have to still spend the 15 threat to turn it over?

3.) The store bought item Gauntlets of Power have S S = 1 Fatigue on attack rolls. Does this stack with whatever attack they are doing or must the Surges be "spent" and not used for anything else in the attack? For example, I am using a standard Axe that does 1 S = 1 Damage. I roll my attack and have a total of 4 Surges. Do I do + 4 Damage and regain 2 Fatigue or do I have to "sacrifice" my S's to get the Fatigue so its more like + 2 Damage and + 1 Fatigue? I hope I explained that right.

4.) Everytime the Overlord goes thru his deck he gets 3 Conquest points and if he ever goes thru the deck two times on the same level of the dungeon the Heroes are automatically ejected from the dungeon?

Montag1 said:

Ok, things are starting to make much more sense. I still need some clarification on a few issues though.

1.) The Overlord draws 3 cards before you offically start any level of the dungeon? If I am going from the 1st to the 2nd level of the dungeon as the Overlord, I discard down to 3 cards if I have more but if I dont even have 3 I draw "extra" cards till I get to 3? This doesnt include the 2 I draw at the beginning of my turn so I actually start each level with 5 cards (the 3 "free" ones and the 2 I draw at the start of my turn). Am I doing this correctly? Heh, hope my explanation wasnt too confusing

Also, if I am doing it right, is it ok for the Overlord to discard all his cards for threat when he thinks the Heroes are going to finish that level next turn and still get his 3 "free" cards for the start of the next level than still draw the additional 2 so on the Overlords very first turn on the next dungeon he will actually have 5 cards to work with?

2.) The Overlord Reinforcement Marker gets turned over everytime you spawn and costs 15 Threat to reactivate. My question is do you automatically turn the Marker back over (so you can respawn) everytime you start a new level of the dungeon? For example, on the 1st level you spawn some creatures and turned the Marker over. You never spend the 15 threat to turn it back up but the Heroes progress to the 2nd level. When starting the 2nd level does the Overlord flip his Reinforcement Marker back up for "free" or does he have to still spend the 15 threat to turn it over?

3.) The store bought item Gauntlets of Power have S S = 1 Fatigue on attack rolls. Does this stack with whatever attack they are doing or must the Surges be "spent" and not used for anything else in the attack? For example, I am using a standard Axe that does 1 S = 1 Damage. I roll my attack and have a total of 4 Surges. Do I do + 4 Damage and regain 2 Fatigue or do I have to "sacrifice" my S's to get the Fatigue so its more like + 2 Damage and + 1 Fatigue? I hope I explained that right.

4.) Everytime the Overlord goes thru his deck he gets 3 Conquest points and if he ever goes thru the deck two times on the same level of the dungeon the Heroes are automatically ejected from the dungeon?

1. First thing, read the FAQ. There is errata in there. You get 3 cards at the start of the first level. Thats it. At the end of each level you do NOT have to discard to 3.

2. Yes, you get it back for free at the start of each level

3. The surges are spent, just like all other items.

4. I think so, but again, check the FAQ

Montag1 said:

Ok, things are starting to make much more sense. I still need some clarification on a few issues though.

1.) The Overlord draws 3 cards before you offically start any level of the dungeon? If I am going from the 1st to the 2nd level of the dungeon as the Overlord, I discard down to 3 cards if I have more but if I dont even have 3 I draw "extra" cards till I get to 3? This doesnt include the 2 I draw at the beginning of my turn so I actually start each level with 5 cards (the 3 "free" ones and the 2 I draw at the start of my turn). Am I doing this correctly? Heh, hope my explanation wasnt too confusing

Also, if I am doing it right, is it ok for the Overlord to discard all his cards for threat when he thinks the Heroes are going to finish that level next turn and still get his 3 "free" cards for the start of the next level than still draw the additional 2 so on the Overlords very first turn on the next dungeon he will actually have 5 cards to work with?

2.) The Overlord Reinforcement Marker gets turned over everytime you spawn and costs 15 Threat to reactivate. My question is do you automatically turn the Marker back over (so you can respawn) everytime you start a new level of the dungeon? For example, on the 1st level you spawn some creatures and turned the Marker over. You never spend the 15 threat to turn it back up but the Heroes progress to the 2nd level. When starting the 2nd level does the Overlord flip his Reinforcement Marker back up for "free" or does he have to still spend the 15 threat to turn it over?

3.) The store bought item Gauntlets of Power have S S = 1 Fatigue on attack rolls. Does this stack with whatever attack they are doing or must the Surges be "spent" and not used for anything else in the attack? For example, I am using a standard Axe that does 1 S = 1 Damage. I roll my attack and have a total of 4 Surges. Do I do + 4 Damage and regain 2 Fatigue or do I have to "sacrifice" my S's to get the Fatigue so its more like + 2 Damage and + 1 Fatigue? I hope I explained that right.

4.) Everytime the Overlord goes thru his deck he gets 3 Conquest points and if he ever goes thru the deck two times on the same level of the dungeon the Heroes are automatically ejected from the dungeon?

Just to second Paul's response

1) You keep the hand all the way through the dungeon. You start that first floor with 3 cards, after that treat it as though you were playing vanilla Descent. You don't have to discard down to three cards at the start of the next level or the last level, you keep your hand between floors.

2) Yes, it flips up to the usable side at the start of each level. That's why its sometimes better to wait on using a really good spawn card on the Heroes if they are a turn or 2 away from going to the next level and the eyes are flipped down. Wait on using it so you get the free flip.

3) You spend surges as normal. If you rolled four surges, the most you could do is get 1 fatigue from the Guantlets and +2 damage on the axe. The Guantlets were errated to require the Hero exhaust the item to get back a fatigue, thus forever ending the Rapid Fire/Gauntlets of Power Never Ending Loop of Retard Attack Numbers.

4) Correct.

Big Remy said:

Just to second Paul's response

1) You keep the hand all the way through the dungeon. You start that first floor with 3 cards, after that treat it as though you were playing vanilla Descent. You don't have to discard down to three cards at the start of the next level or the last level, you keep your hand between floors.

2) Yes, it flips up to the usable side at the start of each level. That's why its sometimes better to wait on using a really good spawn card on the Heroes if they are a turn or 2 away from going to the next level and the eyes are flipped down. Wait on using it so you get the free flip.

3) You spend surges as normal. If you rolled four surges, the most you could do is get 1 fatigue from the Guantlets and +2 damage on the axe. The Guantlets were errated to require the Hero exhaust the item to get back a fatigue, thus forever ending the Rapid Fire/Gauntlets of Power Never Ending Loop of Retard Attack Numbers.

4) Correct.

Thanks for the clarification guys. I really have read the book and all the FAQ's I could find but it can get confusing. It would certainly help if one of the guys in our group was already an experienced Descent player before we started this but nobody was. There is a world of difference between reading the rules a few times and actually playing the game. I just want to make sure our group is playing as correctly and true to the rules as possible.



Montag1 said:

Thanks for the clarification guys. I really have read the book and all the FAQ's I could find but it can get confusing. It would certainly help if one of the guys in our group was already an experienced Descent player before we started this but nobody was. There is a world of difference between reading the rules a few times and actually playing the game. I just want to make sure our group is playing as correctly and true to the rules as possible.



No problem. Your situation is not even remotely unique. Best thing to do is search the rulebook and FAQ pdfs for keywords, and look at the Gathered List of Answered Question on the forum. If that fails, just ask.