Only war Speculations: new supplements

By CabsianMaster, in Only War

So, Hello everybody, hope you're enjoyig this summer!

Let's get straight to the point, I'm actually wondering about new possible supplements for Only War wich can add more options for guardsmen. I don't know if there's any rumour about, but I will glad to see some books like:

ONLY WAR Steel Tracks: a supplement book based entirely on ground vehicles. you see, actually there are a lot of vehicles used in the Guard but for obvious reasons only some were introduced in the game: my hope is a book with detailed rules for ALL vehicles, from the Macharius Heavy tank to the Leman Russ Conqueror variants. In the same book we could also find new careers based on the mighty machine of war, maybe also some new regiments, rules for "Formations like" combat betweens vehicles and new enemy armour (and above all, Rules for Looted vehicles)

ONLY WAR Eagles Above Us: similar to the previous one, but focusing on imperial air vehicles. Since the publication of the Core Rulebook I was pretty disappointed about the completely lack of air vehicle (one above all: Valkyrie). In this supplement the guardsmen will have the chance to sit into the cockpit of various Imperial Navy vehicles, delivering a rain of bullets from above. New rules for aerial combat (pretty much Rogue Trader) with a specific crit tables, specialist class, a couple of new regiments (Harakoni Warhawks?) and so on. And, if it is possible, this rules will works also on spacecraft (did anyone says Battlefleet Spinward?). I'm not saying "give us Rogue Trader rules for ship to ship combat"... but why not?

ONLY WAR Deus Ex Machina:I will say just one world: TITAN. Yeah, I know, they're OP and stuffs but can you imagine how epic battles can look when you watch the battlefield from a Warlord Class Titan? In this supplement you will find rules about the most powerful ground units of the Imperium, from the Imperial Knight to the revered Imperator Titan. Prepare to crush your enemies beneath your Adamantium feets and engage fierce combat against Orks Gargant. As always, new classes like Princeps, Knights, Sacristan and so on.

Do you like to see something like this in the next updates? :D

Eh, while I'd love to see Eagles Above (cool title, btw) the only one I think is likely, of those you mentioned would be the tank supplement. I expect only one more supplement, though, and that's the Schola one, with advanced careers for commissars, storm troopers and psykers.

Personally I'd like a tank book which explains how a tank regiment should work in OW), Valkyries and general rules for fliers and a book on being officers/high level play.

I'd love to see something for the Schola Progenium classes (Commisar, Storm Trooper, and perhaps the psyker) and advanced specialties. Maybe something involving a few more talents on the weapons not already covered (I think Bolters are the only ones not covered).

I'd also love to have something of a vehicle book as well, including local air superiority. (Eagles Above is an amazing title for that.)


ONLY WAR Eagles Above Us: similar to the previous one, but focusing on imperial air vehicles. Since the publication of the Core Rulebook I was pretty disappointed about the completely lack of air vehicle (one above all: Valkyrie). In this supplement the guardsmen will have the chance to sit into the cockpit of various Imperial Navy vehicles, delivering a rain of bullets from above. New rules for aerial combat (pretty much Rogue Trader) with a specific crit tables, specialist class, a couple of new regiments (Harakoni Warhawks?) and so on. And, if it is possible, this rules will works also on spacecraft (did anyone says Battlefleet Spinward?). I'm not saying "give us Rogue Trader rules for ship to ship combat"... but why not?


Do you like to see something like this in the next updates? :D

A supplement focusing on aerial warfare and voidship combat would be better served by a full-blown Imperial Navy supplement, focusing on the Imperial Navy in a broad sense, since in order for anyone to play with these, they'd practically have to be playing navy characters - something that is woefully missing from Only War, regrettably.

I'd like to see All Of The Above, plus something detailing some alternate warzones from other WH40KRP settings. I would love more info on the Soot Warrens of Tranch...

Edited by Adeptus-B

I'd like a massive armoury book, with more weapons and vehicles and rules to help you build your own.

I'd also quite like a book for PDF and other forces (such as the frat militia and the arbrites and naval landing parties and things) as they would be things you'd have to work alongside or against a lot of the time I imagine

I think there will be one more book for OW.
It will cover Psykers, Stormtroopers and Commissars.
Hopefully it will have some aerial rules in them along with some close support flyers.

I'd like a massive armoury book, with more weapons and vehicles and rules to help you build your own.

I don't particularly want this type of book

But mostly because technology is at the mercy of the Ad Mech, an organization as conservative as they come. Innovation is TecHeresy.

So there would be surprisingly few, standardized technologies, each with a handful of accepted pattern-variants. Not the huge variety you get almost instantly when players design their own.

If that sort of thing is what you want, I can recommend things like Shadowrun (3rd edition had this in the Cannon Companion/Rigger 3) or GURPS (though I understand the Vehicles -book for 4th edition is more structured and less flexible than the one for the 3rd edition, which I can only recommend. As long as you don't mind spreadsheets and a bit of math.).

I'd also quite like a book for PDF and other forces (such as the frat militia and the arbrites and naval landing parties and things) as they would be things you'd have to work alongside or against a lot of the time I imagine

I think there will be one more book for OW.

It will cover Psykers, Stormtroopers and Commissars.


Hopefully it will have some aerial rules in them along with some close support flyers.

* thin not as in number of pages, but as in value of content. so much of it felt very forced. Like the last bit in that tube of toothpaste. :(

Edited by Tenebrae

Many Storm Troopers are elite warriors, and often chute into a battle zone, do if they HAD to put off Valkyries and aerial combat this long, i could see the Psykers + Stormies + Commies book being a good place for them; "regular" Guardsmen don't often get access to Valks, and even drop infantry, like the Elysians only jump out, and then the Valkyries leave; they don't get to pilot the Navy's toys, but Storm Troopers get special clause to have several cool shinies, and access to Navy assets could be one of them. A full-on Navy book could be nice, too, as the unit in No Surrender, the Void Shrikes, is practically Guardsmen with the Navy, and we do see several Navy personnel along the way.

I wouldn't hate a book of tank warfare, but while I do love Lemans, and would be tickled to know that our unit had had such assets seconded to them, actually riding around in one, all the time, smacks of several different kinds of boring, IMO, and Titans are so far beyond the scope of what Guardsmen do that I'm not expecting that; they can't even use them, as special operatives are raised and trained to be the Princeps and Moderati of the Omnissiah's God-Machines. If you get them, then the bad guys can get them, and if the bad guys show up with a Warhound, a Revenant Shadow, or FITB, nothing less will help your team win.

Not too keen on them wrapping up Only war already, since Black Crusade never wowed me, and Dark Heresy always smacked of "under-equipped AND no good in a fight", something I doubt v2 beta has much alleviated. I can be all for poking around, rooting for heresy, but then it has to get to Ascension again, and while I liked the awesome-level of it, I know that the material itself was sort of crap. Aside from these two game lines, I'm unaware of anything else that FFG 40k is working on, and that Star Wars is complicated, somewhat, and possibly a bit in limbo, waiting to see what new owners do to the franchise, after they gutted it. Oh well, i have trouble persuading my friends, unenlightened about 40k lore, to want to play these lines, anyway.

Edited by venkelos

I wouldn't hate a book of tank warfare, but while I do love Lemans, and would be tickled to know that our unit had had such assets seconded to them, actually riding around in one, all the time, smacks of several different kinds of boring, IMO...

I had the same opinion, which is why I started up this thread. My take-away is that what we need for a cool tank-based OW campaign are some actual guidelines and crunch-based rules and tank-focused character options, and not just more more more tank stats. Perfect material for a new supplement (" Tread-Heads "?).

something that is woefully missing from Only War, regrettably.

It's a bit odd to criticise a game that's about the Imperial Guard for not being a game about the Imperial Navy. The game's also not about the Adeptus Arbites or the Tau, yet we don't criticise it for not having those rules.


Adventures, just give me more of them. I don't have the time to write my own so I'm quite happy to buy a good scenario. Everything else is just an added expenditure.

something that is woefully missing from Only War, regrettably.

It's a bit odd to criticise a game that's about the Imperial Guard for not being a game about the Imperial Navy. The game's also not about the Adeptus Arbites or the Tau, yet we don't criticise it for not having those rules.


The Imperial Guard and the Imperial Navy are two peas in a pod.

something that is woefully missing from Only War, regrettably.

It's a bit odd to criticise a game that's about the Imperial Guard for not being a game about the Imperial Navy. The game's also not about the Adeptus Arbites or the Tau, yet we don't criticise it for not having those rules.


I don't need a full on Imperial Navy book, but honestly, Imperial Guard are the folks who use Valkyries and Vendettas; not Space Marines (Thunderhawks), nor Sisters of Battle (no air support?), and the Imperial Navy doesn't fight on the ground, MUCH (the Valkyrie isn't even spaceworthy, so the Navy doesn't come down to fight in them), yet some bit of fluff said that the airborne units belong to the Navy, and thus we were denied the stats and rules for Valks. I don't think so many people want a true Navy book, with ship stuff, boarding actions, and never seeing the ground (sorry to speak for you), but Valkyries are in the IG/AM Codex, and a whole type of regiment, Drop Troops, have no vehicle to get down in. I can accept that some folks didn't want to figure out how to shoot fliers with battle cannons, while they fly around, blamming things with their rockets and lascannons, but I really do get grumpy when game line, after game line, after game line keeps on ignoring this ONE vehicle.

Now, could I enjoy a Navy book, even outside of Rogue Trader? Certainly I could, but if I had to forgo it entirely, just to know the OFFICIAL stuff for a Valkyrie, and how it is used in the air, I'd accept that instantly. My opinion, of course. If the ONLY people we ever SAW use a Valkyrie weren't the Imperial GUARD, and the occasional Inquisitor who probably borrowed it from the resident Guard/Navy conglomerate, I, at least, would ***** a lot less. If Rogue Trader had covered it, I'd adapt it, but even they glossed over some of atmospheric vehicles. Is it a void ship? No? We'll get to it later.

Okay, I'm done whining now. Didn't think I'd complain that much. Sorry to unload like that; just a simple-seeming thing that I often questioned the lack of inclusion of.

something that is woefully missing from Only War, regrettably.

It's a bit odd to criticise a game that's about the Imperial Guard for not being a game about the Imperial Navy. The game's also not about the Adeptus Arbites or the Tau, yet we don't criticise it for not having those rules.


That's splitting hairs and we all know it. Particularly since Elysians, etc, are in game, and are started in fluff to depend heavily on air support. Certain other regiments also depend on it, including the Armageddon Steel Legion.

Having those aircraft associated in the public mind with the IG (even though technically IN) makes sense. We could also use some rules for Orbital Bombardment.

I also want to stress that an Adeptus Arbites supplement would in no way be out of place. The Adeptus Arbites have standing armies much the same as the PDF or the Imperial Guard, capable of challenging the Planetary Defence Forces in case of a planetwide uprising against the Imperium.

Once upon a time, you could field units of arbites as I recall, in the TT.

I also want to stress that an Adeptus Arbites supplement would in no way be out of place. The Adeptus Arbites have standing armies much the same as the PDF or the Imperial Guard, capable of challenging the Planetary Defence Forces in case of a planetwide uprising against the Imperium.

I think my only gripe with an Adeptus Arbites supplement would be that, IMO, if you are in a place that the Imperial Guard is warring in, it's a safe bet that the Arbites have all been run off, or killed, by that point. Sure, a hive city could take a long time to fall, and the Guard MIGHT show up as an invasion starts (not their ponderous style, but possible), but if things are bad enough that I need to march a standing army, footsloggers, tanks, and all in, from several systems away, I'd think that meant that the Arbites failed. Still, I'm not going to say that it couldn't have promise, and on worlds that aren't total warzones, one supposes that they would have to be around, maintaining the Lex Imperialis.

On the other hand, I'd think that they could be easy to build, even without a new book. Give them carapace, preferably, and some or all of the following: combat shotgun, bolt pistol, suppression shield or smaller slab shield, shock maul, and I'd say you're good. I liked the Judges' power in Ascension, but so often, things that don't follow the Imperium don't care, so that's optional, at best. Doesn't seem they'd be very hard. They might have a partner for a Comrade, or give them a cyber-hound, like how a Tech-Priest gets a Servitor.

Agree on a Naval Planetary Auxiliaries book. It'd cover all sorts of air support units. Not just the much needed Valkyries, but also the other atmospheric combat vehicles - fighters, bombers, etc. Could quite easily enivision something like a pararescue unit fitting right in.

Agree on a tanks/armor/vehicle book. There's way too little coverage of how to run a tanker game, but lots of vehicles to use in one.

And - a book that includes a great deal of coverage on command of a unit, and more details on how to deal with/handle/approach things when you're not just a random squad of low-level grunts on your own.

Agree on a Naval Planetary Auxiliaries book. It'd cover all sorts of air support units. Not just the much needed Valkyries, but also the other atmospheric combat vehicles - fighters, bombers, etc. Could quite easily enivision something like a pararescue unit fitting right in.

Agree on a tanks/armor/vehicle book. There's way too little coverage of how to run a tanker game, but lots of vehicles to use in one.

And - a book that includes a great deal of coverage on command of a unit, and more details on how to deal with/handle/approach things when you're not just a random squad of low-level grunts on your own.

I would second the vehicles book. Sections on "how to fight a tank" (Which I've posted extensively on so I won't repeat it here!) followed by "Air combat and Close air support" (It ain't always as fun as it sounds!) And maybe even a little information on non-combat transports (Which are not even addressed in TT!). If you really got ambitious, you could even put the rules for Titans in there! (They are sort of a vehicle :0 )

Agree on a Naval Planetary Auxiliaries book. It'd cover all sorts of air support units. Not just the much needed Valkyries, but also the other atmospheric combat vehicles - fighters, bombers, etc. Could quite easily enivision something like a pararescue unit fitting right in.

Agree on a tanks/armor/vehicle book. There's way too little coverage of how to run a tanker game, but lots of vehicles to use in one.

And - a book that includes a great deal of coverage on command of a unit, and more details on how to deal with/handle/approach things when you're not just a random squad of low-level grunts on your own.

I would second the vehicles book. Sections on "how to fight a tank" (Which I've posted extensively on so I won't repeat it here!) followed by "Air combat and Close air support" (It ain't always as fun as it sounds!) And maybe even a little information on non-combat transports (Which are not even addressed in TT!). If you really got ambitious, you could even put the rules for Titans in there! (They are sort of a vehicle :0 )

I'm not sure about Titans. I mean, sure they're iconic, but they're also on such a different scale that makes smoothly integrating them as anything other than mostly background elements difficult (in Only War they seem to want us to be infantry grunts, unless you've got a psyker or are being artillery spotters, there's basically no way you're going to do much more than scratch the paint on a Titan, and it's not going to have to try to kill you). On the flip side, Deathwatch did give us the Warhound scout titan, sooo......

Nonetheless, just as it would be interesting to have a campaign built around being air crews, it would also be interesting to have a campaign built around being a Titan's crew. Might be a bit like Rogue Trader in some respects.

IIRC the Armageddon Naval Auxiliaries fought alongside the Steel Legion at Saint Jowan's Dock. IIRC.

Imperial Knights.

They are hot right now, GW likes them (unlike a certain race of small beared abhumans)

First, all the players work together to create their own house much like they build a regiment in OW, then each player gets to pilot his own Knight. (and we get all the variants from the epic 40k game) You can get companions: retainers, wife, squire, enginseer, group of minstrells (that sing embarassing songs about you)

And for the supplement they could focus more on the mechanicus allied houses and from there work into the titan legions...

Adversaries would include: Ork stompas, Tyranid tyrannofex, Tau riptides, Eldar wraithlords, Chaos SM dreadnoughts and traitor knight houses (not sure if cannon but i want them!)


ONLY WAR Eagles Above Us: similar to the previous one, but focusing on imperial air vehicles. Since the publication of the Core Rulebook I was pretty disappointed about the completely lack of air vehicle (one above all: Valkyrie). In this supplement the guardsmen will have the chance to sit into the cockpit of various Imperial Navy vehicles, delivering a rain of bullets from above. New rules for aerial combat (pretty much Rogue Trader) with a specific crit tables, specialist class, a couple of new regiments (Harakoni Warhawks?) and so on. And, if it is possible, this rules will works also on spacecraft (did anyone says Battlefleet Spinward?). I'm not saying "give us Rogue Trader rules for ship to ship combat"... but why not?


Do you like to see something like this in the next updates? :D

A supplement focusing on aerial warfare and voidship combat would be better served by a full-blown Imperial Navy supplement, focusing on the Imperial Navy in a broad sense, since in order for anyone to play with these, they'd practically have to be playing navy characters - something that is woefully missing from Only War, regrettably.

Not entirely true. The Phantine Imperial Guard are practically all made up of flyers. (see Double Eagle, or here.... ). I find it very difficult to believe that in the vastness of the imperium they are the only ones to supply flyers as Imperial Guard units. Personally, I would have thought the Elysiums would have some, and probably even Glavians...

That being said, a Supplement for Naval characters would be great. Though my highest priority would be a supplement on Armoured units. Its not like they dont have source material to spare. Theres practically not an Imperial Armour that doesnt give us the stats for a new armoured unit at least.

I also think that the Titans are unlikely. Their inclusion is stated in some Rogue Trader supplements, so if anything I would expect to see a supplement in that system.


ONLY WAR Eagles Above Us: similar to the previous one, but focusing on imperial air vehicles. Since the publication of the Core Rulebook I was pretty disappointed about the completely lack of air vehicle (one above all: Valkyrie). In this supplement the guardsmen will have the chance to sit into the cockpit of various Imperial Navy vehicles, delivering a rain of bullets from above. New rules for aerial combat (pretty much Rogue Trader) with a specific crit tables, specialist class, a couple of new regiments (Harakoni Warhawks?) and so on. And, if it is possible, this rules will works also on spacecraft (did anyone says Battlefleet Spinward?). I'm not saying "give us Rogue Trader rules for ship to ship combat"... but why not?


Do you like to see something like this in the next updates? :D

A supplement focusing on aerial warfare and voidship combat would be better served by a full-blown Imperial Navy supplement, focusing on the Imperial Navy in a broad sense, since in order for anyone to play with these, they'd practically have to be playing navy characters - something that is woefully missing from Only War, regrettably.

Not entirely true. The Phantine Imperial Guard are practically all made up of flyers. (see Double Eagle, or here.... ). I find it very difficult to believe that in the vastness of the imperium they are the only ones to supply flyers as Imperial Guard units. Personally, I would have thought the Elysiums would have some, and probably even Glavians...

That being said, a Supplement for Naval characters would be great. Though my highest priority would be a supplement on Armoured units. Its not like they dont have source material to spare. Theres practically not an Imperial Armour that doesnt give us the stats for a new armoured unit at least.

I also think that the Titans are unlikely. Their inclusion is stated in some Rogue Trader supplements, so if anything I would expect to see a supplement in that system.

Eh ... nominally the Imperial Navy supplies "all" flying units that the Imperial Guard uses, as a legacy of the post-Heresy reorganizations. Which is ridiculous, because even if they can manage deploying from (and maybe reaching) LPO, they're not really going to help a General who goes traitor without ships.

Officially the Navy is owns all the Valkyries, gunships, bombers, fighters, etc that are pure/primary airbreathers that the Guard uses. However ... the various PDFs are allowed to own and operate such craft as well. While the Navy is supposed to own everything that isn't dirtbound/hovercraft, I suspect that in practice the Naval Auxiliaries managing the airbreather/planetcraft for the Guard, especially those running the gunships/transports that have regular close contact with the Guard are closer to the Guard than the bulk of the Navy, and get treated and viewed by the Guard accordingly.

It's kinda like the split in the US Military, where the Air Force owns the fixed wing aircraft and the Army doesn't have any - and the Air Force would have taken the Army's helicopters away if it could have. This includes things like the A-10 Warthog, which is exclusively a ground-attack/ground support aircraft, that the bulk of the Air Force doesn't even really like supporting. It's a ridiculous denial of capabilities for primarily political reasons, not sound military reasons.

An Armored supplement would be good, as would a Naval auxiliaries supplement. Plenty of source material for both ... though they'll probably get rolled into one "vehicles" supplement, and be half-assed, if they get done at all.

Warhound Titans got statted as individual units in Deathwatch Rites of Battle. Titans got abstracted in the Rogue Trader "war mechanics" of ... Battlefleet Koronus, IIRC.