Hero Builder

By Nightwolf629, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Here is a javascript-based hero builder I created. Its pretty simple, but it uses the rules from the pdf to build your own hero for Descent.

I plan on modifying it in the future so that you can print out the character card.

Check it out and let me know what you think.


(FYI: I know that this does not work in Internet Explorer v6. It might work in Internet Explorer v7, but I'm not sure. I know for sure that it does work in the latest version of Firefox)

Hey, letting you know that the link you posted doesn't work, although if you copy/paste the url you gave it works just fine. Might want to adjust how you posted the link onto the forums.

EDIT: for some reason the other person pointing out the link not working didn't show up for me. Oh well. Anyway, the editor seems to work nicely, although I believe the editor given allows for a single attribute to be lowered more than once, while it can only be raised once. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's the way I read it.

yeah, functionally I believe that's the only difference from the one posted a few weeks ago too (other than the more generic names on the templates) - http://descent.epixx.org/

I hate copying and pasting into a window. Seriously, what is it they are trying to accomplish with that "feature"?

Well... i did not know about that builder, and it pretty much puts mine to shame.

I did not realize that you could lower a stat more than once. It specifically says that a stat cannot be raised more than once, but says nothing about a limit on lowering it.... only that wounds cannot go below 8 and armor cannot go below 0. Oddly enough, it places no lower limit on fatigue or speed at all, but 0 is to be assumed i guess (except I'm not sure how you could play a character with 0 speed).

I will probably retire mine and begin using this new discovery (new to me at least).

Yours is fine, functionally. I made one myself (offline) that includes reverse engineered point values for hero abilities from the game - you could always add that in and make yours unique. I'd offer a list of what each skill is worth but it's outdated and only includes the base heroes (haven't worked on it in a while). Plus you'd need different presentation (adding/subtracting the skills from the combobox as they become available), since they don't have tiered versions.

Alternatively, you could just write tiered versions of the hero skills.

Nightwolf629 said:

Well... i did not know about that builder, and it pretty much puts mine to shame.

I did not realize that you could lower a stat more than once. It specifically says that a stat cannot be raised more than once, but says nothing about a limit on lowering it.... only that wounds cannot go below 8 and armor cannot go below 0. Oddly enough, it places no lower limit on fatigue or speed at all, but 0 is to be assumed i guess (except I'm not sure how you could play a character with 0 speed).

I will probably retire mine and begin using this new discovery (new to me at least).

It was stated by Kevin in an earlier thread(possibly on the old board) that you can lower each stat once max.

Badend said:

It was stated by Kevin in an earlier thread(possibly on the old board) that you can lower each stat once max.

That's very interesting, given that would make the official example of "raising 2 traits and lowering 4" impossible. I assume you don't have a link or exact quote..?

Antistone said:

Badend said:

It was stated by Kevin in an earlier thread(possibly on the old board) that you can lower each stat once max.

That's very interesting, given that would make the official example of "raising 2 traits and lowering 4" impossible. I assume you don't have a link or exact quote..?

I seem to remember that official example being declared a typo. My memory's not to be trusted, though.

Badend said:

It was stated by Kevin in an earlier thread(possibly on the old board) that you can lower each stat once max.

I figured this might be the case but a nerd is a nerd and can only follow specification to the letter. Anyway, the builder mentioned in pinkymadigan's post has been updated to work like that.