Can Heroes and Legends Objective be focused multiple times?

By Swisherfan, in Star Wars: The Card Game - Rules Questions

Just wanted to check to see if I could use the ability multiple times in the same turn.

Take care,

No. Once it is focused you can no longer focus it to use the ability. Look for in the rulebook a box that says A Matter of Focus. I think it might be page ten. But not 100% on the page number.

Rulebook page 10 inside the box A Matter of Focus: "A card's controller may Focus a card to perform an ability or take some other action. When doing so, a focus token is placed on the card.

A card without focus tokens is considered Ready.

A card with one or more focus tokens is considered Exhausted. A player cannot focus an exhausted card."

Perfect, that is what I thought but my opponent questioned it and I figured I would post the question here. Take care, Chris