Ability Interactions (Range, Area of Effect)

By VermillionDe, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest - Rules Questions

So I may have missed this when I was reading the rules, but a question popped into my head. Let's say for sake of argument that the Tau have at least one unit with the Ranged keyword (I would probably cry if they didn't, but smart moneys on the Vior'la Marksman). If I throw a Gun Drone attachment on him (Area of Effect (2)), does that mean he gets to hit all enemies with 2 damage during the range step? Or do the abilities not interact that way?

It looks like the Gun Drones text says that the unit to which it is attached "Gains" the area of effect wording. So effectively it looks like the ranged unit would have both keywords. Thoughts?

I think in this early stage you might need to add the card text to posts like this...I doubt many of us have memorized the cards and there is no neat database to search the names on.

Still with out knowing the cards you are talking about I would say yes.

The range combat is really just a way to split the combat rounds for tactic reasoning. Range and "normal" combat are pretty much the same. The attachment adds area effect to combat. It doesn't matter about range or not.

From the definition of Area Effect in the Rules Reference Guide, p. 3:

When a unit with the Area Effect keyword would

declare its attack against a defender, it may deal damage

equal to its Area Effect value to each enemy unit at that

planet instead of declaring the attack against a single

enemy unit.

Since there is no difference between the attacks made during the Ranged skirmish at the beginning of the first combat round and any other attack, a Ranged unit with an Area Effect will, indeed, be able to deal the Area Effect damage with its Ranged attack.

That is correct. All that Ranged does it make it so you can use your AoE earlier in the combat phase. It's a potent combination for sure.

Woot! Give that rail gunner a Drone and light em up!

I was thinking that Tau Broadsides should come with Ranged area of effect; fire ALL the missiles!

I was thinking that Tau Broadsides should come with Ranged area of effect; fire ALL the missiles!

Nah, broadsides should have railguns.

Missile pods should be an Attachment card with the restriction of attaching only to Vehicles or Battlesuits :D

I was thinking that Tau Broadsides should come with Ranged area of effect; fire ALL the missiles!

Nah, broadsides should have railguns.

Missile pods should be an Attachment card with the restriction of attaching only to Vehicles or Battlesuits :D

I wonder if Battlesuits will be considered Vehicles?

No. There's some in the Tau preview.

and dont forget the crisis battle suit is already in the game and not a vehicle :)