Mulligan, which player first?

By vegasmentat, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest - Rules Questions


Learn to Play - PDF

Page 5

8) Draw starting hand. Each player draws a number
of cards from the top of his deck equal to his warlord’s
starting hand size value (see below). A player may take
one mulligan (see Rules Reference Guide, page 11) if he
does not like his starting hand.

Rules Reference - PDF

Page 11

Mulligan Draw
After a player draws his starting hand during setup, he
has the option to declare a mulligan draw. After doing
so, he reshuffles his starting hand into his deck and
draws a new starting hand equal to his warlord’s starting
hand size value. He must keep his second hand.

Which player takes his Mulligan first?

there is no "first". Mulligajns are part of setup and outside of play completely. You draw your hand and have the option to mull, once both players ok there hand, then the game starts.

If PLAYER(A) waits to see if PLAYER(B) is going to mulligan before choosing if PLAYER(A) will mulligan, PLAYER(A) has gained a competitive advantage.

I ASSUME that the player with the initiative will choose to mulligan or not to mulligan first.

Just looking for clarification.

w/e... the answer is no. There is no order to mulligans.

If PLAYER(A) waits to see if PLAYER(B) is going to mulligan before choosing if PLAYER(A) will mulligan, PLAYER(A) has gained a competitive advantage.

I ASSUME that the player with the initiative will choose to mulligan or not to mulligan first.

Just looking for clarification.

I'm sure it will be amended in the first FAQ.

no it won't. It is not in any other lcg faq.

no it won't. It is not in any other lcg faq.

Your ability to pull facts out of thin air perpetually amazes me.

I googled "FFG LCG FAQ rules," and this was the first thing that came up:

What is the pregame setup procedure for revealing House and agenda choices, choosing whether or not to mulligan , choosing and revealing number of cards set up, and revealing the identities of the setup cards? After all players are seated and ready to begin, players randomly determine who is the first player during setup. Then, follow these steps:

1) First player announces House and agenda. (Followed by other players in clockwise order.) Note that a player must choose a location for the House of Dreams (BtNS F119) agenda (if applicable) when he or she performs this step.
2) Shuffle all House decks, offer the decks to the opponent to your left cut.
3) Draw setup hands.
4) First player announces a mulligan, or passes on the option to do so (followed by other players in clockwise order).
Edited by WonderWAAAGH

its called knowledge. Go crazy and go though the other game manuals and faqs if you do not believe me. Let me know what you find.

I edited my previous post. You may now go sulk in a corner and contemplate where your life went wrong.

LoTR doesn't count. That game uses a cycle system not a initiative one.. the rule is even more pointless in that game as there is no vs.. so what dose it matter... find a real game.

Edited by booored

LoTR doesn't count. That game uses a cycle system not a initiative one.. the rule is even more pointless in that game as there is no vs.. so what dose it matter... find a real game.

That was from the A Game of Thrones FAQ, so I can tell you didn't even bother clicking the link. Are you done making a fool of yourself yet, or are you going to invent more excuses?

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

oh right.. yeah I do not usually bother reading your posts. I'm surprised that is in the FAQ.. my bet it is a remnant of the CCG era rules.

Anyway.. I'll make a bet with you. I'll give them a year to address this.. 1 year. When they don't you buy me any game on the FFG roster... you'll do the same.. deal?

Edited by booored

Netrunner has an order to Mulligans (corp decides first and then runner), but truthfully I think I have found few occasions where it has made a difference. How much information does knowing the other player is has mulliganed give you? "Oh, you had a **** hand and now I have no idea what your hand contains... this will impact massively on whether my hand is **** or not and whether I will choose to mulligan or not." Often people do not pay attention to this order, because 99% of the time the runner knows whether they are going to mulligan whether or not the corp will. The only time I have seen people pay attention to the order is because they are just being sticklers for the rules. The runner usually is just waiting to mulligan and had already made their decision.

In Magic, where you Mulligan to fewer cards I can see you are gaining extra information (you know they have fewer cards), so I can see some form of competitive advantage, but I really don't know what this tells the player in this game. He knows the other player cannot mulligan again, but so what? He still has no clue what his opponent's hand includes. When is this ever going to affect your choice to mulligan? Either your hand is **** or it isn't.

Ok, if the first player to Mulligan has absolutely no poker face, and is not going to try and bluff in some way then you might get a reaction from their second hand, but this is minor.

Edited by borithan

Someone doesn't mulligan then you assume they must have at least a passable hand. If you were on the fence about whether to mulligan or not, knowing if your opponent kept his hand can influence that decision.