What has been printed so far for Block 3 that can negate Enhances? I'm only seeing Stone Mail, Dhalsim's Turban, and No Memories, only the last of which isn't specifically for damage pumps (well, speed pumps for D-Turban but really, it's Dhalsim-only so who cares?). So No Memories is the only card in the format thus far that can negate Rejection directly, as opposed to using action-canceling or card pool discarding tricks?
I'm well aware that Block 3 will get a new set before the Block 2 stuff goes away... I'm just trying to get a fix on what to look for when that happens, in terms of stuff that changes the meta that much just by being there with simple text effects.
IE Chester's Backing can stop crap on their foundations, including enhances. Kung Fu Training can stop Rejection and such. But for Characters that have built-in Enhances your options are much more elusive and it'll probably just come down to whether you can run No Memories. Actually, I think it was a smart decision that Chester's Backing and NM don't share any symbols.
Any info/comments?