New Vehicles (please post your own)

By Santiago, in Only War House Rules

Post your homemade vehicles here!!!

Ground Vehicle
Another old pattern from ages long gone. The Scylla is an armoured light artillery vehicle which for the better part resembles some kind of Chimera/flatbed truck hybrid. It carries no turret but on the back of the vehicle the infamous Avalanche is mounted.

Type: Tracked Vehicle Tactical Speed: 15m
Cruising Speed: 70kph Manoeuvrability: +0
Structural Integrity: 30 Size: Enormous
Armour: Front 30, Side 22, Rear 16
Vehicle Traits:
Carry Capacity: Enclosed, Rugged, Tracked Vehicle
Crew: 1 Commander, 1 Driver, 2 Gunners (Hull Weapon, Avalanche)
Carrying Capacity: None

Hull Mounted Heavy Stubber (100m; –/–/8; 1d10+4 I; Pen 3; Clip 80; Reload 2 Full)
Pintle Mounted Heavy Stubber (100m; –/–/8; 1d10+4 I; Pen 3; Clip 80; Reload 2 Full)

Turret Mounted Avalanche Launcher (1500m; -/-/8; 2d10+2 X; Pen 2; Clip 32; Reload Special; Blast (5), Indirect (5))*
* Takes 2 Full Actions to reload 1 Tube

Avalanche Bombardment Launcher

Vehicle Launch
This highly inaccurate and unpredictable weapon is used to launch a barrage of frag missiles at entrenched positions. These 32 missile tubes are arranged eight wide and stacked four high. Their inaccurate nature allows for a bigger spread. Alternate loads for the Avalanche include the Scatter Missile and the Incineration Missile (1d0+5 E, Pen 6, Blast (5), Flame). It takes two full action per missile to reload this mighty beast.

Accatran "Panther" Combat Bike

Type: Wheeled Vehicle Tactical Speed: 20m
Cruising Speed: 120kph Manoeuvrability: +15
Structural Integrity: 15 Size: Hulking
Armour: Front 14, Side 12, Rear 12
Vehicle Traits: Bike, Enhanced Motive System, Open-Topped, Reliable
Carry Capacity: None
Crew: 1 Rider

Special Rules:
The Accatran Combat Bike does not suffer the penalties wheeled vehicles get when traversing difficult but instead, like tracked vehicles gains a +10 Bonus

Like its larger brother the Tauros the Accatran Combat Bike uses an silent-running, long-range, electric engine in combination with a special galvanic engine. The Panther is very manoeuvrable en can traverse urban environments as well as rural environments. The only downside is its lack of armour and that they are easily damaged when confronted with direct fire.

Kestral III Chimera Armour Transport:
This variant of the Chimera is unique to Kestral. Since Kestral has hardly no rural areas tracked vehicles are less useful so a wheeled variant based on an older STC was introduced.
Type: Wheeled Tactical Speed: 18m
Cruising Speed: 75kph Manoeuvrability: +5
Structural Integrity: 35 Size: Massive
Armour: Front 30, Side 22, Rear 16
Vehicle Traits: Amphibious, Enclosed, Rugged, Wheeled Vehicle
Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 1 Gunner (Hull Weapon)
Carrying Capacity: 12 Imperial Guardsman plus gear


Turret-mounted Autocannon (300m, S/3/-, 3d10+8 I, Pen 6, Clip 40, Rld 2 Full, Reliable)
Turret-mounted Rotary Cannon (200m, -/-/10, 1d10+4 I, Pen 3 Clip 600, Rld 2 Full, Razor Sharp, Storm, Tearing)
Hull-mounted Heavy Bolter (150m, -/-/6, 1d10+8 X, Pen 5, Clip 60, Rld Full, Tearing)
Pintle-mounted Heavy Stubber (100m, -/-/8, 1d10+4 I, Pen 3, Clip 80, Rld 2 Full)

Kestral X RRV:
Rapid Response Vehicles play a special role in the Kestral armed forces. They are used as patrol vehicles and first response vehicles by special teams such as Storm Troopers and Field Medics. The RRV is an oversized four wheeled lightly armoured road car.
Type: Wheeled Tactical Speed: 20m
Cruising Speed: 85kph Manoeuvrability: +10
Structural Integrity: 25 Size: Enormous
Armour: Front 20, Side 16, Rear 16
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Rugged, Wheeled Vehicle
Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Gunner (Pintle-mounted Weapon)
Carrying Capacity: 5 Imperial Guardsman plus gear


Pintle-mounted weapon (Choose one of the following).
Heavy Stubber (100m, -/-/8, 1d10+4 I, Pen 3, Clip 80, Rld 2 Full)

Missile Launcher (300m, S/-/-, *, Pen *, Clip 1, Rld Full)
Automatic Grenade Launcher (80m, S/2/4, *, Pen *, Clip 20, Rld 2 Full)

The Pintle-mounted weapons sometimes have a Gun Shield (See page 121 HotE).
A Medi-back variant was introduced to transport injured soldiers quickly to a field hospital, these models sacrifice the Pintle-mounted weapon for the capability to hold two stretchers and an Advanced Medi-kit. These models have their carrying capacity lowered to 2.

Civilian Road Car:
The Road Car is a vehicle used by those who can afford one. They can comfortably get you from point A to point B.
Type: Wheeled Tactical Speed: 18m
Cruising Speed: 75kph Manoeuvrability: +10
Structural Integrity: 16 Size: Enormous
Armour: Front 13, Side 10, Rear 10
Vehicle Traits: Open Topped, Wheeled Vehicle
Crew: 1 Driver
Carrying Capacity: 4 passengers

Some are modified as technicals, they sacrifice 2 passengers for a gunner and a mounted weapon.

Small Industrial Flatbed Truck:
These commercial vehicles are used to transport loads throughout the city. Insurgents have been known to add some extra armour and mount on or two machine guns on top of them.
Type: Wheeled Tactical Speed: 15m
Cruising Speed: 65kph Manoeuvrability: +0
Structural Integrity: 26 Size: Enormous
Armour: Front 18, Side 12, Rear 12
Vehicle Traits: Open Topped, Rugged, Wheeled Vehicle
Crew: 1 Driver
Carrying Capacity: 2 passengers and 5 metric tons of cargo

Oh oh, Did I read "New vehicles"? :lol:

Macharius Heavy Tank

The Macharius is an example of whAt are referred to as "second generation" Baneblade. The demand for super-heavy tanks far outstrips supply and many lesser Forge Worlds petition the Adepts of Mars for the right to construct these fell machines

Type: Tracked Vehicle Tactical Speed: 12 m
Cruising Speed: 26 kph Manoeuvrability: -20
Structural Integrity: 76 Size: Immense
Armour: Front 42, Side 32, Rear 27
Vehicle Traits: Ponderous, Reinforced Armour, Super Heavy, Tracked Vehicle
Crew: one commander, one main gunner (turret), two loaders (turret), one driver,
one comms operator (twin linked heavy stubber), two sponson gunners
Carrying Capacities: none
Weapons: Turret-mounted twin linked battle cannon (750m, S/2/-; 3d10+10 X, Pen 5, Reload 3full, Blast[10], Concussive [3], Twin-Linked)
Hull mounted twin linked Heavy stubber (100m, -/-/16; 1d10+4 I, Pen 3; Clip 160, reload 3full, Twin-Linked)
Sponson mounted (choose one of the following)
- Heavy Bolter (front facing; 150m; -/-/6; 1d10+8 X; Pen 5; Clip 60; Reload Full; Tearing)
- Heavy Flamer (Front Facing; 30m; S/-/-; 1d10+5 E; Pen 4; Clip 20; Reload 2full; Flame, Spray)
- Heavy stubber (100m, -/-/8; 1d10+4 I, Pen 3; Clip 80, reload 2full)
Options: The Macharius may ta ke one Pintle-mounted weapon atop the turret, between:
- Heavy stubber (100m, -/-/8; 1d10+4 I, Pen 3; Clip 80, reload 2full)
- Storm Bolter (90m; S/2/4; 1d10+5 X; Pen 4; Clip 60; Reload Full; Storm
Special Rules: The Macharius tank can be equipped with an additional hunter-killer missile
Macharius Vanquisher
While rarer and harder to manufacture than battle cannons, they are capable of using special anti-tank shells in addition to normal munitions. Fired at very high velocities, the anti-tank shells can penetrate even the thickest of armour, turning this variant into a potent tank hunter.
Type: Tracked Vehicle Tactical Speed: 12 m
Cruising Speed: 26 kph Manoeuvrability: -20
Structural Integrity: 76 Size: Immense
Armour: Front 42, Side 32, Rear 27
Vehicle Traits: Ponderous, Reinforced Armour, Super Heavy, Tracked Vehicle
Crew: one commander, one main gunner (turret), two loader (main gun), one driver,
one comms operator (twin linked heavy stubber), two sponson gunners
Carrying Capacities: none
Weapons: Turret-mounted twin linked Vanquisher cannon (900m, S/2/-; 3d10+10 X, Pen 17, Clip 20; Reload 3full, Accurate, Twin-Linked)
Hull mounted twin linked Heavy stubber (100m, -/-/16; 1d10+4 I, Pen 3; Clip 160, reload 3full, Twin-Linked)
Sponson mounted (choose one of the following)
- Heavy Bolter (front facing; 150m; -/-/6; 1d10+8 X; Pen 5; Clip 60; Reload Full; Tearing)
- Heavy Flamer (Front Facing; 30m; S/-/-; 1d10+5 E; Pen 4; Clip 20; Reload 2full; Flame, Spray)
- Heavy stubber (100m, -/-/8; 1d10+4 I, Pen 3; Clip 80, reload 2full)
Options: The Macharius may take one Pintle-mounted weapon atop the turret, between:
- Heavy stubber (100m, -/-/8; 1d10+4 I, Pen 3; Clip 80, reload 2full)
- Storm Bolter (90m; S/2/4; 1d10+5 X; Pen 4; Clip 60; Reload Full; Storm
Macharius Vulcan:
Firing thousands of rounds per minute, the Vulcan is a highly-effective anti-infantry platform, able to sweep clear trench systems and suppress enemy heavy weapons teams. Since the mega-bolter is fed by a high-speed autoloader, the Macharius 'Vulcan' requires only a crew of six, using the space previously taken up by the two loaders for more ammunition.
Type: Tracked Vehicle Tactical Speed: 12 m
Cruising Speed: 26 kph Manoeuvrability: -20
Structural Integrity: 76 Size: Immense
Armour: Front 42, Side 32, Rear 27
Vehicle Traits: Ponderous, Reinforced Armour, Super Heavy, Tracked Vehicle
Crew: one commander, one main gunner (turret),one driver,
one comms operator (twin linked heavy stubber), two sponson gunners
Carrying Capacities: none
Weapons: Turret-mounted Vulcan Mega Bolter (500m; –/–/20; 3d10+5 X; Pen 6;
Clip 5,000; Storm, Tearing, More Power!†)
Hull mounted twin linked Heavy stubber (100m, -/-/16; 1d10+4 I, Pen 3;
Clip 160, reload 3full, Twin-Linked)
Sponson mounted (choose one of the following)
- Heavy Bolter (front facing; 150m; -/-/6; 1d10+8 X; Pen 5; Clip 60;
Reload Full; Tearing)
- Heavy Flamer (Front Facing; 30m; S/-/-; 1d10+5 E; Pen 4; Clip 20; Reload
2full; Flame, Spray)
- Heavy stubber (100m, -/-/8; 1d10+4 I, Pen 3; Clip 80, reload 2full)
Options: The Macharius may take one Pintle-mounted weapon atop the turret, between:
- Heavy stubber (100m, -/-/8; 1d10+4 I, Pen 3; Clip 80, reload 2full)
- Storm Bolter (90m; S/2/4; 1d10+5 X; Pen 4; Clip 60; Reload Full; Storm
Special Rules:
More Power!†: By diverting power from its advancedengines, the Macharius
can overtax its Vulcan mega-bolter,temporarily increasing its rate
of fire. During a Turn which the Stormlord does not move, the driver
may expend a Full Action to redirect power, requiring an Ordinary (+10)
Tech-Use Test. If he succeeds, for one Round the Vulcan mega-bolter
inflicts an additional two hits for every Degree of Success (so,
including its Storm Quality every Degree of Success inflicts a total
of four hits.)
Crassus Armored Transport
The Crassus is an immense super-heavy armored trasnport, named after one of Lord Solar Macharius greatest general, Borgen Crassus. Even if classified as a super-heavy, the crassus still retails a good cruise speed for its size
Type: Tracked Vehicle Tactical Speed: 15 m
Cruising Speed: 50 kph Manoeuvrability: -5
Structural Integrity: 76 Size: Immense
Armour: Front 42, Side 32, Rear 25
Vehicle Traits: Command and Control; Enclosed; Enhanced Motive Systems; OverDrive†
Ponderous; Reinforced Armour; Super-Heavy
Crew: One Commander; One Driver; Two Forward Gunners, Two Sponson Gunners,
One comms Operator.
Carrying capacities: 35 men in full equipment; or 2 remote operated Cyclops; or
equivalent cargo
Weapons: A Crassus have 4 weapon mounts: 2x front mounts with front/right and front/left facing, and 2x Sponson Weapon mounts with front/right and front/left facing. Choose any combination between the following:
- Heavy Bolter: (150m; -/-/6; 1d10+8 X; Pen 5; Clip 60; Reload Full; Tearing)
- Heavy Flamer: (30m; S/-/-; 1d10+5 E; Pen 4; Clip 20; Reload 2full; Flame, Spray)
- Lascannon: (300m; S/-/-; 5d10+10 E; Pen 10; clip 30; Reload 2full; Proven [3]
- Autocannon: (300m; S/3/-; 3d10+8 I; Pen 6; Clip 40; Reload 2full; Reliable)
Options: A crassus can change its sponson weapons for additional armour: the Crassus
looses its weapons but gains +5 Armour point on sides.
The Crassus can take one Pintle-mounted weapon between:
- Heavy stubber (100m, -/-/8; 1d10+4 I, Pen 3; Clip 80, reload 2full)
- Storm Bolter (90m; S/2/4; 1d10+5 X; Pen 4; Clip 60; Reload Full;
Storm Tearing)
Special Rules: The Crassus Transport can be equipped with an additional hunter-
killer missile and/or a DozerBlade.
OverDrive†: The Crassus possesses an unusually powerful drive
system for a vehicle of its size. Its speed can match more lighter
vehicle like Chimera, letting this huge Armored Transport to cross
enemy battlefield to release his cargo. When Performing a Floor it!
action the driver moves the vehicles 7 metres more for every degree
of success instead of the typical 5m.
Edit: ok, not exactly new vehicles indeed, but still useful I hope!

Here is one more. A fast and agile tank perfect for two pc's and their comrades.

Fury Tank:

The Fury, like many of the other vehicles of the Imperial Guard, is based on the Chimera platform. Its turret is larger, wider and slightly further to the back of the vehicle. Because it doesn't have transport troops it has space for a larger engine which makes it faster and more manoeuvrable allowing it to out flank heavier vehicles. It function in the theatre of war is to harass the enemy supply line and to take out heavy infantry, light vehicles and armour. It's usually deployed in packs of five.

Type: Tracked Vehicle Tactical Speed: 18m
Cruising Speed: 85kph Manoeuvrability: +10
Structural Integrity: 40 Size: Enormous
Armour: Front 32, Side 24, Rear 18
Vehicle Traits:
Carry Capacity: Amphibious, Enclosed, Rugged, Tracked Vehicle
Crew: 1 Commander, 1 Driver, Gunner (Hull Weapon/Loading), Gunner (Turret)
Carrying Capacity: None

Hull Mounted Heavy Bolter (Front facing; 100m; –/–/6; 1d10+8 X; Pen 5; Clip 60; Reload Full, Tearing)
Pintle Mounted Heavy Stubber (100m; –/–/8; 1d10+4 I; Pen 3; Clip 80; Reload 2 Full)

Turret-mounted Long Barrelled Autocannon (450m; S/3/-; 3d10+8 I; Pen 6; Clip 40; 2 Full; Gyro Stabilised, Reliable)

Special Rules:
Due to the special construction of the turret and a combination of the Fury's unique Machine Spirit and sights its main gun gains the Gyro Stabilised special quality. The penalty for shooting the main weapon while moving is reduced to zero for shooting after moving its tactical speed and to -10 if it has moved twice its tactical speed.

Gyro Stabilised:
A Gyro-Stabilised weapon never counts its target as being farther than Long Range (normal maximum range still applies).


The need for rapid deployment of heavy artillery is often of paramount importance to Humanities Armed forces. Many of humanities enemies are smaller in number but use their greater manoeuvrability to attack the weakest defences before they can bring their artillery to bear. Static artillery defences are often left perilously thin, reserve troops can and are thrown into the defences but often without additional artillery support this is futile or incredibly costly. It is from this background that the Basilisk and self-propelled artillery like it has become one of the most common vehicles in the Imperial Guard arsenal. But dedicated vehicles like this are often in short supply, many a world has relied on the simple conversion that is the Demigriff. A chimera or Basilisk chassis with a battle cannon, or similar light artillery piece mounted in sub-structure the back. Even when heavier artillery, such as Earthshaker cannons are available it is not possible to mount such heavy weapons outside of the Manufactorium. Although they are often seen as a stop gap measure the sometimes continue to be created and employed long after the supply shortages ceased. Many regiments find it easier to maintain, that it has a longer operational range, more able to keep up with a Chimera and a number of other logistical benefits.

Type : Tracked Vehicle Tactical Speed : 15 m

Cruising speed : 65 kph Manoeuvrability : +0

Structural Integrity : 40 Size : Massive

Armour : Front 30, Side 22, Rear 16

Vehicle Traits : Amphibious, Open-Topped, Tracked Vehicle, Rugged

Crew: 1 Commander (Main Gun), 1 Driver, 1 Gunner (Hull Weapon), 1 Loader (Main Gun)

Carrying Capacity : None


Fixed Battle Cannon (750m; S/-/-; 3d10+10 X; Pen 8; Clip 12; Reload 3 Full; Blast [10], Concussive [3], Reliable)

Hull Mounted weapon (choose one of the following):

· Heavy Bolter (Front Facing; 150m; -/-/6; 1d10+8 X; Pen 5; Clip 60; Reload Full; Tearing)

· Heavy Flamer (Front Facing; 30m; S/-/-; 1d10+5 E; Pen 4; Clip 20; Reload 2 Full; Flame, Spray)


The Demigriff may take one Pintle-Mounted weapon at the front of the vehicle (choose one of the following):

· Heavy Stubber (100m; -/-/8; 1d10+4 I; Pen 3; Clip 80; Reload 2 Full)

· Storm Bolter (90m; S/2/4; 1d10+5 X; Pen 4; Clip 60; Reload Full; Storm, Tearing)

There is a great variety to the Demigriffs in use even across the Spinward front. Some have a fully enclosed cabin, some even upgraded in the field by resourceful tech priests. For these vehicles replace the Open-Topped trait with Enclosed and reduce the Cruising speed to 60 kph.


Demigriff Vanquisher Tank Destroyer

Some Demigriff's mount an the mighty Vanquisher cannon (often torn from a destroyed Leman Russ or redundant emplacement) to be used as a very dangerous tank hunter. Lacking anything like the sort of armour of a battle tank makes this a dangerous business and ambushing their prey from long distance or concealed positions is their only hope of survival against organised opponents. Unsurprisingly these variants are often referred to as Demigriff tank destroyers or Demigriff Tank Hunters.

Type : Tracked Vehicle Tactical Speed : 15 m

Cruising speed : 65 kph Manoeuvrability : +0

Structural Integrity : 40 Size : Massive

Armour : Front 30, Side 22, Rear 16

Vehicle Traits : Amphibious, Open-Topped, Tracked Vehicle, Rugged

Crew: 1 Commander (Main Gun), 1 Driver, 1 Gunner (Hull Weapon), 1 Loader (Main Gun)

Carrying Capacity : None


Fixed Vanquisher Cannon (900m; S/-/-; 3d10+5 X; Pen 16; Clip 6; Reload 2 Full; Accurate)

Hull Mounted weapon (choose one of the following):

· Heavy Bolter (Front Facing; 150m; -/-/6; 1d10+8 X; Pen 5; Clip 60; Reload Full; Tearing)

· Heavy Flamer (Front Facing; 30m; S/-/-; 1d10+5 E; Pen 4; Clip 20; Reload 2 Full; Flame, Spray)


The Demigriff Vanquisher may take one Pintle-Mounted weapon at the front of the vehicle (choose one of the following):

· Heavy Stubber (100m; -/-/8; 1d10+4 I; Pen 3; Clip 80; Reload 2 Full)

· Storm Bolter (90m; S/2/4; 1d10+5 X; Pen 4; Clip 60; Reload Full; Storm, Tearing)

There is a great variety to the Demigriffs in use even across the Spinward front. Some have a fully enclosed cabin, some even upgraded in the field by resourceful tech priests. For these vehicles replace the Open-Topped trait with Enclosed and reduce the Cruising speed to 60 kph.

Demigriff Annihilator Tank Destroyer

Some Demigriff's mount Twin-linked Lascannon to be used as a tank hunter. Unsurprisingly these variants are often referred to as Demigriff tank destroyers or Demigriff Tank Hunters. They lack the protection to go toe to toe with any main battle tanks and don’t have the weapon range to destroy a tank before it can get in range so must ambush the enemy or out-number the enemy. Fortunately the Lascannons and chimera chassis are relatively common and they are often produced in response to immediate threats.

Type : Tracked Vehicle Tactical Speed : 15 m

Cruising speed : 70 kph Manoeuvrability : +0

Structural Integrity : 40 Size : Massive

Armour : Front 30, Side 22, Rear 16

Vehicle Traits : Amphibious, Open-Topped, Tracked Vehicle, Rugged

Crew: 1 Commander (Main Gun), 1 Driver, 1 Gunner (Hull Weapon), 1 Loader (Main Gun)

Carrying Capacity : None


Fixed Twin-linked Lascannon (300m; S/-/-; 5d10+10 E; Pen 10; Clip 30; Reload 2 Full; Proven [3], Twin-Linked)

Hull Mounted weapon (choose one of the following):

· Heavy Bolter (Front Facing; 150m; -/-/6; 1d10+8 X; Pen 5; Clip 60; Reload Full; Tearing)

· Heavy Flamer (Front Facing; 30m; S/-/-; 1d10+5 E; Pen 4; Clip 20; Reload 2 Full; Flame, Spray)


The Demigriff Annihilator may take one Pintle-Mounted weapon at the front of the vehicle (choose one of the following):

· Heavy Stubber (100m; -/-/8; 1d10+4 I; Pen 3; Clip 80; Reload 2 Full)

· Storm Bolter (90m; S/2/4; 1d10+5 X; Pen 4; Clip 60; Reload Full; Storm, Tearing)

There is a great variety to the Demigriffs in use even across the Spinward front. Some have a fully enclosed cabin, some even upgraded in the field by resourceful tech priests. For these vehicles replace the Open-Topped trait with Enclosed and reduce the Cruising speed to 65 kph.

Where the GM deems that these are available the Demigriff and Demigriff Annihilator could be available as the Standard kit instead of the Basilisk for Arillery Regiments (HotE p40).

Edited by Face Eater

Hippogriff Self Propelled Gun

The Hippogriff is a self-propelled light artillery piece based on the ubiquitous Chimera chassis with increased armour protection and a battle cannon in an enclosed superstructure on the rear of the vehicle. It is a rare machine in the armouries of the Imperial Guard, its lack of turret, weaker armour and requirements to stop for effective firing make it a poor match for ubiquitous Leman Russ battle tank.

It's main benefit, compared to the Leman Russ is that it's simpler design is much quicker to produce, while this is often overlooked for the Guard, as the difference pales in comparison to the logistical effort of transporting the tanks light years across the galaxy, it's production has been welcome in PDF forces and on Beleaguered war worlds. PDF regiments that employ them often look on them with pride, as with some justification many of these planets governors cannot afford to create anything as expensive as a Leman Russ in anything like the numbers required. There are also those war worlds still capable of making Chimera chassis and Battle cannon where the amount of vehicles they can produce is direct concern. Some regiments of Imperial Guard, from worlds that were formerly war worlds like this, sometimes continue their production and use. Often they employ them in close concert with their Infantry, sometimes in specialist formations of a Hippogriff with a unit of mechanised infantry unit and chimera to provide close support for the gun.

Type : Tracked Vehicle Tactical Speed : 12 m

Cruising speed : 40 kph Manoeuvrability : -5

Structural Integrity : 45 Size : Massive

Armour : Front 35, Side 25, Rear 20

Vehicle Traits : Amphibious, Enclosed, Tracked Vehicle, Rugged

Crew: 1 Commander (Main Gun), 1 Driver, 1 Gunner (Hull Weapon), 1 Loader (Main Gun)

Carrying Capacity : None


Fixed Battle Cannon (750m; S/-/-; 3d10+10 X; Pen 8; Clip 12; Reload 3 Full; Blast [10], Concussive [3], Reliable)

Hull Mounted weapon (choose one of the following):

· Heavy Bolter (Front Facing; 150m; -/-/6; 1d10+8 X; Pen 5; Clip 60; Reload Full; Tearing)

· Heavy Flamer (Front Facing; 30m; S/-/-; 1d10+5 E; Pen 4; Clip 20; Reload 2 Full; Flame, Spray)


The Hippogriff may take one Pintle-Mounted weapon at the front of the vehicle (choose one of the following):

· Heavy Stubber (100m; -/-/8; 1d10+4 I; Pen 3; Clip 80; Reload 2 Full)

· Storm Bolter (90m; S/2/4; 1d10+5 X; Pen 4; Clip 60; Reload Full; Storm, Tearing)

Hippogriff Demolisher Assault Gun

Some Hippogriffs are fitted with the heavier Demolisher cannon and used in the assault gun role. It’s improved armour allowing it to roll within range to blast the enemy out of fortified positions and destroy bunkers. This often best employed tight terrain where it can move up to range with limited return fire. In such situations close infantry protection is of paramount importance to protect it from infantry ambushes to it more vulnerable flank and rear armour. Those regiments that employ this assault gun usually embed these tanks in dedicated siege infantry, mechanised infantry regiments or have dedicated mixed unit of their own.

This is a dangerous job and many Hippogriffs are upgraded. With anything that can be used as additional armour on its front facings, especially around the superstructure which is often just stacked with sandbags. In addition the street fighting or thick vegetation usually demands dozer blades or ram bars.

Type : Tracked Vehicle Tactical Speed : 10 m

Cruising speed : 35 kph Manoeuvrability : -5

Structural Integrity : 45 Size : Massive

Armour : Front 35, Side 25, Rear 20

Vehicle Traits : Amphibious, Enclosed, Tracked Vehicle, Rugged, Ponderous

Crew: 1 Commander (Main Gun), 1 Driver, 1 Gunner (Hull Weapon), 1 Loader (Main Gun)

Carrying Capacity : None


Fixed Demolisher Cannon (50m; S/-/-; 4d10+20 X; Pen 10; Clip 2; Reload Full; Blast [10], Concussive [3])

Hull Mounted weapon (choose one of the following):

· Heavy Bolter (Front Facing; 150m; -/-/6; 1d10+8 X; Pen 5; Clip 60; Reload Full; Tearing)

· Heavy Flamer (Front Facing; 30m; S/-/-; 1d10+5 E; Pen 4; Clip 20; Reload 2 Full; Flame, Spray)


The Hippogriff may take one Pintle-Mounted weapon at the front of the vehicle (choose one of the following):

· Heavy Stubber (100m; -/-/8; 1d10+4 I; Pen 3; Clip 80; Reload 2 Full)

· Storm Bolter (90m; S/2/4; 1d10+5 X; Pen 4; Clip 60; Reload Full; Storm, Tearing)

Hippogriff Annihilator Tank Destroyer

The Hippogriff chassis make a very useful tank destroyer when appropriately armed. The Hippogriff Annihilator is therefore one of the most common Hippogriff variants. While it does not enjoy the armour of a Leman-Russ or it’s turret mounted weapon which is a distinct disadvantage when attacking enemy formations, it is far easier to produce and used in defensive positions it can be a formidable opponent to attacking enemy armour.

Type : Tracked Vehicle Tactical Speed : 12 m

Cruising speed : 45 kph Manoeuvrability : -5

Structural Integrity : 45 Size : Massive

Armour : Front 35, Side 25, Rear 20

Vehicle Traits : Amphibious, Enclosed, Tracked Vehicle, Rugged

Crew: 1 Commander (Main Gun), 1 Driver, 1 Gunner (Hull Weapon), 1 Loader (Main Gun)

Carrying Capacity : None


Fixed Twin-linked Lascannon (300m; S/-/-; 5d10+10 E; Pen 10; Clip 30; Reload 2 Full; Proven [3], Twin-Linked)

Hull Mounted weapon (choose one of the following):

· Heavy Bolter (Front Facing; 150m; -/-/6; 1d10+8 X; Pen 5; Clip 60; Reload Full; Tearing)

· Heavy Flamer (Front Facing; 30m; S/-/-; 1d10+5 E; Pen 4; Clip 20; Reload 2 Full; Flame, Spray)


The Hippogriff Annihilator may take one Pintle-Mounted weapon at the front of the vehicle (choose one of the following):

· Heavy Stubber (100m; -/-/8; 1d10+4 I; Pen 3; Clip 80; Reload 2 Full)

· Storm Bolter (90m; S/2/4; 1d10+5 X; Pen 4; Clip 60; Reload Full; Storm, Tearing

Hippogriff Vanquisher Tank Destroyer

The Hippogriff chassis is capable of mounting the deadly Vanquisher cannon. When doing so it becomes one of the most efficient Tank Destroyers in the Imperial Guard armoury, albeit not the most flexible. But in the correct positions it can destroy many times it’s number of enemy tanks and there are a number of deadly Hippogriff Vanquisher Aces from a number of regiments spread throughout the Spinward Front.

Type : Tracked Vehicle Tactical Speed : 12 m

Cruising speed : 40 kph Manoeuvrability : -5

Structural Integrity : 45 Size : Massive

Armour : Front 35, Side 25, Rear 20

Vehicle Traits : Amphibious, Enclosed, Tracked Vehicle, Rugged

Crew: 1 Commander (Main Gun), 1 Driver, 1 Gunner (Hull Weapon), 1 Loader (Main Gun)

Carrying Capacity : None


Fixed Vanquisher Cannon (900m; S/-/-; 3d10+5 X; Pen 16; Clip 6; Reload 2 Full; Accurate)

Hull Mounted weapon (choose one of the following):

· Heavy Bolter (Front Facing; 150m; -/-/6; 1d10+8 X; Pen 5; Clip 60; Reload Full; Tearing)

· Heavy Flamer (Front Facing; 30m; S/-/-; 1d10+5 E; Pen 4; Clip 20; Reload 2 Full; Flame, Spray)


The Hippogriff Vanquisher may take one Pintle-Mounted weapon at the front of the vehicle (choose one of the following):

· Heavy Stubber (100m; -/-/8; 1d10+4 I; Pen 3; Clip 80; Reload 2 Full)

· Storm Bolter (90m; S/2/4; 1d10+5 X; Pen 4; Clip 60; Reload Full; Storm, Tearing)

Hellhound Variants

Dire Wolf

The Dire Wolf is based on the Hellhound flame tank but instead of the Inferno cannon it mounts a terrifying Thermite Lance. A weapon that projects a mixture of two metallic dusts that when ignited react furiously. The reaction liquefies the metal reactants, melt through armour, weld vehicle components and can cause deadly burns to infantry with radiated heat alone. The roar of the massive reaction is well known and rightly feared by the Imperium’s enemies in theatres where it operates. The weapon is effective against almost all targets but the difficulty of propelling heavy powder gives it a short range and a tendency to clog the system that makes it somewhat unreliable compared to the liquid propellants used by other Hellhound variants.

Type : Tracked Vehicle Tactical Speed : 18 m

Cruising speed : 70 kph Manoeuvrability : +10

Structural Integrity : 40 Size : Massive

Armour : Front 30, Side 28, Rear 18

Vehicle Traits : Enclosed, Tracked Vehicle, Enhanced Motive Systems, Reinforced Armour

Crew: 1 Commander (Main Gun), 1 Driver, 1 Gunner (Hull Weapon)

Carrying Capacity : None


Thermite Lance (30m; S/-/-; 3d10+10 E; Pen 8; Clip 60; Reload 2 Full; Spray, Melta, flame, concussive [2], Snare [1], unreliable)

Hull Mounted weapon (choose one of the following):

· Heavy Bolter (Front Facing; 150m; -/-/6; 1d10+8 X; Pen 5; Clip 60; Reload Full; Tearing)

· Heavy Flamer (Front Facing; 30m; S/-/-; 1d10+5 E; Pen 4; Clip 20; Reload 2 Full; Flame, Spray)

· Multi-Melta (Front Facing; 60m; S/-/-; 2d10+16 E; Pen 12; Clip 24; Reload Full; Blast [1], Melta)


The Dire Wolf may take one Pintle-Mounted weapon at the front of the vehicle (choose one of the following):

· Heavy Stubber (100m; -/-/8; 1d10+4 I; Pen 3; Clip 80; Reload 2 Full)

· Storm Bolter (90m; S/2/4; 1d10+5 X; Pen 4; Clip 60; Reload Full; Storm, Tearing)


The Barghest is a yet another version of the ubiquitous Hellhound. In the Barghest configuration the powerful Inferno cannon is replaced with the unstoppable but short ranged Hephestus Pattern Heavy Las-cutter more commonly referred to as a Barghest Las-cutter. A weapon like this this more commonly found in the Manufactoriums of the Imperium cutting armour on Imperial Navy Warships to shape than on the battlefield. When it is deployed on the Barghest it is used in an engineering the role, destroying obstacles and enemy fortifications. Woe betide any vehicles that allow the Barghest to roll up to the point blank range required to operate the weapon. The las cutter cutters vanned muzzle cuts a distinctive silhouette and the barrels in the rear of the tank are replaced with banks of batteries supporting the weapon.

Type : Tracked Vehicle Tactical Speed : 18 m

Cruising speed : 70 kph Manoeuvrability : +10

Structural Integrity : 40 Size : Massive

Armour : Front 30, Side 28, Rear 18

Vehicle Traits : Enclosed, Tracked Vehicle, Enhanced Motive Systems, Reinforced Armour

Crew: 1 Commander (Main Gun), 1 Driver, 1 Gunner (Hull Weapon)

Carrying Capacity : None


Barghest Las-cutter (3m; S/-/-; 6d10+10 E; Pen 20; Clip 60; Reload 2 Full; Felling [6])

Hull Mounted weapon (choose one of the following):

· Heavy Bolter (Front Facing; 150m; -/-/6; 1d10+8 X; Pen 5; Clip 60; Reload Full; Tearing)

· Heavy Flamer (Front Facing; 30m; S/-/-; 1d10+5 E; Pen 4; Clip 20; Reload 2 Full; Flame, Spray)

· Multi-Melta (Front Facing; 60m; S/-/-; 2d10+16 E; Pen 12; Clip 24; Reload Full; Blast [1], Melta)


The Barghest may take one Pintle-Mounted weapon at the front of the vehicle (choose one of the following):

· Heavy Stubber (100m; -/-/8; 1d10+4 I; Pen 3; Clip 80; Reload 2 Full)

· Storm Bolter (90m; S/2/4; 1d10+5 X; Pen 4; Clip 60; Reload Full; Storm, Tearing)


The Warg is a fairly distinctive variant of the Hellhound. The oversized turret has the short fat barrelled Heavy Shot-cannon known as the Warg cannon. Its conspicuous size made more so by the large recoil tubes on either side. The rear of the vehicle is less pronounced than other hellhound variants, instead of the large barrels of promethium there are magazines for the variety of ammunition used by the Warg cannon. The cannon itself is little more than a gigantic shot gun automatic shotgun. Its particular method of attack is simply to fill the air around it with shot in rapid succession. It lacks the enveloping flames of the hellhound but is not as vulnerable to harsh elements and more flexible in that it is able to fire numerous types of ammunition.

Type : Tracked Vehicle Tactical Speed : 18 m

Cruising speed : 70 kph Manoeuvrability : +10

Structural Integrity : 40 Size : Massive

Armour : Front 30, Side 28, Rear 18

Vehicle Traits : Enclosed, Tracked Vehicle, Enhanced Motive Systems, Reinforced Armour

Crew: 1 Commander (Main Gun), 1 Driver, 1 Gunner (Hull Weapon)

Carrying Capacity : None


Warg cannon (40m; -/-/6; ǂ; Pen ǂ; Clip 600*; n/a; ǂ)

*The cannon has a fire selector, the weapon is connected to two magazines, each can be loaded with different ammunition and they can be changed between with a free action.

ǂ Damage, Pen and Specials is dependent on the type of ammunition used.

Hull Mounted weapon (choose one of the following):

· Heavy Bolter (Front Facing; 150m; -/-/6; 1d10+8 X; Pen 5; Clip 60; Reload Full; Tearing)

· Heavy Flamer (Front Facing; 30m; S/-/-; 1d10+5 E; Pen 4; Clip 20; Reload 2 Full; Flame, Spray)

· Multi-Melta (Front Facing; 60m; S/-/-; 2d10+16 E; Pen 12; Clip 24; Reload Full; Blast [1], Melta)


The Warg may take one Pintle-Mounted weapon at the front of the vehicle (choose one of the following):

· Heavy Stubber (100m; -/-/8; 1d10+4 I; Pen 3; Clip 80; Reload 2 Full)

· Storm Bolter (90m; S/2/4; 1d10+5 X; Pen 4; Clip 60; Reload Full; Storm, Tearing)

Yeth Hound

The Yeth Hound version of the hellhound is armed with a massive the grenade launcher. The low pressure of the grenade launcher enables the application of the largest shell possible but means the range is severely limited. Hence it is not useful except on a platform as fast and well armoured as the Hellhound thus it usually known as the Assault Mortar. Its main problem is that because of its lack of own rarity it can be difficult to find anything other than the basic frag ammunition.

Type : Tracked Vehicle Tactical Speed : 18 m

Cruising speed : 70 kph Manoeuvrability : +10

Structural Integrity : 40 Size : Massive

Armour : Front 30, Side 28, Rear 18

Vehicle Traits : Enclosed, Tracked Vehicle, Enhanced Motive Systems, Reinforced Armour

Crew: 1 Commander (Main Gun), 1 Driver, 1 Gunner (Hull Weapon)

Carrying Capacity : None


Assault Mortar (40m; S/-/-; ǂ; ǂ; Clip 1*; Half; ǂ)

*The cannon has a fire selector, the weapon is connected to three magazines, each can be loaded with 12 rounds of different ammunition and they can be changed between with a free action.

ǂ Damage, Pen and Specials is dependent on the type of ammunition used.

Hull Mounted weapon (choose one of the following):

· Heavy Bolter (Front Facing; 150m; -/-/6; 1d10+8 X; Pen 5; Clip 60; Reload Full; Tearing)

· Heavy Flamer (Front Facing; 30m; S/-/-; 1d10+5 E; Pen 4; Clip 20; Reload 2 Full; Flame, Spray)

· Multi-Melta (Front Facing; 60m; S/-/-; 2d10+16 E; Pen 12; Clip 24; Reload Full; Blast [1], Melta)


The Yeth Hound may take one Pintle-Mounted weapon at the front of the vehicle (choose one of the following):

· Heavy Stubber (100m; -/-/8; 1d10+4 I; Pen 3; Clip 80; Reload 2 Full)

· Storm Bolter (90m; S/2/4; 1d10+5 X; Pen 4; Clip 60; Reload Full; Storm, Tearing)

Black Dog

Another variation of the ubiquitous Hellhound is that Black Dog, a tank with Inferno cannon replaced with an extremely heavy version of the exotic Webber weapon. This gives its turret the distinctive flared muzzle that the webber is known for. Despite the exotic, expensive weapon and lack of offensive power this is one of the more commonly seen of the non-standard Hellhound variants but only because it almost exclusively used by the Adeptus Arbites. Even when the Arbites aren’t concerned with casualties they are usually working in major cities and hives where building damage needs to be limited and flame weapons are out of the question. They do occasionally use the Warg but among the Arbites the Black dog is most prized.

Type : Tracked Vehicle Tactical Speed : 18 m

Cruising speed : 70 kph Manoeuvrability : +10

Structural Integrity : 40 Size : Massive

Armour : Front 30, Side 28, Rear 18

Vehicle Traits : Enclosed, Tracked Vehicle, Enhanced Motive Systems, Reinforced Armour

Crew: 1 Commander (Main Gun), 1 Driver, 1 Gunner (Hull Weapon)

Carrying Capacity : None


Web cannon (40m; S/-/-; Dam None; Pen 0; Clip 50; N/A; Spray, Snare [4])

Hull Mounted weapon (choose one of the following):

· Heavy Bolter (Front Facing; 150m; -/-/6; 1d10+8 X; Pen 5; Clip 60; Reload Full; Tearing)

· Heavy Flamer (Front Facing; 30m; S/-/-; 1d10+5 E; Pen 4; Clip 20; Reload 2 Full; Flame, Spray)

· Multi-Melta (Front Facing; 60m; S/-/-; 2d10+16 E; Pen 12; Clip 24; Reload Full; Blast [1], Melta)


The Black Dog may take one Pintle-Mounted weapon at the front of the vehicle (choose one of the following):

· Heavy Stubber (100m; -/-/8; 1d10+4 I; Pen 3; Clip 80; Reload 2 Full)

· Storm Bolter (90m; S/2/4; 1d10+5 X; Pen 4; Clip 60; Reload Full; Storm, Tearing)


This variation is very much unknown outside of the main forces of the central Adeptus Mechanicus. The technology of the powerful Graviton cannon it carries is closely protected by the Adeptus Mechanicus but the forces from the Lathe World both build and utilise this weapon. It is rarely seen but its effects are dramatic, pinning entire units to the ground, immobilising vehicles and collapsing weakened structures. The vehicle itself also contains a number of advanced features that were not included on and Hellhounds produced on hive worlds.

Type : Tracked Vehicle Tactical Speed : 18 m

Cruising speed : 70 kph Manoeuvrability : +10

Structural Integrity : 40 Size : Massive

Armour : Front 30, Side 28, Rear 18

Vehicle Traits : Enclosed, Tracked Vehicle, Enhanced Motive Systems, Reinforced Armour, Damage Control, Environmentally sealed.

Crew: 1 Commander (Main Gun), 1 Driver, 1 Gunner (Hull Weapon)

Carrying Capacity : None


Graviton Cannon (30m; S/-/-; Dam Special; Pen 0; Clip 40; N/A; Spray, special)

Hull Mounted weapon (choose one of the following):

· Heavy Bolter (Front Facing; 150m; -/-/6; 1d10+8 X; Pen 5; Clip 60; Reload Full; Tearing)

· Multi-laser (Front Facing; 150m; -/-/5; 2d10+10 E; Pen 2; Clip 100; Reload 2 Full; Reliable)

· Heavy Flamer (Front Facing; 30m; S/-/-; 1d10+5 E; Pen 4; Clip 20; Reload 2 Full; Flame, Spray)

· Multi-Melta (Front Facing; 60m; S/-/-; 2d10+16 E; Pen 12; Clip 24; Reload Full; Blast [1], Melta)


The Lycaon may take one Pintle-Mounted weapon at the front of the vehicle (choose one of the following):

· Heavy Stubber (100m; -/-/8; 1d10+4 I; Pen 3; Clip 80; Reload 2 Full)

· Storm Bolter (90m; S/2/4; 1d10+5 X; Pen 4; Clip 60; Reload Full; Storm, Tearing)

New weapons:

Thermite Lance

The thermite weapon that projects a mixture of two metallic dusts that, when ignited, react furiously. The reaction liquefies the metal reactants, melting through armour, welding vehicle components and can capable of causing serious burns to infantry with radiated heat alone. The roar of the massive reaction is both distinctive and deafening. Targets covered in this super-hot burning metal must contend with bright flash of the reaction, the deafening roar of the burning and even after it had finished reacting (with burns quickly compared to promethium) they will still be covered in liquid metal and anything they have that can be ignited is probably on fire.

The Thermite lance is fuelled by a reservoir of chemicals that take up the rear of the tank. It can only be reloaded in a dedicated facility and takes at least an hour.

Barghest Las-cutter

This immensely powerful version of the hand held las-cutter is mounted in the turret of the Barghest tank. It can cut through almost anything, either carefully to create breaches or slicing through targets as it’s tracked across it. The las cutter can cut a 30cm line through up to 2m of armoured steel per turn, or proportionally more on thinner or weaker materials but the vehicle needs to be completely stationary to do more and a destructive attack.

Recharging the Barghests las-cutter battery banks can be done at any large scale generator, such as those that feed any Manufactorium or are deployed in the larger Guard bases. But the process takes 6 hours to completely recharge an empty battery bank.

Warg cannon

The Warg cannon is best described as a heavy shot-cannon, a short barrelled smooth-bore gun that fire massive shells. The normal ammunition is shells that are tightly packed with shrapnel. The effect of such a large amount of shot and such a short barrel is shower the area in front of the weapon with shrapnel indiscriminately, somewhat like an old fashioned back powder cannon firing grape shot but with far superior coverage. While this has disadvantages against the hellhounds inferno cannon against single targets it does work in more adverse conditions and its rapid fire allows is cover wide areas with shrapnel. There a number of other shell types that give a huge amount flexibility.

The internal magazines that the Warg cannon are connected to each contain 600 rounds. Once emptied that magazine cannot be used again until reloaded from outside the vehicle using ammunition supplied from another support transport. Each need to be reloaded separately and take at 15 minutes to reload.

Assault Mortar

The Assault Mortar is a stop gap weapon, an adaption to fire the largest possible shells for a tank of the size. This compromise means it is severely limited in range but it can fire shells capable of destroying hardened fortifications and as such it mostly used as engineer vehicle but the shells of that size are more flexible than that. Frag shells capable of covering wide areas or flame shells that can douse a large area in incendiary fuel.

The mortar is connected to three different internal magazines by partially automated autoloader. Each contains 18 shells and can each contain a different type of shell. A shell from any of these three magazines can be loaded into the weapon with the standard reload action. Reloading one of the internal magazines takes at least 10 minutes and additional ammunition must be carried by a separate transport.

Web Cannon

Web weapons are known throughout the Imperium and have been for its whole history. But still they are rare, even the judges of the Adeptus Arbites deem them unnecessary, in almost all cases deadly force is more efficient. Unless there are important, innocents among the ‘perps’ or some-one is needed alive for questioning. The largest of these web weapons is the Web Cannon mounted on the black dog. It produces a Terrifying and indiscriminate flood of web can cover entire areas and dozens of people in tough webbing. It can even be used to seal entire buildings in web.

The barrels of web fluid in the back of the tanks need to be refilled at a dedicated facility and takes at least an hour.

Graviton cannon

This high tech weapon is one of the most advanced technological marvels that the Adaptus Mechanicus deploys to the battlefield. It is capable of literally adjusting the fundamental physics of the affected targets, multiplying the effects of gravity upon them and crushing below their own multiplied weight.

Targets effected by the weapon must make a very hard (-30) Strength test or be knocked down and pinned. Those on hard surfaces take 1d10 falling damage and are affected for 1d10 rounds (which can be refreshed with further applications). Damage can be adjusted for softer surfaces, or more dangerous or if the affecter person falls from a higher level.

Attempting any action while pinned requires an opposed strength test against a Strength 50 (unnatural +4). Drivers of moving vehicles must make a (-20) Operate test or crash. Pilots of flying or skimming vehicles that are affected must make this role with a (-40) penalty instead. In addition, and weak or heavily loaded structures can collapse.

The entire rear of the vehicle contains banks of batteries to power the weapon. Once fully depleted it takes 6 hours to recharge and specialist or industrial power supply.

Table 3.1: NEW WEAPONS

Name Class Range RoF Dam Pen Clip Rld Special Wt Availability

Thermite Lance Vehicle 30m S/-/- 3d10+10 E 8 40 N/A Spray, Melta, 750kg Extremely Rare

Snare [2], unreliable,

concussive[2], flame

Barghest Las-cutter Vehicle 3m S/-/- 6d10+10 E 20 80 N/A Felling [6] 600kg Very Rare

Warg cannon Vehicle 40m -/-/3 ǂ ǂ 600 N/A ǂ 700kg Very Rare

Assault Mortar Vehicle 40m S/-/- ǂ ǂ 1 Half ǂ 600kg Rare

Web cannon Vehicle 40m S/-/- None 0 50 N/A Spray, Snare [4] 600kg Extremely Rare

Graviton cannon Vehicle 30m S/-/- Special 0 40 N/A Spray, 650kg Near Unique

ǂ Damage, Pen and special depend of the ammunition used. Refer to table 3.2

Special Ammunition:

Warg cannon shells

The squat wide shells of the Warg cannon come on a number of varieties for different tasks.

Warg cannon shot shell

The most commonly used and standard ammo for the Warg Cannon. A simple shotgun like shell densely packed with irregular shrapnel.

Warg cannon nail shell

The nail shell is an adaption for tougher targets and more directed fire. The shell is filled with nearly hundred darts that are as long as the interior of the shell itself. They have mono filament tips and twisted groved rears that act to stabilise them. These projectiles flier further and straighter, peppering a small area with deadly darts. They increase the guns range by 50%, to 60 m.

Warg cannon inferno shell

The flame shell for the Warg cannon is very similar to those used in standard shotguns. The shell is filled with sticky flammable fuel that is propelled at the target by the propelling charge. The

Warg cannon Krak shell

Tbe warg cannon also has a krak shell used for attacking armour. It is very similar to the krak grenades used in grenade launchers, but of a larger scale. Unfortunately, as the Warg its self was never widely used, and the krak shells are not easy to fabricate, they are noticeably rare.

Assault mortar shells

The shells used in the Yeth Hound Assault mortar are a rare find. They are pretty much used exclusively in that weapon, which itself is not common. There are many of the standard shell types that are used in many of the normal mortars but many of the non-standard ones can be difficult to find. Where used though, they do make themselves quite popular. The rounds are comparable to artillery and on a fast vehicle it can be applied directly when the ground troops require it.

Assault mortar frag shells

The heavy frag grenades are fairly simple and packing a large enough charge to be dangerous to infantry and light buildings.

Assault mortar demolition shells

The classic high explosive round for the assault mortar that is designed to destroy fortified structres with brute, explosive force. Of course that also means it has some limited anti-tank ability.

When we attacking a building or fortification the penetration is doubled and it rolls an extra d10 damage.

Assault mortar inferno shells

These shells contain a simple payload of incendiary chemicals. The size of the shell means that it can flood a large area with burning fuel that will can devastate a defensive strongpoint.

Assault mortar Smoke shells

As mundane as it seems, the ability to lay down a heavy smoke screen is often invaluable to the advance of an army. This job is normally performed by the army’s mortars, and the Assault mortar also has this ability.

Table 3.2: Special Ammunition

Name Dam Pen Special Wt. Availability

Warg cannon shot shell 2d10+4 I 0 Spray 1 kg Common

Warg cannon nail shell 2d10+10 R 5 Scatter, Blast [3], Range 60 1 kg Rare

Warg cannon inferno shell 1d10+5 E 4 Blast [5], Flame 1 kg Very Rare

Warg cannon krak shell 3d10+6 X 7 Proven [2], Concussive [3] 1 kg Extremely rare

Assault mortar frag shells 3d10 X 2 Blast [10], Concussive [2] 20 kg Rare

Assault mortar demolition shell 3d10+6 X 8 Blast [4], Concussive [3], 20 kg Common

Proven [2]

Assault mortar inferno shells 2d10+8 E 2 Blast [8], Flame 20 kg Very Rare

Assault mortar Smoke shells - - Smoke [12]* 20 kg Common

* Unlike blind this only stops normal vision.

Just looking through the first post and I noticed the Scylla retains the "Enclosed" vehicle trait. Should this be so, since the rear of the vehicle is essentially a flat bed and the gunners back there are exposed?

First of all, nice vehicles!

But what about all those aeronautica stats I've been missing since dark heresy?

Get on it!

I love those Hellhound variants.

Will adapt the Warg for my game, although I think I will call it "BULLDOG", if it's OK with you, FaceEater...

Well, sinc e there were no news about the future of Only War Franchise, I decided to do some work: I'm actually writing down some p ossi ble vehicl es from GW franchise, adapted for Only War use. Any suggestions and/or critique is welcome.


The Macharius Omega is a relatively new addition to the Imperial arsenal, armed with a mighty Omega-pattern Plasma Blastgun. This weapon, unlike the Ryza-pattern found on Imperial Titans, is a more compact design that is easier to manufacture. While this allows it to be mounted on smaller vehicles, it is also highly unstable and more prone to overheating than its larger cousin. The comparable ease with which the Macharius 'Omega' can be manufactured and maintained has more then overcome its shortcomings in the eyes of the Departmento Munitorum, and large quantities of resources have been devoted to the forge worlds which produce them such as Lucius, Hellgrace and Dynax Primus. Subsequently, the Omega has proven its worth on the battlefield and in counter assaults against the Tyranids in particular. Another difference with other Macharius variants is the removal of the hull-mounted Heavy Stubbers, while the sponsons can still mount Heavy Bolters, Heavy Flamers or even Autocannons. It is similarly able to carry a pintle-mounted Heavy Stubber or Storm Bolter and/or a single Hunter-Killer Missile.

Type: Tracked Vehicle Tactical Speed : 12 m

Cruising Speed: 26 kph Manoeuvrability: -25

Structural Integrity: 68 Size: Immense

Armour: Front 42, Side 32, Rear 20

Vehicle Traits: Extremely Volatile; Open Topped; Ponderous, Super Heavy, Tracked Vehicle

Crew: 1 Commander (main gun), 1 technical servitor Gunner (main gun), 1 driver, 1 comms operator, 2 additional Gunners (Sponsons; if taken)

Carrying Capacities: none


Fixed weapon-mounted Omega-pattern Plasma Blastgun: this weapon has two firing modes. It may only be fired in one mode in any given turn

  • Pulsed Bolts (Front Facing; 600m; Heavy; S/3/-; 2d10+20 E; Pen 8; Clip – ; Reload – ; Blast [10], Overheat, Maximal)

  • Over Max (Front Facing; 800m; Heavy; S/-/-; 3d10+28 E; Pen 14; Clip -; Reload -; Blast [12]; Overheat, Recharge, Proven [3]; Backfire †)


The Macharius Omega may take two sponson-mounted weapons (choose one of the following):

  • 2 Autocannons (Left facing/Right facing; 300m; S/3/-; 3d10+8 I; Pen 6; Clip 40; Reload 2full; Reliable)

  • 2 Heavy Bolters (Left facing/Right facing; 150m; -/-/6; 1d10+8 X; Pen 5; Clip 60; Reload Full; Tearing)

  • 2 Heavy Flamers (Left facing/Right facing; 30m; S/-/-; 1d10+5 E; Pen 4; Clip 20; Reload 2full; Flame, Spray)

The Macharius Omega may take one Pintle-mounted weapon mounted atop the turret (choose one of the following):

  • Heavy stubber (100m, -/-/8; 1d10+4 I, Pen 3; Clip 80, reload 2full)

  • Storm Bolter (90m; S/2/4; 1d10+5 X; Pen 4; Clip 60; Reload Full; Storm, Tearing)

Special Rules

Backfire† : Despite being a lot more easy to build, the Omega-pattern Blast-gun is all but a safe weapon. The weapon lacks the stability of the superlative Ryza Pattern weapon and it generates more waste heat, raising the risk of catastrophic failure. After each time the Blastgun is fired, independently if it hit or no, roll a d100: if the results is lower than 90, nothing happens. If it's higher, then the weapon backfires: the vehicle suffers a single hit by the Blastgun, resolved on the rear armour. From now on, there's a 30% chance every time the gun is fired that it can collapse, destroying the vehicle utterly. Treat this like a 10+ Critical damage solved on the Weapon Critical Hit Chart. A a Very Hard (-30) Test is required to repair the weapon, which rises to Arduos (-40) if attempted in a combat situation.


A really specialised vehicle, the Gorgon is assigned only to carefully-selected missions where only short distances need be crossed, such as delivering troopers to a breach during a siege, and only after the enemy has been well suppressed by artillery. An entire platoon of fifty guardsmen can be crammed into the Gorgon's armoured hull and be delivered right onto the enemy's doorstep in relative safety, thanks to the heavily-armoured ramp mounted in its prow, bypassing either trenches thanks to its sheer length or rivers and other body of water thanks to its amphibious nature. However, Gorgons are also really slow, and so provide an easy target for every enemy unit: this combined with the absence of any armour on the vehicle's top and the absence of any firing port from which respond to enemy treats limits the Gorgons' use. They are never issued for routinely assigned frontline duty except for major assaults and because of their large, cumbersome size they are almost never fielded on an open battlefield.

Despite its immense size, it requires a crew of only three, a driver and two gunners, each of them manning a twin-linked Heavy Stubber turret in the rear of the vehicle. They can also remotely control the fore- and rear-facing sponson weapons, either Heavy Stubbers, Heavy Bolters, Heavy Flamers or Mortars.

Type: Tracked Vehicle Tactical Speed: 8 m

Cruising Speed: 18 kph Manoeuvrability : -35

Structural Integrity: 84 Size: Immense

Armour: Front 52, Side 34, Rear 22

Vehicle Traits: Amphibious, Open-topped, Ponderous, Reinforced Armour, Super Heavy, Tracked Vehicle

Crew: 1 Driver (Main Weapon), 2 Gunners (Turret and optional Sponsons)

Carrying Capacities: 50 imperial guardsmen plus wargear (Ogryns counts as two men, for a total of 25).


2 Turret-mounted Twin-linked Heavy Stubber (Front Right facing/Left facing; 100m, -/-/16; 1d10+4 I, Pen 3; Clip 160, reload 3full, Twin-Linked)

2 Fixed-mounted Gorgon Mortars (Front Facing; 25-200m, S/2/-; ; ;clip 2; Reload 2full; Inaccurate, Indirect [2] )


A Gorgon may replace each of its Mortars with a pair of Sponson-mounted guns: (choose one of the following):

  • 4 remote controlled Heavy Bolters (Left facing/Right facing; 150m; -/-/6; 1d10+8 X; Pen 5; Clip 60; Reload Full; Tearing)

  • 4 remote controlled Heavy Flamers (Left facing/Right facing; 30m; S/-/-; 1d10+5 E; Pen 4; Clip 20; Reload 2full; Flame, Spray)

  • 4 remote controlled Heavy stubbers (Left facing/Right facing; 100m, -/-/8; 1d10+4 I, Pen 3; Clip 80, reload 2full)

The Gorgon may take one Pintle-mounted weapon atop the driver compartment (choose one of the following):

  • Heavy stubber (100m, -/-/8; 1d10+4 I, Pen 3; Clip 80, reload 2full)

  • Storm Bolter (90m; S/2/4; 1d10+5 X; Pen 4; Clip 60; Reload Full; Storm, Tearing)

Special Rules

Due to its role and its frame, the Gorgon possesses unique special rules.

While Open-topped, passengers can't fire their weapons, nor they can be targeted by those outside, unless the attacker is firing from a very higher spot. Similarly, passengers can neither be struck by any Blast or Spray attack, unless this attack comes from the sky. Either way, it's up to the GM determining if an attacker can or not target the crew or the passengers inside the Gogon.

The Heavily-armoured prow provides a strong defence against any type of attack, be either a direct hit or hidden mines, and thus provides the same benefits from a 'Dozerblade and a Minesweeper (see pg. 132-133 of the SHIELD OF HUMANITY rulebook).

The Gorgon-mortars can be fired by the driver as a half action. These weapons can be loaded with any type of ammunition normally used for mortars but once they're fired they need to be reloaded manually. If fired in semi-auto burst, each shell scatter independently from one other.

While they counts as turret, the two twin-linked Heavy stubber have a really limited fire-arc: each turret can rotate up to a 90° degree arc, covering the Gorgon's front and sides and they cannot be used to engage enemy firing at the rear: the armour that covers the gunner is also a lot less durable, providing only 10 AP against enemy attacks, regardless of the direction: if an attack struck one of the turret and deal more than 18 point of damage after armour penetration, the gunner suffers one half of the damage inflicted, rounding up to body location: the turret counts as been destroyed, and every other attack that strike at this location counts as if he had hit the hull. Still, the gunner can use the Sponson-mounted guns, if he or she's still alive after the blow.

Optionally, the Gorgon can swap its mortars for a pair of Sponson-mounted guns. Unlike other Imperial Guard vehicles who mounts only one single gun for each sponson, the Gorgon has two weapon for each side, one facing the front and the other facing the rear. These weapons are under the gunners' control, but they must be separately activated before use. When seems appropriate, a Gunner may spend a full action to switch from the turret-mounted stubbers to the sponson guns. Once swapped, he can control just one of the two guns, the front or the rear facing one. It required another Half-action to swap from a gun to another. If an attack is coming rightly from one side of the vehicle, then the gunner can attempt a Routine (+20) Tech use test . If he succeeds, then he can fires both sponson-weapons on that target: make a single ordinary Ballistic Skill test for both weapons and roll damage for every single hits. Obviously, the targets of this attack need to be of appropriate size, and the GM has the final word on whether this action can or can't be performed depending on the situation.

Finally, the Gorgon has the highest carrying capacity of all Imperial Guard vehicles. It can carries 50 men with all their wargear, while Ogryn counts double (so up to 25 Ogryn can cramped inside), but it is also capable to carry one or more Cyclops demolition vehicle as seen on pg. 142 of the SHIELD OF HUMANITY rulebook.


The Praetor Armoured Assault Launcher is a variant of the Crassus. Where the latter was conceived to carry guardsmen on the battlefield, the first was specifically created to provide a medium-range heavy artillery support, swapping their carrying abilities to mount a Praetor missile launcher.

This weapon system is a truly fearsome piece of artillery: the loaded missiles are fitted with a number of different warheads, each one specifically design to counter specific enemy formation, from big infantry groups to enemy tanks. Using sophisticated surface-to-air missiles in place of its standard Artillery payload, the Praetor is also a more than capable anti-air platform, granting the Imperium forces cover against any enemy aircraft.

Type: Tracked Vehicle Tactical Speed: 15 m

Cruising Speed: 25 kph Manoeuvrability: -15

Structural Integrity: 76 Size: Immense

Armour: Front 42, Side 32, Rear 25

Vehicle Traits: Anti Air (Advanced), Enclosed, Ponderous, Reinforced Armour, Super-Heavy, Targeting Matrix†, Tracked Vehicle

Crew: 1 Commander, 1 Main Gunner (Main gun), 1 Driver, 2 Forward Gunners/Loaders (Hull-mounted weapons/Main gun), 1 Comms Operator/Taget-spotter (Main gun)

Carrying capacities: none


Praetor Missile Launcher on a Fixed weapon mounting (choose one of the following):

  • “Surface” (1600m; S/3/5; clip 13; Indirect [4], may fire either Foehammer or Firestorm ordnances)††

  • “Air” (960m; S/3/6; clip 22; fires Pilum anti-aircraft ordnances).††

2 Hull-mounted weapons (choose one of the following):

  • 2 Autocannons: (Front facing; 300m; S/3/-; 3d10+8 I; Pen 6; Clip 40; Reload 2full; Reliable)

  • 2 Heavy Bolters: (Front facing; 150m; -/-/6; 1d10+8 X; Pen 5; Clip 60; Reload Full; Tearing)

  • 2 Heavy Flamers: (Front facing; 30m; S/-/-; 1d10+5 E; Pen 4; Clip 20; Reload 2full; Flame, Spray)

  • 2 Lascannons: (Front facing; 300m; S/-/-; 5d10+10 E; Pen 10; clip 30; Reload 2full; Proven [3])


The Praetor can take one Pintle-mounted weapon between:

  • Heavy stubber (100m, -/-/8; 1d10+4 I, Pen 3; Clip 80, reload 2full)

  • Storm Bolter (90m; S/2/4; 1d10+5 X; Pen 4; Clip 60; Reload Full; Storm, Tearing)

Special rules

The Praetor Missile launcher is a powerful weapon system, and as such it incorporate some advanced characteristics.

Targeting Matrix† : an ancient piece of technology commonly found inside Imperial artillery pieces, the Targeting Matrix is an advanced gear that permits to reveal enemy targets easier than ever, permitting to deliver the Emperor's justice upon his enemies: manned by the Target-spotter, this gear provides bonuses to attack enemy vehicles, either ground vehicle or aircraft.

As a full action, a Guardsman can make a Difficult (-10) Tech use test : if successful, it reveals every active vehicles with size [7] or bigger inside a radius equal to 350 metres time the number of degree of success for 1d5 rounds plus degree of success gained with the Tech use test. Once the Target Matrix has spotted possible targets, the user can choose between two possible options:

  • He can grant to the gunner a +30 to his next Ballistic Skill tests when firing the main vehicle weapon.

  • It can choose up to a number of targets equal to his Ballistic Skill bonus. The Gunner make a Ballistic Skill Test with a Penalty of -10 for each target choose by the target-spotter after the first. If successful, then each one of those target are hit by the main weapon attack. This function works only if the weapon is capable of semi-auto or full-auto fire and thus it applied any other bonus or malus granted by this action.

Note that these bonuses and maluses stack together with other combat circumstances, like darkness, raining and range limits.

e.g. Marvin, a 7 th Alactrian medic with an Intelligence of 49 and Ballistic Skill 45 is using a Targeting Matrix installed in a Praetor, while Aoki, a fellow weapon specialist is controlling the launcher on the same vehicle. Marvin makes a Difficult (-10) Tech use test and rolls a 13, scoring 4 degrees of success (1 for standard success + 3), revealing all vehicles inside a 1400 metres radius (350m x 4). Marvin becomes aware about a moving enemy armoured fist made by 5 Orkz wagons, and he can now decide to either give Aoki a +30 bonus to hit one of the wagon or instead choose up to 4 of the enemy wagons and marks them for Aoki: since she has a Ballistic skill of 53, Aoki may attack one single wagon rolling under 83 , or she can roll under 43 to hit 2 wagons at the same time, 33 for 3 wagons or 23 for 4 wagons.

†† Praetor Missile LauncherAmmunition

When on the move, the Missile Launcher is retracted inside the Praetor chassis. Once it gets in the right spots, the vehicle can deploys his weapon, which requires a half action. The Praetor must be stationary to use the Missile Launcher. Refold the weapon requires another Half Action,


Praetor must choose one of the following ammunition type before engagement

Foehammer : the most common used missile, the Foehammer is a powerful warhead capable of blasting away from existence infantry and vehicles alike.

  • 4d10+10 X; Pen 10; Blast 10+1d10; Concussive (6), Wt 3500kg, Very Rare

Firestorm : sharing the same vector as the Foehammer, the Firestorm was designed to wreak havoc between enemy infantry lines, denying any enemy movement in a specific area. Once the final hit location for a Foehammer missile is determined, it creates a flaming barrage with radius equal to the Blast area: any units insides this area must pass a Hard (-20) agility test or suffers 2d10+2 E damage: furthermore, the enemies that fail the test are also set on fire. This effect last for 1d10 minutes. (1 minute= 12 full action).

  • 3d10+8 E; Pen 5; Blast 15; Concussive (2), Felling (1), Flame, Wt 3500kg, Very Rare

Pilum: Nimbler and lighter than the other vectors used by the Praetor, the Pilum is a dedicated Anti-aircraft weapon. While its damage is not equally powerful as the standard Foehammer, its adamantinum tip its capable to penetrate with ease any type of aircraft hull. The Pilum warheads cannot be fired to a ground vehicle.

  • 3d10+11 X; Pen 15; Proven (3), Wt 3000kg, Extremely Rare.

Due to the Praetor framework, is simply impossible to completely reload the missile launcher once all missiles are fired when not using a proper reloading bay. However, each Praetor can bring up to other 8 missiles of every type in the loadbay which can be loaded manually if needed. The process of reloading takes 4 full actions for each missile loaded, which cannot benefit from the “Rapid Reload” talent. However, if both Loaders are working together they can load 1 missile in 2 full actions. Anyway, if a Praetor carrying additional missiles suffers a critical hit on Weapon locations, it adds +1 to the result

I'm now working on the Malcador type tanks, hope to finish the line for the weeknd

Stalwart Armoured Truck

Type: Wheeled Vehicle

Tactical Speed: 15 m

Cruising Speed: 70 kph

Manoeuvrability: +10

Structural Integrity: 30

Size: Massive

Armour: Front 18, Side 16, Rear 16

Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Rugged

Tracked Vehicle Crew: 1-2 (driver and commander/gunner)

Carrying Capacity: 20 imperial guardsmen and equipment

Weapons: None on base model, can be equipped with a heavy stubber/grenade launcher with or without gunner shield as necessary.

This heavy armoured truck is a major part of many PDF arsenals inventory and provides a solid albeit lackluster infantry transport vehicle that can be cheaply and redily produced on their homeworlds as opposed to the chimera. Able to resist most side arms and at least resistant to light support weapons the Stalwart is best used as a armoured rear area vehicle to bring infantry to the battlefield and to work in rear area situations where having some armour is useful. Often it is seen used as a armoured security vehicle in support of security service raids where it can be modified for use as a water cannon vehicle or as a prisoner transport. The imperial guard are rarely equipped with it by choice often drawing on this vehicle when they are in need of replacemnts or when on garrison duty.

MK III Light Combat Bike
Type: Wheeled Vehicle Tactical Speed: 20m
Cruising Speed: 80kph Manoeuvrability: +11
Structural Integrity: 15 Size: Hulking
Armour: Front 16, Side 16, Rear 16
Vehicle Traits: Bike, Open-Topped, Reliable.
Carry Capacity : None.
Crew: 1 Rider.

Weapons: Twin Linked Bolters (Fixed Front facing 100m S/3/– 1d10+5 X 4 24 Full Tearing) Or
Grenade Launcher (fixed front facing 60m S/–/– [as grenade] [as grenade] 6 2 Full [as grenade])

---- ---- ----
MK IV Assault Combat Bike
Type: Wheeled Vehicle Tactical Speed: 20m
Cruising Speed: 80kph Manoeuvrability: +11
Structural Integrity: 15 Size: Hulking
Armour: Front 16, Side 16, Rear 16
Vehicle Traits: Bike, Open-Topped, Reliable.
Carry Capacity : None.
Crew: 1 Rider, 1 Gunner

Weapons: Twin Linked Bolters (Fixed Front facing 100m S/3/– 1d10+5 X 4 24 Full Tearing) Or
Grenade Launcher (fixed front facing 60m S/–/– [as grenade] [as grenade] 6 2 Full [as grenade])
Sidecar Heavy Weapon
Heavy Bolter (Left Sponson; 150m; –/–/6; 1D10+8 X; Pen 5; Clip 60; Reload Full; Tearing) Or
Multi-laser (Left Sponson; 150m; –/–/5; 2d10+10 E; Pen 2; Clip 100; Reload 2 Full; Reliable) Or
Multi-Melta (Left Sponson; 60m; S/–/–; 2d10+16 E; Pen 12; Clip 24; Reload Full; Blast (1), Melta)

Leman Russ Annihilator

Type: Tracked Vehicle Tactical Speed: 12m

Cruising Speed: 35kph Manoeuvrability: -10

Structural Integrity: 55 Size: Massive

Armour: Front 40, Side 32, Rear 20

Vehicle Traits : Enclosed, Reinforced Armor, Rugged, Tracked Vehicle

Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 1 Gunner (Turret), 1 Loader/Gunner (Turret/Hull Weapon), 2 additional gunners (Sponsons, if taken)

Carrying Capacity: None

Weapons: Turret Mounted Twin-Linked Long Barreled Las-Cannons (450m, S/-/-, 5d10+10 E, Pen 10, Clip 120, Reload NA*, Proven(3), Twin-Linked)

Hull Mounted Weapon, choose one of the following:

-Heavy Bolter (Front Facing, 150m, -/-/6, 1d10+8 X, Pen 5, Clip 60, Rld Full, Tearing)

-Las-Cannon (Front Facing, 300m, S/-/-, 5d10+10 E, Pen 10, Clip 30, Rld 2 Full, Proven(3))

-Heavy Flamer (Front Facing, 30m, S/-/-, 1d10+5 E, Pen 4, Clip 20, Rld 2 Full, Flame, Spray)

Options: The Annihilator can take two sponson mounted weapons and 1 pintle mounted weapon, and like all Leman Russ variants it may take vehicle modifications and a single Hunter-Killer Missile mounted on the turret

Sponson Mounted Weapons, choose one of the following

-2 Heavy Bolters (Left/Right Facing, 150m, -/-/6, 1d10+8 X, Pen 5, Clip 60, Rld Full, Tearing)

-2 Heavy Flamers (Left/Right Facing, 30m, S/-/-, 1d10+5 E, Pen 4, Clip 20, Rld 2 Full, Flame, Spray)

-2 Plasma Cannons (Left/Right Facing, 120m, S/-/-, 2d10+10 E, Pen 8, Clip 32, Rld 5 Full, Blast(1), Maximal, Overheat)

Pintle Mounted Weapon, take one of the following:

-Heavy Stubber (100m, -/-/8, 1d10+4 I, Pen 3, Clip 80, Rld 2 Full)

-Storm Bolter (90m, S/2/4, 1d10+5 X, Pen 4, Clip 60, Rld Full, Storm, Tearing)

*The Annihilator's primary weapon, the Twin Linked Long Barreled Las-Cannons, draw power from a battery bank located inside of the vehicle. This battery provides for 60 total discharges of both weapons, or 120 individual Las-Cannon shots. The battery bank can be fully recharged if the vehicle's engine is shifted into a special charging gear for 4 hours and left to run, or it can be charged by any high-voltage source of electricity, such as a connection to a power grid or a Mechanicus battery-chimera. The cannons can take individual heavy weapon charge cells if the main battery is drained, and many Annihilator crews keep a couple of extra cells in the turret's exterior stowage rack.

Note: A battery Chimera is the same as a standard Chimera in every way, except it cannot carry soldiers as it instead holds a massive battery capable of fully recharging 4 Annihilator Leman Russ or powering other stuff; like about 10,000 las rifle chargepacks. Note that the Ad-Mech only trusts these specialist Chimeras to tech priests and their apprentices, Imperial Guardsmen don't get to drive them.

Edited by TheOGBluejay

Chimerro (Chimera Variant)

Type: Tracked Vehicle Tactical Speed: 15m

Cruising Speed: 70kph Manoeuvrability: +0

Structural Integrity: 35 Size: Massive

Armour: Front 30, Side 22, Rear 16

Vehicle Traits: Amphibious, Enclosed, Rugged, Tracked Vehicle, Explosive Payload*, Enhanced Optics*

Crew: 1 Commander (turret), 1 Driver, 1 Gunner (hull weapon)

Carrying Capacity: 2 Soldiers plus wargear

Weapons: Turret mounted Hunter-Killer Missile Launcher (350m, S/2/-, 3d10+6 X, Pen 6, Clip 12, Rld 12 Full, Reliable)

Hull Mounted Weapon, choose one of the following:

-Heavy Bolter ( Front Facing, 150m, -/-/6, 1d10+8 X, Pen 5, Clip 60, Rld Full, Tearing)

- Heavy Flamer (Front Facing, 30m, S/-/-, 1d10+5 E, Pen 4, Clip 20, Rld 2 Full, Flame, Spray)

*The Chimerro cannot take a pintle mounted weapon due to the design of the turret

A rare variant of the Chimera Armoured Transport, the Chimerro was developed as a missile based tank destroyer, capable of loosing a volley of devastating anti-armour missiles and then quickly relocating. This vehicle can give certain softer units, such as Reconnaissance regiments and Line Infantry regiments much needed firepower. Most of the space inside the vehicle is taken up by stowage for a load of 12 extra missiles, leaving room for only 2 guardsman; these seats are often given to a sniper/recon team who can pick off exposed enemy tank officers during an ambush. The turret's cannon is removed and replaced with an advanced suite of optics, ideal for sighting in on enemy armoured vehicles and directing the missiles to their target; the top and sides of the turret are taken up by 12 rectangular boxes, each containing a hunter killer missile. These boxes can be reloaded from within the vehicle by opening the top hatch on the stowage compartment and inserting a fresh missile from behind, at the cost of 1 full action per missile. The rear stowage area contains 12 extra hunter killer missiles in stowage racks, rendering it quite vulnerable to ammo explosions if it is struck before it can expend its extra missiles.

Explosive Payload: Whenever the Chimerro takes a critical hit to its hull location, the GM must roll a 1d10 and add half the remaining number of missiles in the stowage racks to the result. If this number is greater than 8, all of the remaining missiles detonate using the profile of a demolition charge, adding an additional "charge" to the effects for each missile beyond the first (this ignores the armour of course, as it is inside the vehicle after all! Poor crewmen :( ). Better not get hit!

Enhanced Optics: The advanced optics mounted in place of the gun in the Chimerro's turret give the crew a significant leg up when laying ambushes on the enemy. The commander may opt to use the Enhanced Optics to assist an awareness test, giving him a +30 on the test. The Enhanced Optics also have the same effects as Presysense Goggles at night, giving the commander a +20 to nighttime perception tests, as well as ignoring the effects of darkness.

Centaur Mortar Carrier

Type: Tracked Vehicle Tactical Speed: 20m

Cruising Speed: 110kph Manoeuvrability: +10

Structural Integrity: 25 Size: Enormous

Armour: Front 25, Side 16, Rear 12

Vehicle Traits: Enhanced Motive Systems, Open-Topped, Rugged, Tracked Vehicle

Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Commander (pintle weapon), 2 Gunners/Loaders (mortar)

Carrying Capacity: none

Weapons: Mortar (Front Facing, 50-300m, S/-/-, *, *, Clip 1, Rld Full, Indirect(2)*) OR Accatran Automatic Mortar (25-200m, S/-/5, *, *, Clip 5, Rld 4 Full, Inaccurate, Indirect*)

Pintle Heavy Stubber (Pintle Mount, 100m, -/-/8, 1d10+4 I, Pen 3, Clip 80, Rld 2 Full)

A simple and common variant of the ubiquitous Centaur Artillery Tractor, the Centaur Mortar Carrier is simply a centaur with either a standard mortar or the Accatran variant mounted into a bracket allowing it to fire towards the front of the vehicle. This removes some of the innacuracy of the standard mortar, but it cannot help with the inaccuracy of the Accatran. To carry the mortar, as well as 80 rounds of ammunition, the vehicle sacrifices all troop carrying capacity as well as the ability to tow artillery. It is also impossible to mount a weapon in the frontal firing port, as this area is occupied by ammo stowage. Often seen on jungle worlds or in built up areas, the Centaur Mortar Carrier is much loved by infantry for its ability to provide effective covering and suppressing fire for advances, especially in urban terrain. With its limited frontal armour, it is also capable of providing some fire support with its Heavy Stubber, but this is not usually a good decision; the armour, even on the front, is easily penetrated by any antitank weapon used by the Imperium's enemies.

Samaritan (Chimera Variant)

Type: Tracked Vehicle Tactical Speed: 17m

Cruising Speed: 80kph Manoeuvrability: +5

Structural Integrity: 35 Size: Massive

Armour: Front 26, Side 18, Rear 12

Vehicle Traits: Amphibious, Enclosed, Rugged, Tracked Vehicle, Medical Suite*

Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Commander, 2 Medics

Carrying Capacity: 6 Guardsmen on stretchers

Weapons: The Samaritan carries no weapons

The Samaritan is an oft overlooked vehicle in Imperial propaganda, but seeing one on the field can put more stiffness in a Guardsman's spine than any number of motivational films or speeches. Painted white with a Red Aquila on the sides of the vehicle, these vehicles dash back and forth from the frontlines to field hospitals, ferrying the most critically wounded soldiers to the Medicae personnel who can get them back into fighting shape as soon as possible. To increase the speed of the vehicle, some armour has been shaved off of the hull; to give the enemy less of an incentive to fire upon it and to free up space for medical supplies, it carries no weapons. They are often paired with a squad of mechanized infantry in a Chimera for protection, though commanders prefer to keep them away from the heaviest fighting. The commander of these vehicles is often an experienced field surgeon or Sister Hospitaller, assisting and directing the two medics in keeping their charges alive.

Medical Suite : The Samaritan carries a full load of medical equipment in place of ammunition, giving the onboard medical personnel a significant edge over their field medic counterparts. Medicae tests made to stop bleeding, cure toxins, and administer first aid all receive a +20 bonus; this bonus stacks with specialist equipment such as sutures, detox, and advanced medkits.

Samaritan (Chimera Variant)

Type: Tracked Vehicle Tactical Speed: 17m

Cruising Speed: 80kph Manoeuvrability: +5

Structural Integrity: 35 Size: Massive

Armour: Front 26, Side 18, Rear 12

Vehicle Traits: Amphibious, Enclosed, Rugged, Tracked Vehicle, Medical Suite*

Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Commander, 2 Medics

Carrying Capacity: 6 Guardsmen on stretchers

Weapons: The Samaritan carries no weapons

The Samaritan is an oft overlooked vehicle in Imperial propaganda, but seeing one on the field can put more stiffness in a Guardsman's spine than any number of motivational films or speeches. Painted white with a Red Aquila on the sides of the vehicle, these vehicles dash back and forth from the frontlines to field hospitals, ferrying the most critically wounded soldiers to the Medicae personnel who can get them back into fighting shape as soon as possible. To increase the speed of the vehicle, some armour has been shaved off of the hull; to give the enemy less of an incentive to fire upon it and to free up space for medical supplies, it carries no weapons. They are often paired with a squad of mechanized infantry in a Chimera for protection, though commanders prefer to keep them away from the heaviest fighting. The commander of these vehicles is often an experienced field surgeon or Sister Hospitaller, assisting and directing the two medics in keeping their charges alive.

Medical Suite : The Samaritan carries a full load of medical equipment in place of ammunition, giving the onboard medical personnel a significant edge over their field medic counterparts. Medicae tests made to stop bleeding, cure toxins, and administer first aid all receive a +20 bonus; this bonus stacks with specialist equipment such as sutures, detox, and advanced medkits.

A +20 that can stack can be too much, I think. After all, it's still a roaring vehicle moving fast through battle terrain...

Maybe the wounded can be automatically stabilized while in the Samaritan (not suffering from blood loss, poisoning or other effects) and giving time to the guardsman to be left in a medical tent.

Yeah I haven't had a chance yet to use a couple of these vehicles in games, so they may need some reworking. I do like your idea, I'll playtest for both in my games and post the results here. Of course, you can rework them however you want for your games.

I love those Hellhound variants.

Will adapt the Warg for my game, although I think I will call it "BULLDOG", if it's OK with you, FaceEater...

Thats... better. I was never really happy with that name even though it matched the theme.

The Admech will never accept the low gothic common name though.



The Taurox is armoured truck like apc with 4 independent tracks. It combines the speed of scout vehicle, the transport and armour of a light apc and firepower of a light tank. It seems too good to be true but the expense to build, the limited production facilities and difficulty of maintenance mean that it remains unfamiliar and disliked by most IG troops. It remains the transport for of elite scouts and Special Forces of the Guards most prestigious and well equipped regiments.

Type : Tracked Vehicle Tactical Speed : 20 m

Cruising speed : 110 kph Manoeuvrability : 10

Structural Integrity : 35 Size : Massive

Armour : Front 24, Side 16, Rear 16

Vehicle Traits : Enclosed, Tracked Vehicle, Over-charged engine, All-terrain

Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Co-pilot / Gunner (Hull Weapon if applicable), (1 Gunner (turret) if applicable)

Carrying Capacity : None


The Taurox may be equipped with a turret containing a twin linked autocannon:

· Twin-linked autocannon (300m; S/3/-; 3d10+8 I; Pen 6; Clip 40; Reload 2full; Reliable, twin-linked)

If the Taurox doesn’t have a turret it can have a fixed forward twin-linked autocannon, one on either side of the hull to the rear.

· Twin-linked autocannon (300m; S/3/-; 3d10+8 I; Pen 6; Clip 40; Reload 2full; Reliable, twin-linked)

The Taurox may take one Pintle-Mounted Storm Bolter at the front of the vehicle if it doesn’t have a turret:

· Storm Bolter (90m; S/2/4; 1d10+5 X; Pen 4; Clip 60; Reload Full; Storm, Tearing)


There is a single fire ports on either side of the vehicle that can be fired through by a passenger. Passenger access is via the doors on either side of the vehicle and one at the rear.

Taurox Prime

While the Taurox is rare among the guard the Taurox prime is even rarer and more heavily armed variant that is the exclusive transport of the Militarum Tempestus from the Schola Progenium.

Type : Tracked Vehicle Tactical Speed : 20 m

Cruising speed : 100 kph Manoeuvrability : 10

Structural Integrity : 35 Size : Massive

Armour : Front 26, Side 18, Rear 16

Vehicle Traits : Enclosed, Tracked Vehicle, Over-charged engine, All-terrain

Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Co-pilot / Gunner (Hull Weapon), 1 Gunner (turret/missile launcher)

Carrying Capacity : None


The Taurox prime may be equipped with a turret containing a one of the following weapons:

· Taurox battle-cannon (450m; S/-/-; 3d10+6 X; Pen 5; Clip 40; Reload 2 full; Blast 5, Reliable)

· Twin-linked Taurox gatling cannon (120m; -/-/20; 1d10+5 I; Pen -; Clip 2000; Reload 2 full; Gatling 3, twin-linked)

If the Taurox prime doesn’t have a turret it has a Taurox missile launcher

· Taurox missile launcher (450m; S/2/-; †; Pen †; Clip 6; Reload 1 full (per missile); †)

† Depends on ammo used

The Taurox prime may have a pair of fixed forward twin-linked weapons, one on either side of the hull to the rear of the vehicle:

· Twin-linked autocannon (300m; S/3/-; 3d10+8 I; Pen 6; Clip 40; Reload 2full; Reliable, twin-linked)

· Twin-linked hot-shot volley gun (120m; S/3/6*; 1d10+4 E; Pen 7; Clip n/a; Reload 2 full; twin-linked)

The Taurox may take one Pintle-Mounted Storm Bolter at the front of the vehicle if it doesn’t have a turret:

· Storm Bolter (90m; S/2/4; 1d10+5 X; Pen 4; Clip 60; Reload Full; Storm, Tearing)


There is a single fire ports on either side of the vehicle that can be fired through by a passenger. Passenger access is via the doors on either side of the vehicle and one at the rear.


Across the Imperium the logistical needs of the Imperial Guard and PDF are often met by countless millions of heavy trucks. There are nearly as many types employed as there are sectors in Imperium space however the needs of a crusade or Imperial guard regiments require a standard pattern. In the Spinward front, and across much of the Segmentum Obscurus, this is the Clydesdale pattern truck. A tough, easy to maintain 8 wheel 10 tonne flatbed truck which is often called the Department Munitoriums foot soldier.

While it’s rarely directly involved in battle it is adapted in numerous layouts for all logistical tasks. Ambulances, Recovery vehicles, and with 4 rows of folding seats transport for dozens of soldiers.

Type : Wheeled Vehicle Tactical Speed : 15 m

Cruising speed : 65 kph Manoeuvrability : +0

Structural Integrity : 40 Size : Immense

Armour : Front 16, Side 14, Rear 14

Vehicle Traits : Wheeled Vehicle, Enclosed (crew), Open-topped (Transport), Rugged, All-terrain

Crew: 1 Driver (Main Gun), 2 Passengers

Carrying Capacity : 26 troops or equivalent cargo.


The Clydesdale is in no way intended to operate in combat directly but the logistics convoys are obvious targets. The Clydesdale may take one Pintle-Mounted heavy subber at the front of the vehicle:

· Heavy Stubber (100m; -/-/8; 1d10+4 I; Pen 3; Clip 80; Reload 2 Full)

New Vehicle Traits:


These vehicles have a number of adaptions to make them more suitable to uneven and loose ground including distributing power between all of its wheels or wider tracks, improved suspension and higher ground clearance.

It gains a +10 (cumulative with its existing vehicle type modifier) to manoeuvrability tests in difficult ground.

New weapons:

Taurox battle-cannon

This is a light battle cannon built to be used on an apc rather than a main battle tank.

The clip size represents the entire internal weapons magazine and requires an external supply of ammunition to reload.

Taurox gatling cannon

The Taurox gatling cannon is a near unique super high rate of fire stub type weapon. Its ammunition is basically high quality heavy stubber ammunition but the rate of fire achieved by this weapon changes it almost entirely.

Taurox missile launcher

With the Taurox missile launcher the Taurox prime becomes a long range multipurpose, high rate of fire artillery piece. Although the number of shots is limited.

The missiles loaded can be any combination of krak and frag (other types are not at all likely to be encountered) missiles. Any of the loaded missiles can be fired even if the two rounds of a semi auto action are different types but the order of fire must be stated when firing and normal targeting restrictions apply.

Example: Guard Tumas fires a krak then frag missile at an Ork nob in a group of boys. He only scores 1 success to hits with the Krak missile but the Frag will deviate off, hopefully still hitting some boyz.

Hot-shot volley gun

An adaption of the the hot-shot lasgun that is the signature weapon of the Tempestus Scions, the Hot-shot volley gun is support weapon style rapid fire version. The weapon gives a very positive rate of fire with a deadly penetrating hot-shots but in fully auto mode it rattles, bucks and vents dangerously. If jolted when doing so it tends to stall for a second. It is recommended to only fire fully automatic mode from stable firing position

Unless the weapon is braced it cannot be fired in full-automatic mode. It uses charge packs like standard hot-shot lasguns, when installed on a Taurox it can draw charge from the vehicles engine.

Name Class Range RoF Dam Pen Clip Rld Special Wt Availability

T aurox Vehicle 450m S/-/- 3d10+6 E 5 40 3 full Blast 5, Reliable 150kg Very Rare


Taurox Vehicle 120m -/-/20 1d10+5 I - 2000 2 full Gatling 3, unreliable 100kg Extremely Rare

gatling cannon

Taurox Vehicle 450m S/2/- † † 6 1 full (per missile) † 250kg Extremely Rare

missile launcher

Hot-shot Basic 120m S/3/8* 1d10+4 E 7 30 2 full unreliable 10kg Very Rare

volley gun

New weapon quality:

Gatling (X)

This weapon fires tremendous vollys of shots any potential target is likely to the riddled with fire especially at close range.

When this weapon hits a target multiply the normal number of number of hits by the number in parentheses. At short range increase the number in parentheses by 1 and at extreme range reduce the number by 1.


Name Availability

Taurox battle-cannon shell Common

Special Ammunition

Name Dam Pen Special Wt. Availability

Taurox missile launcher frag missile 2d10+2 R 2 Blast [7] 8 kg Rare

Taurox missile launcher krak missile 3d10+10 E 8 Concusive [3], Proven [4] 8 kg Very Rare

Edited by Face Eater

PDF Vehicles #1 of 4

Across the Imperium, the various planetary defense forces serve as the first and often only line of defense for many worlds. For every world that is snuffed out under the endless march of Chaos, perishes at the hands of ravenous Xenos, or suffers some other horrible fate, several more are saved by the brave men and women that serve in these forces. While some richer worlds can equip their PDF units with Leman Russ tanks and Chimera APCs, many must stretch a more limited budget. To help fulfill these needs, the Adeptus Mechanicus has standardized the following vehicles for use across the Imperium. Unfortunately due to this standardization, many of these vehicles can be found in service of the Ruinous Powers, who find that they are easily produced by slave labor.

Greyhound Halftrack

A simple vehicle, the Greyhound is well loved by the many soldiers who use it for its ruggedness and decent level of protection (against small arms fire; anything else tears through them like paper). The vehicle is a boxy, open topped truck with long treads replacing the back wheels of the vehicle. This allows it good turning ability on roads and other built up terrain, but still gives it excellent off road characteristics for a vehicle of its type and weight.

Type: Wheeled/Tracked Vehicle Tactical Speed: 20m

Speed: 75 km/hr Maneuverability: +10

Structural Integrity: 20 Size: Massive

Armor: 18 Front, 16 Side, 14 Rear

Vehicle Traits : Rugged, Open-topped, Halftrack

Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Commander (Pintle Weapon)

Carrying Capacity: 10 Guardsmen and Gear

Weapons: Pintle Mounted Heavy Stubber (100m, -/-/8, 1d10+4 I, Pen 3, Mag 75, Rld 2 Full, Ogryn-Proof)

Halftrack Trait: A vehicle with this trait counts as tracked for the purpose of moving across difficult terrain, and as a wheeled vehicle in regards to maneuverability. With regards to damage, the vehicle counts critical hits as against a wheeled system. Repairs to a Halftrack's motive system take 1.5 times as long as listed in the appropriate repairs table.

Edited by TheOGBluejay

PDF Vehicles #2 of 4

Myrmidon Assault Gun

The Myrmidon is a popular alternative to the Leman Russ in many PDF units, and is also often seen in service to the forces of the Archenemy. The vehicle is a squat, boxy thing with a Battle Cannon mounted in the front of its well armored hull. Due to the fact that it does not have a turret, the vehicle is only 1/3 of the cost of a Leman Russ, and easier to maintain. Unfortunately, this comes at a cost. The cannon, obviously, can only fire towards the front of the vehicle. The vehicle's only other weapon is a pintle mounted stubber; it is extremely vulnerable to ambush or while being used in urban terrain.

Type: Tracked Vehicle Tactical Speed: 15m

Speed: 40 km/hr Maneuverability: +0

Structural Integrity: 40 Size: Massive

Armor: 36 Front, 28 Side, 16 Rear

Vehicle Traits : Enclosed, Reinforced Armor, Rugged, Tracked Vehicle

Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Commander (Pintle Weapon), 1 Gunner (Battle Cannon), 1 Loader

Carrying Capacity: 0

Weapons: Forward Facing Battle Cannon (750m, S/-/-, 3d10+10 X, Pen 8, Mag 8, Rld 3 Full, Blast [10], Concussive [3], Reliable) The Vehicle carries a total of 36 rounds for the main gun.

- Pintle Mounted Heavy Stubber (100m, -/-/8, 1d10+4 I, Pen 3, Mag 75, Rld 2 Full, Ogryn-Proof)

Cestus Variant:

In all ways, the Cestus is the same as the Myrmidon, but the main weapon is replaced by a Demoliser Cannon (50m, S/-/-, 4d10+20 X, Pen 10, Mag 2, Rld Full, Blast [10], Concussive [3]) The Vehicle carries a total of 18 rounds for the main weapon in this configuration.

Edited by TheOGBluejay

PDF Vehicles #3 of 4

Equitus Transport Truck

The Equitus is a 2.5 ton transport truck, widely used to move munitions near the front lines. Equitus Trucks are rugged, cheap, relatively fast, and easy to use. They are used on nearly every civilized world in the Imperium, in both civilian and military roles. The back of the truck is covered by a simple heavy canvas tarp to keep off the rain and other weather.

Type: Wheeled Vehicle Tactical Speed: 20m

Speed: 85 km/hr Maneuverability: +5

Structural Integrity: 15 Size: Massive

Armor: 14 Front, 12 Side, 10 Rear

Vehicle Traits : Open-topped, Rugged, Wheeled Vehicle

Crew: 1 Driver

Carrying Capacity: 1 passenger in cabin, 14 Guardsmen in rear or 2.5 tons of cargo.

Weapons: None

Edited by TheOGBluejay

PDF Vehicles #4 of 4

Wasp Armored Car

The Wasp fulfills the role of a reconnaissance and raiding vehicle for many PDF units, and even sees limited use in some Imperial Guard artillery regiments. Fitted with long range vox equipment and usually operated by crews experienced in gathering information, the Wasp is integral to many world's first response forces. With the vehicle's autocannon and heavy stubber, it can even be a threat to enemy infantry or light vehicles; many a convoy has been picked apart by a Wasp ambush.

Type: Wheeled Vehicle Tactical Speed: 25m

Speed: 90 km/hr Maneuverability: +10

Structural Integrity: 20 Size: Massive

Armor: 22 Front, 18 Side, 14 Rear

Vehicle Traits : Open-topped, Rugged, Wheeled Vehicle, Enhanced Motive Systems, Amphibious, Long Range Vox

Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Gunner (Turret Autocannon), 1 Loader, 1 Commander (Pintle Weapon)

Carrying Capacity: None

Weapons: Turret Mounted Autocannon (300m, S/3/-, 3d10+8 I, Pen 6, Mag 21, Rld 2 Full, Reliable) The Vehicle carries 105 rounds of ammunition for the main weapon

- Pintle Mounted Heavy Stubber ( 100m, -/-/8, 1d10+4 I, Pen 3, Mag 75, Rld 2 Full, Ogryn-Proof)

Edited by TheOGBluejay