infest terran command center

By blarknob, in StarCraft

I saw this posted on board game geek

It seems that infest command center works even if there is no battle in the area. This makes it much easier to get infested terrans than I had previously thought. It also contradicts the wording of the technology, so is an intent vs. printed wording issue.

A lot of these questions are building up. An F.A.Q. update would be nice.

Another suprise sad.gif

I wonder if Collteral Damage (of Mengsk Battlecruisers) is also triggered without any battle.

I was using "Infest CC" in two my games, and each time "infestation" was very easy - unprepared Terran player can't stand vs this card.

cyb3k said:

I wonder if Collteral Damage (of Mengsk Battlecruisers) is also triggered without any battle.