If an item is traded between players in a movement action, like say the sun stone in Labyrinth of Ruin, can you equip it as part of the trade?
Rule Question: Trading items
If an item is traded between players in a movement action, like say the sun stone in Labyrinth of Ruin, can you equip it as part of the trade?
The answer to this question can be found on page 15 of the base rules, under the section "Trading Items":
It's amazing how reading the rules answers most questions. :-P
Hey now, FFG rules are precise, but sometimes a little heavy to catch everything. We all miss things.
Hey now, FFG rules are precise, but sometimes a little heavy to catch everything. We all miss things.
Hell, I can read the actually rules, in the proper section, and STILL eff up and miss things (see an answer I posted to another question yesterday).
If I use fatigue to gain 1 MP, it seems that I can't trade , am I correct ?
And When a hero trade a item card to another unactivate hero, can that hero equip immediately or he must wait to next round to equip ?
If immediately , It is possible for a item be used 4 times ... sounds very strange.( Mana Weave?)
Traded items are NOT equipped. They must be equipped by the hero who received them during step 2 of his turn (notably, AFTER his start of turn- so passing around elven boots to work for 4 heroes doesn't work.)
However, the hero also would refresh that card during start of turn. So, 4 heroes can all exhaust the Mana Weave during the same round if they trade properly.
Also, no, gaining a MP from fatigue is NOT performing a move action, so you cannot trade.
Like Zaltyre said, you can effectivly use an item 4 times in one round by passing it around. However keep in mind every hero has to spend one action as a movement-action to be able to trade, so in the end doing this does use up a lot of actions and therefore is in most cases a bad idea.
I did it once in my first campaign in the final quest where I was playing with 3 heroes and no healer and got the item that lets you recover one red die, but you have to spend an action. In the end I lost this quest and I think this "strategy" had it's fair share in that.