...is the plot contest still on?

By Joker, in Android

Hey all.

I am more than happy about how helpful everyone has been here! My enjoyment of the game has only multiplied as I've gotten rules clarifications and suggestions hand over fist from this wonderful community.

I think, though, that my first or second time here, someone said there was a contest in place for fans to send in their own ideas for plot cards. Is that still on? I had a bit of fun fiddling with some ideas for Floyd, but wanted to know first if there'd be no hope, the deadline was missed, I'd have to write up Twilight cards for it as well, etc.



Hey, all.

Oops; I found out it was just a little contest to write the next murder , not any plot cards.

Too bad; I thought it'd be cool to have a subplot b/w Floyd and Eve falling for each other. :)

Come to think of it (just speculating), maybe if the fan base gets big enough for Android, it'd be a fun bit to put homebrew plots & Twilight cards together for it?


I never saw any info about who won the contest - shouldn't that have been announced a month ago?

so what was the deal with this???

Did anyone actually submit an entry?

I did, but wouldn't blame them if they read it and quietly decided to forget about the whole idea ;-)

I actually put a little thought into my entry and I was kind of bummed out when they never followed up on it. I didn't expect to win, but I DID expect to see a winner preocupado.gif