Hey all, have a question regarding the new Veteran of the Long War Archetype.
From the Core book, are the classes considered unaligned? If so, could a Veteran of the Long War take the Psyker Special ability from the Sorceror, to stay an unaligned psyker but as an archetype class?
Veteran of the Long War from ToD Question.
All BC CRB archtypes start Unaligned so if you chose to stay Unaligned when selecting Veteran of Long War, in my reading you can choose Psyker ability from Sorcerer.
The classes in the Core are indeed Unaligned, advances do not count towards alignment at creation and nowhere does it state that they are aligned.
As to the second pard, I have no idea as the book is not out here yet.
Wow, thanks for the speedy response guys.
I was trying to find a way to make an advanced class Space Marine Psyker that was unaligned, to transition into a Nurgle Psyker.
I figured this would be the way to go, but wanted to clarify their alignment as it doesn't state specifically, yet seemed they were unaligned for all intents and purposes.