2 more noobie questions

By niltrias, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

1) It says you can sell treasures back to the market at 1/2 their price, but the treasure cards don`t have any prices on them! Is the sell back price half the cost of buying them in the market, as listed in the rulebook? (ie bronze sells for 125, silver for 250, etc.?)

2) In the first quest, players with ranged weapons can simply run away from the main boss, escaping through glyphs and returning from different glyphs, until the giant is worn down. Threat cards slow this down to some extent, but since all doors and traps are already open, traps have less effect and the heroes are generally strong enough to quickly deal with spawns. Failing that, they flee through glyphs and re-emerge at a different glyph...which makes for a long, boring endgame.

(I`m playing vanilla descent)


niltrias said:

1) It says you can sell treasures back to the market at 1/2 their price, but the treasure cards don`t have any prices on them! Is the sell back price half the cost of buying them in the market, as listed in the rulebook? (ie bronze sells for 125, silver for 250, etc.?)

2) In the first quest, players with ranged weapons can simply run away from the main boss, escaping through glyphs and returning from different glyphs, until the giant is worn down. Threat cards slow this down to some extent, but since all doors and traps are already open, traps have less effect and the heroes are generally strong enough to quickly deal with spawns. Failing that, they flee through glyphs and re-emerge at a different glyph...which makes for a long, boring endgame.

(I`m playing vanilla descent)


1) Yes, half the purchase price.

2) First, spawn some type of fast monster and have them run around closing doors. Second, when you talk about the glyphs, are you saying your Hero is coming out through a glyph, attacking and then entering another glyph? Or are they just running away? If they are using two glyphs a turn then they are cheating since its illegal.

A tactic for this is to use Charge cards on the Giant, also have the Giant close the rune locked door as soon as he can, especially if all the Heroes are out of the room.

niltrias said:

2) In the first quest, players with ranged weapons can simply run away from the main boss, escaping through glyphs and returning from different glyphs, until the giant is worn down. Threat cards slow this down to some extent, but since all doors and traps are already open, traps have less effect and the heroes are generally strong enough to quickly deal with spawns. Failing that, they flee through glyphs and re-emerge at a different glyph...which makes for a long, boring endgame.

(I`m playing vanilla descent)


Heroes can only go one way through a glyph per turn. If they all attack and run out of the dungeon they no longer have LOS to anywhere (barring Boggs), so spawn mobs in strategic positions and start closing doors or preparing for their return as best you can.