Overwatch and Suppressive Fire

By Magellan, in Only War

As for suppressive fire i ruled that only full auto can pin enemy (i cant image 2 bullet burst pin anyone) and that -20 modifier stack with range modfier and others appropriate to situation (fog, darkness, small enemy etc). As overwatch i just ruled that it won't pin the enemy if it's not full auto. Problem solved.

Edited by felismachina

Just so we're clear, IRL semi-auto fire is used to suppress. If you are changing it for ease of play, go ahead, but it's not particularly 'realistic' (whatever that means in a setting with werewolf vikings from hell in space) to disallow suppression with semi-auto fire.

2 rounds coming at you every six seconds (that's how long a turn is meant to be) is probably enough to pin most people. Especially if it's accurate. While it couldn't suppress a whole squad to could keep a single person's head down.

The idea of the full auto/heavy only I like if it were something like a cone or area of suppression, makes the idea of the beaten zone work in the system, something that sorely lacks in a lot of games that involve shooting.

So house ruled as non heavy or full auto fire can suppress single targets, heavy or full auto do a 25 o arc or whatever the blast radius x1.5 or x2 (explosions are even better than bullets/lasers)

But an Imperial Guardsman by himself pumping enough fire to hit an Eldar, who are so quick that an Eldar who has never followed the Path of the Warrior is able to defeat a trained human swordsman in a duel in one strike (in Path of the Outcast, great read)? Let alone a trained veteran Dark Eldar Cabalite warrior hyped up on so many drugs and stimulants that Charlie Sheen would OD by looking at him/her/it, I think that the size of and the range to the target should definitely be accounted for, and any Eldar should definitely get a dodge roll. And not all guardsmen have 60 BS

It's a guardsman's life to have it tough, don't make it too easy ;)

It's the pinning flamers that the Weapon Specialists have that are really BS.

I'd sure as hell get down behind something if someone was using a flame thrower on me. It's not just flame, it's liquid promethium(in this setting) that is on fire, that sticks and soaks in making your clothing, equipment and skin (extra) flammable.

A combat round being six seconds long is literally the first thing we changed about the system. Our rounds are 2-3 seconds, tops. Yes, this changes movement rates somewhat, but it also fixes the hilarious bollocks that is "you can only shoot once every six seconds; please use a gun from World War II, it's better than the CRAP you're shooting with now."

How do you deal with the movement rates?

Increased them slightly, actually. 18 meters charge in six seconds we found hilarious. It basically implies a normal 20th century human can easily outperform anyone in the 41st millenium.

But it's not just the distance, it's the distance and the attack, plus the fact that they are carrying 30-40 kg of gear. I agree with the shooting once every six seconds being a bit slow, but for most actions it actually fits, reloading, aiming, moving, using equipment etc.

My statement about one round per second within a meter doesn't mean each individual needs to provide that rate of fire, it's the squad/section/team as a whole that needs to get the rounds on an enemy.

The round time is debatable, really. The problem is the movement rates table has absolutely no basis in reality and if you, say, actually know the average speeds of a 100 meter run, even for a completely unfit person, you quickly arrive at the conclusion you need a new table.

Suppression fire, as per rules, is a bit odd. You're entirely right that less volume should cause suppression, however, its impact is about as devestating as a high fear rating. Normally, when you're under such pinning fire, you can still act, you'll just be very reluctant to leave your cover. This is why I prefer to restrict suppression to full auto weaponry, rather than forge a long list of "what I can do without malus" and "what I can do but eat a penalty for."

It's not quite as ridiculous as you think! Play any "shooter" videogame and you'll see what I'm talking about (Not that I would accuse them of being the height of realism!), You get in a firefight that appears to have been relatively short but when you look up, 45 minutes have gone by! (More if you're playing a flight sim or tank game!). A charge in 40k is not just a sprint! It's moving in and attacking a target. This involves identifying your target, lining up on it and attacking. not so ridiculous when you think of it.

You're seriously trying to tell me it will take me six seconds to clear the length of my room and attack someone?

Depends on the room. The average person in OW has an Ag. of 3. I believe that would make charge range 6M or approx. 18 to 20 ft. If there is any furniture and/or other people fighting/bullets flying, it might! Also, this would also encompass recovery time before your next action in there. The simple problem in any combat rd is the abstraction. A trained swordsman might make 10 attacks in 5 sec. IRL but that's not going to be playable as a game mechanic!

Why not?

I mean, there's plenty of games that do just that. GURPS springs to mind, with 1s turns and ways to really push those multiple attacks. It may be hard to pull off without giving up all your defenses, but you can totally do 10 attacks in 5 seconds.
Plus, firearms have fire rates actually approaching their real-world values, while being totally playable and doing a better job at simulating the difference between single-shot and full-auto.

As for movement, GURPS has about 4-5m (not quite sure right now) as the 1s move for an average human. Which I, as an untrained dude, have confirmed for myself in rooms with obstacles and all. Paintball is fun ;)

So, given that it's clearly possible to make rules like this, I have to ask again, why not?

Edited by Myrion

Having never played gurps, I can't comment on that. I'll have to check it out!

You are a very excited individual.

Who are you talking about, pearldrum1?

If me, then sorry, but I don't get what you're trying to say at all.

I am referring to Radwraith who posted immediately before me.

We should fight about it.

??? What are you talking about? I don't recall being excited about anything recently.

The way you type is very expressive, is what I think he's getting at.

Back on topic, did anyone post a rules question to FFG about how to resolve a Suppressive fire in this case?