Can you parry a psychic blade?

By ThenDoctor, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

I understand that you cannot parry with a psychic blade, but can enemies parry against a blade's attack? Has anyone sent that question in before I end up doing it?

If so, what happens when it's parried by a power sword? If it's destroyed how would you rule that? I'd say the psyker can't manifest it again for 1d10-WP rounds.

There is no rule stating you CAN'T parry a Psychic Blade, even with a non-Power Weapon, so I'd say it should be fine.

Power Sword rulings are less clearcut though, I agree, that's worth a clarification.

Edited by ColArana

As ColArana said, there is nothing saying that you can't Parry a Psychic Blade, so it should work.

RAW doesn't mention anything specific in terms of being parried by a Power Sword, so by RAW, I would surmise that it would work as normal.

However, based on the fact that this makes no sense whatsoever and that later versions of Psychic Blade (or similar) can both parry and be parried, as well as being immune to the Power-Quality effect, I would just go with that and DH RAW be damned.

I sent it in as a question, just to see what would be sent back, but likely I'll go with what is apparently the rules on such things these days.

According to the author of the rules, you can't parry this.

In an old post he discusses various aspects of the Psyker rules. Mind you, FFG don't seem to agree on all these...

According to the author of the rules, you can't parry this.

In an old post he discusses various aspects of the Psyker rules. Mind you, FFG don't seem to agree on all these...

I never thought of the Psychic Blade as something completely immaterial and invisible.

Huh. I guess it makes perfect sense to not be able to parry something you can't see. On the other hand, you can parry unarmed attacks, and afaik, the Psychic Blade still needs to be directed from the hand(s), so.. I dunno.

It does not require a hand, according to Mr. Luikart, and the rules:

Core rulebook, p177, under description of Psychic Blade:
"Once manifested, treat the Psychic Blade as a sword wielded by the Psyker (though it does not require a free hand) that requires no Melee Training to use, but cannot Parry."

However, others disagree , so this is a case of "whatever floats your boat"

Edited by Darth Smeg

Meh, my Malefic Adept rolls bad enough as it is so i let him take advantage of all Talents that help with blades including Blade Master. As a drawback it can be parried.
For me it still is Warp Energie manifested as a blade that can interact with the physical realm and therefore influenced by it, seethrough but still visible.

Edited by segara82

Mr. Tim Huckelbery replied to my question. He stated that it can be parried against, but it is immune to the Power Field Quality because it being "destroyed" (which it technically would in the mechanics) doesn't fit the feel they were going for.