Lieutenant encounters, monster treachery and the reinforcement marker

By _Loki_2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Having read the rules 2 or 3 times I'm left with some questions about reinforcements in lieutenant encounters, spawn cards, and their interaction with the reinforcement marker.

1. The rulebook only talks about using the reinforcement marker in dungeons and does not mention how it interacts with outdoor encounters. Can I reinforce as much as I want, once per turn, or once per encounter?

2. When I use my monster treachery on a spawn card in a Lieutenant encounter, what happens when I play it? The monsters behave as reinforcements as far as spawning is concerned, but do they actually count as such? If I spawn, can I also reinforce on the same turn or during the encounter, if spawning is limited by the reinforcement marker in encounters?

Any help is appreciated.

_Loki_ said:

Having read the rules 2 or 3 times I'm left with some questions about reinforcements in lieutenant encounters, spawn cards, and their interaction with the reinforcement marker.

1. The rulebook only talks about using the reinforcement marker in dungeons and does not mention how it interacts with outdoor encounters. Can I reinforce as much as I want, once per turn, or once per encounter?

2. When I use my monster treachery on a spawn card in a Lieutenant encounter, what happens when I play it? The monsters behave as reinforcements as far as spawning is concerned, but do they actually count as such? If I spawn, can I also reinforce on the same turn or during the encounter, if spawning is limited by the reinforcement marker in encounters?

Any help is appreciated.

Ironically, the Reinforcement Marker has absoulutely nothing to do with Reinforncements in LT encounters, so just leave it aside. The LT can reinforce minions that are specified on its card at the end of its turn (placed just off the board and to be moved onto the board on the next turn). The LT can reinforce as many minions as it can afford. Using spawn cards in LT encounters is a bit different that normal spawning. You can still only play 1 spawn card per turn, and they spawn off the board like the reincorcments and move onto the board on the next turn. You can spawn with 1 card and reinforce minions on the same turn.

Hope that is clear!

So if I have 8 threat for example, I can reinforce 2 monsters that cost 4 each, all in the same turn? I was under the impression that I could only reinforce one monster per turn.

I'm new to RtL, but it's already making me feel dismayed... this game practically seems unwinnable for the heroes if the OL knows what he is doing. Since I am the one that owns the game, and I play solo quite often (playing all sides and trying to do the best on all sides), I have far more experience than the couple of people I can actually get together to play. No one is going to want to play this if they have no chance.

Correct on the reinforcing thing.

And dont worry at this stage about game balance. I'm in my second campaign and the heroes get strong real quick once they have a few treasures. And if they keep dying multiple times per level, dont worry about it. Death means nothing to heroes and an early swing in XP in favour of the OL is quickly turned around later on in the campaign. Saying that, I feel there are lots of the game which is completely unbalanced and needed changing, so I (like many) have quite a few house rules :)

Veinman said:

So if I have 8 threat for example, I can reinforce 2 monsters that cost 4 each, all in the same turn? I was under the impression that I could only reinforce one monster per turn.

I'm new to RtL, but it's already making me feel dismayed... this game practically seems unwinnable for the heroes if the OL knows what he is doing. Since I am the one that owns the game, and I play solo quite often (playing all sides and trying to do the best on all sides), I have far more experience than the couple of people I can actually get together to play. No one is going to want to play this if they have no chance.

Veinman said:

So if I have 8 threat for example, I can reinforce 2 monsters that cost 4 each, all in the same turn? I was under the impression that I could only reinforce one monster per turn.

I'm new to RtL, but it's already making me feel dismayed... this game practically seems unwinnable for the heroes if the OL knows what he is doing. Since I am the one that owns the game, and I play solo quite often (playing all sides and trying to do the best on all sides), I have far more experience than the couple of people I can actually get together to play. No one is going to want to play this if they have no chance.

That's correct- however, the reinforcements start off the board next to an exit piece and move on to the board on the NEXT OL turn. Assuming that you've got the 8 threat by the start of turn 2, you reinforce and the end of turn 2 you have 2 new minions coming onto the board in turn 3. Keep in mind that you can ONLY reinforce the monsters listed on the LTs card (some don't get any

RLT is certainly not a hopeless endeavor for the heroes and both they and the OL need to "unlearn all that they have learned". Different strategies and tactics will be needed. Kevin Wilson's article on Heroes is a must read!

Best of luck!

Thank you very much. I had the feeling that it worked like that, but it wasn't quite clear.