Eldar Preview is Up

By WonderWAAAGH, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest


Must be a slow day, since nobody has posted this yet.

eldorath-starbane.png starbanes-council.png

Big butts, high mobility, tap-down effects, and even a counterspell . Looks like the Eldar are the defensively oriented, control themed army.

Edited by WonderWAAAGH

Welp, this and last weeks previews settle it. When Conquest ships I'm playing some flavor of space elf.

Edited by Ex Nihilo

The most important information of this preview :

units that come with a warlord from headquarters arrive at a planet exhausted

So commiting your warlord to the first planet every turn seems to be weaker now

Which is fine, since the game wouldn't be particularly fun if that's all you did every turn. There should be plenty of incentive to commit units to other planets.

Indeed, that was one of my fear, but now i'm reassured :)