So what's going on in the Calixis Sector?

By Marwynn, in Rogue Trader

I've only played Rogue Trader (since the beginning of the year) and barely dipped my toes in the other games.

I have no idea what's going on in the Calixis Sector. I fear that I'm missing some subtext and undercurrents between the games, and also potential hooks and opportunities.

Which books have you read, from the other games, that you feel is worth grabbing for a group of Explorers?

I'd argue that you need zero tie-in to the other games. Some plot hooks and references can be prove cool (My players are interested in the map found during Fall From Grace adventure that references planets in the Calixis Expanse, specifically Acreage), while others could ultimately bog your game down (The warp-gate to the Jericho reach and the Deathwatch Setting is guarded by a sizable battle-fleet presence and so your players could be stupid and try and get to it, ending in the demise of their ship, their dynasty and the game).

The entirety of the Dark Heresy (pre-DH2) is set in the Calixis Sector. There's... *a lot* of stuff going on in the Calixis Sector. Way too much to really keep track of in a single post.

And then there's Only War and the entire Spinward Front, formally also in the Calixis Sector.

The DH adventure trilogy The Apostacy Gambit -


-culminates with the PCs being forced to kill the reincarnation of Saint Drusus, who has been possessed by a daemon. This is supposed to throw the whole sector into turmoil. Since this will be the last word in DH1 ( DH2 is set in a new Sector), I'm not sure if there will be any official follow-up on this. Personally, I would like to see Only War take over the Calixis Sector setting.

That's the kinda stuff that might be relevant. A possessed zombie Saint Drusus might just have some sorta impact on us even in the Expanse. Waves of refugees fleeing, private voidships being recalled back, Navy patrols pulling closer and closer in to the Maw leaving most of the Expanse even more unguarded... yeah.

Thanks Adeptus-B.

Fgdsfg, any books you think might be particularly worth it?

That's the kinda stuff that might be relevant. A possessed zombie Saint Drusus might just have some sorta impact on us even in the Expanse. Waves of refugees fleeing, private voidships being recalled back, Navy patrols pulling closer and closer in to the Maw leaving most of the Expanse even more unguarded... yeah.

Thanks Adeptus-B.

Fgdsfg, any books you think might be particularly worth it?

Honestly, a lot of books are really, really worth it, from a fluffing standpoint. It largely depends on your game. In particular, I personally really like Book of Judgement and The Lathe Worlds, even though they are known to be mechanically dodgy - I just like the background to build on.

From a storyline perspective, both of the main trilogies of adventures (Haarlock's Legacy / Apostasy's Gambit) are really good, as far as I've gathered. Note that I haven't actually taken the time to play through them myself, either of them. References to Haarlock's Legacy comes up relatively often in the Rogue Trader books, and Apostasy's Gambit has some really deep repercussions for the entire Calixis Sector.

Also, if you check out the Spinward Front, where Only War takes place, there's easily enough material for a Calixis-based, war-centered Rogue Trader campaign, that might give you opportunity to pull on more Calixis material in general, including tying it in with the Apostasy's Gambit.

The more I think of it, that sounds like a pretty cool idea. A Rogue Trader game that jumps between main Dark Heresy events and Only War events, as the Calixis Sector is collapsing into war from within and a front from without. Next at 11, someone's going to bomb the Tricorn Palace, stay tuned!

I'll come clean here:

I own almost every book published for DH, despite considering it a clumsy, limited game.

Why? Because I use the setting fairly extensively for RT. And yes that really is my main reason.

The more I think of it, that sounds like a pretty cool idea. A Rogue Trader game that jumps between main Dark Heresy events and Only War events, as the Calixis Sector is collapsing into war from within and a front from without. Next at 11, someone's going to bomb the Tricorn Palace, stay tuned!

My still-active RT group is currently mucking about in the Periphery, having a fair bit of fun with the orks, trying to track down exactly where they came from.

EDIT: Oops, spelling :rolleyes:

Edited by Tenebrae

Rogue Trader is the game that, in my opinion, connects to the others.

DH: as Calixis is the closest Imperial Sector, this is where the RT and co. go to get thier stuff (new stuff or sell what they got) and of course, which Inquisitor would completly trust a Rt to be honest?

DW: With the warp gate and their Warrant, a RT can travel with relative ease (with contacts of course) and face off with the 'nids and Tau (and can deal with the Tau again, due to the warrant)

BC: The Screaming Vortex is between the Expanse and the Calixis Sector, more shady/heretical Rt cna get adventure there

OW: Be a privateer, or just make cash selling stuff to the Dominate, or a little of both.