My painted Giants from Crown of Destiny

By keschnell, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I have to hand it to FFG - the Descent minis are getting better and better. These might be my new favorites.

Edited by keschnell

I have to hand it to FFG - the Descent minis are getting better and better. These might be my new favorites.

While I wait for your image to be approved by BGG ( :D ), I will assume you did an awesome job and say:

Efff you !!!! :P

I have absolutely no creative side, with no artistic skills what so ever. Every time I see someone post painted minis (here or in D1e or in XWing), I become massively jealous, and then become enraged, and then .... ARRRGGGHHH !!!


Yea I can't even see the image yet and I'm kickin myself at not painting. I've got the paints and a bit of skill from my warhammer days in high school and college but it's been sooooo long...

Maybe I'll start with the heroes... maybe just the ones I like. :)

keschnell give the image a bit to get approved and I'll for sure take a peek and edit this message, maybe it'll get me fired up. :D

Edit after seeing it:

Just wow man... it's like I WANT that, but know I just don't have time time in my day to pull it off.

Incredibly well done and your gaming group I'm sure enjoys it more than me. Bravo man!

Edited by Carbini

Oops, instead of waiting for approval:

Compared to some board games, Descent minis (at least v2) have been well-sculpted and fun to paint. Hopefully this will whet your appetite. The details are there that you don't even have to be a great painter to have a nice result if you follow a few basics (washes, highlighting, basing).

Edited by keschnell

Oops, instead of waiting for approval:

Compared to some board games, Descent minis (at least v2) have been well-sculpted and fun to paint. Hopefully this will whet your appetite. The details are there that you don't even have to be a great painter to have a nice result if you follow a few basics (washes, highlighting, basing).

Dude (or Dude-ette) ... Seriously? What effing part of "I am a neanderthal with a PhD in Mathematics and Computer Science, with no artistic skills what-so-ever" confused you?

There is no ... it will be easy and you will have a nice result ... blah blah blah. If I even THINK of painting a mini, they automatically deform into a blob of melted fixity, a morass of crap never to see the light of day again. And that is if I just THINK about painting them.

Perhaps an analogy ... I live in Las Vegas ... I am the KING OF ALL BLACK THUMBS ... so much so ... I kill Cacti (aka Cactuses aka Cactus) just by being in the same room as them ... and you don't have to do anything to take care of them.

Sigh. You creative types are GODS to me ...

You know ... I was just thinking ... isn't money the root of all ... I mean the solution to all problems?

Perhaps I need to pay for one of you artistic Gods to fly out to Vegas for a few months, and pay you to paint all of my minis for me.

Hmmmm ... let's see ... I have about 400 of them. If you do about 10 a day, that should only take you 2 months allowing for time off to drink, eat, and whatever else you creative Gods do ...

Me thinks this is a workable plan ... need to start putting the word out and have a bid off ... :D

Extreme skills, Keschnell!

Maybe I'll start with the heroes... maybe just the ones I like. :)

That's always the tempting route to go, but I'd probably recommend starting with the smaller monsters you won't care about as much and doing your favorite heroes later, after your skills have improved.

Perhaps I need to pay for one of you artistic Gods to fly out to Vegas for a few months, and pay you to paint all of my minis for me.

I've known of people to do this, but expect to pay a good deal for it. It's a hobby for most people, and takes a good amount of time. Once you start calculating rates for skilled labor, also considering it can take far longer for most people than those specifically trained to just do fast batches on cheap minis. For this, I'd recommend just sending out a few at a time (in contrast to my above comment, probably starting with the heroes you want first).

Edited by griton

I am having my set painted by a friend right now. I pay about 3-5 dollars a mini depending on size. The result is nice but it is a painstakingly slow process. It has been close to 6 months and the hero figures are not all complete yet. I am a patient man though and the final product is worth the wait. I just wish I had such a talent myself.

And here I thought that if I paid for someone to fly out to Vegas, put them up for 2 months, pay for all of their meals and entertainment, etc., that would be sufficient compensation.

Oh well, I guess the market will bear what it will bear ... I will simply have to continue to deal with gray ... the new black. :P

I am a patient man though and the final product is worth the wait. I just wish I had such a talent myself.

Painting minis is really not as hard as it looks.

I am a patient man though and the final product is worth the wait. I just wish I had such a talent myself.

Painting minis is really not as hard as it looks.

I was shocked at how much of a difference having a good brush is. Holy crap! Detail is no problem now.

Also, I love that Thinner Medium. It's glorious.

I agree--if the models are nice, it's easy to paint them. Just prime them, paint base colors, do a basic wash/dip and it'll look pretty good right there, even if you don't highlight, etc.

I look at Keschnell's painted minis ... I look at my gray minis ... I look at Keschnell's painted minis ...

Now I am on effing tilt again. :angry:

Thanks ... Thanks a whole frigging lot ... where's my Bombay Sapphire? :rolleyes:

Edited by any2cards