Questions about command cards of Second Set

By Coral Beach, in Mutant Chronicles

I read the new command cards and find some ambiguous texts :

1) Card n°100 - Seizing the Field - It is not specified allied units. In the spirit of game, this would be the case.

2 ) Card n°99 - Quickdraw - It is specified the free attack action will target the enemy unit leading the attack but it is not mentioned specifically the card will be only used for a combined attack (like card n°87). So will this card may be used with all attacks and the text precise only a more specific situation OR this card will only be used with combined attacks ? Another question is, if the attacked unit destroy the enemy unit leading the attack, would the ennemy attack take place or is simply cancelled ?

3) Dark WILD token and Light WILD token - Some new cards mention the using of new tokens. Will FFG may put on the downloading section these new tokens (if the compagny have created them) OR will we use only home tokens for them ? Another question is can Mitch Hunter remove this new kind of tokens ?

4) Card n°43 - Trick Shot - Yes, this is about First Set command card. Will this card may be used for a guard attack against an ennemy unit which is not in the LoS of the chosen unit. The guard attack is triggered when an ennemy unit move in the LoS of the guarding unit but will this command card permit to extend the guard attack trigger to all ennemy units which are moving out of LoS (ie the Trick Shot will not be applied for the attack only but for the guard triggering) ?

5) Unit n°58 - Praetorian Behemoth - Will this four based unit may trigger the special abilities which mention only two based units (like Martian Banshee Sergent with its 2 green dice bonus) ? In the spirit of game, I would say yes but there is not mention about it.

I can't help you as much with these cards (as compared to the unit cards) as they didn't get nearly as far in the playtest cycle that the units cards did. Here is what I do know:

1 and 2). I think the community could playtest and vote on the most balanced solution here.

3) There were additional tokens on the way much like we included new tokens with Ice Golem. Just proxy with a token for another game or make your own. Mitch can remove any token so I think these would be no different.

4-5) Again, I think the community could playtest and vote on the most balanced solution here. I doubt you will see any more official FAQ for this game as we have many, many higher profile projects in the works. MC is now in the hands of the fans that love the game and who will continue to play and make additional game parts for it.

I will complete the existing unofficial FAQ. Unofficial FAQ-1.2.pdf

The following answers are not as official as the previous ones. They are only based on my game experience. If you have a different point of view on particular question or game balancing, please post it.

The entries would be as follows :

Errata section :

Q : Why the Freedom Brigadier Sergeant (unit n°45) has TACTICIAN trait ?

A: This is a typo error from previous betatesting. This unit has no longer this trait.

Q : Will the Seizing Field command card (card n°100) affect ennemy units with Tactics command icon?

A: This command card affect only allied unit.

Frequently Question section :

Q : Do the Obsidious of Valpurgis (unit n°55) rolled dice must attain accuracy to damage each target ?

A: No, this unit action bypass any rules concerning LOS and accuracy restrictions. The damages inflicted may be normally absorbed by armor and cover.

Q : Do the Quickdraw command card (card n°99) permit to the chosen unit to destroy an activ ennemy unit before it attacks and so cancel this ennemy attack ? And what happen if the ennemy unit is leading a combined attack ?

A: The Quickdraw command card is played between step 2 and 3 of the ennemy attack action (after the chosen target is declared). If the ennemy unit is destroyed following the free attack, then the attack is cancelled (no supporting units has been declared yet). If the ennemy unit survives to the free attack, it continues the ennemy attack action with step 3 "Declare supporting units".

Q : What kind of tokens Mitch can remove ?

A : All tokens. Order ones (gard included), Ice ones, Light WILD ones, Dark WILD ones and Wound ones (but only 1 health cured at each time).

Q : What kind of tokens Mitch can remove ?

A : All tokens. Order ones (gard included), Ice ones, Light WILD ones, Dark WILD ones and Wound ones (but only 1 health cured at each time).

Q : Will Trick shot (card n°43) permit to attack a out of LOS moving ennemy unit with a guard action ?

A : The Trick Shot command card applies its effect only for the attack itself (step 1 of the Attack action) and not for the guard action triggering. So no, you can't.

Q : Will Praetorian Behemoth (unit n°58) is considered as a double based unit concerning damage bonuses from units like Martian Banshee Sergeant or Free Marine Tank Hunter ?

A : Yes, four based units have the same vulnerabilities than double based unit regarding Martian Banshee Sergeant or Free Marine Tank Hunter (or any units which are specialised in double based unit fighting).

Q : Do Praetorian Behemoth (unit n°58) may move though other units if it ends its movement in four un-occupied hexes ? I see for double based unit a restriction pg. 14 of the rulebook when both halves of the unit is moved in a single direction.

A : The four based units do not apply the same restriction because of their size. They are like "flying units" which disregard any movement restrictions. But yes, a four based unit must end its movement on un-occupied hexes (empty of any walls or units)

THX mate for this FAQ - i think it will be usefull.

Great work. I will use this.

It will be updated tomorrow. gui%C3%B1o.gif