Will there be a Game Mat from FFG?

By scuy, in Warhammer: Diskwars

I would like to know if FFG will be making a game mat in the near future. If not I will have to start shopping for one, but would rather get something nice from them. :D

They haven't announced one, and I don't expect one in the near future.

But, you can get a 3x3 piece of felt at your local fabric store, that will work great, for much cheaper than a game mat is likely to cost. thats what I use.

I'd say probably not, since they haven't made one for X-Wing (which is I believe their most popular game). But yes, 3x3 felt works great and is soooooo much cheaper than a gaming mat. :-)

Same as above. I just use a piece of felt. It is very inexpensive, and the texture provides some "grip" for the disks, which makes flipping them accurately much easier, and is vastly preferable to playing on a smooth surface. As a bonus, the felt can double as an X-Wing play mat as well if you are interested in that.