I'm very new at this game and I envisage I'm only going to play solo. Can the "X" card be played in the solo game, or is it only for multi-player?
Thanks in advance.
I'm very new at this game and I envisage I'm only going to play solo. Can the "X" card be played in the solo game, or is it only for multi-player?
Thanks in advance.
hey, what is the card's title exactly?
You can use the spirit event stand and fight to retrieve an ally from any discard pile including your own. For example you can have a pure spirit Hero deck and put geowine (lore ally) in your deck and when you draw him you can discard him with eowyns ability and use stand and fight to bring him back.
It's the Stand and fight spirit card but I think all decks have a similar card. I am confused about "the printed cost of X", but it means any ally, right? Regardless of cost?
Many thanks.
Yeah, for Stand and Fight, X is the cost of the ally you choose to pull out of the discard pile. So if you choose Northern Tracker, X is 4... if you choose Gondorian Spearman, X is 2. Other cards use X as well, and the card text will always tell you how to figure out the value of X.
And as Khamul said, for Stand and Fight you can pull an ally out of any discard pile, not just your own. Also, the designers previously ruled that you can't use it on Gandalf or other neutral allies. as he does not belong to "any sphere."
Great. Thanks. X is the resource value of the ally, right? I thought it might be the amount of cards above him in the discount pile. And thanks for the tip about not being able to pick Gandalf.
yes that is correct