
By Grand Trader Chode, in Rogue Trader

Any ideas on what the Yu'Vath look like?

also has anyone used/played endeavors with actual Yu'Vath in them, if so what type of foes where they?

Personally I have no idea. But an interesting thought.

When I ran a game featuring the Yu'Vath and Bale Childer, I went with images of the Cryx as my inspiration for them:


Yu'Vath campaigns/endeavors have been created by FFG. One is "Dark Frontier," which can be found in the FFG Support forum here.

The other is the GM Kit campaign/endeavor "Whispers on the Storm."

As for what they actually look like, I thought there was a picture of them floating around on the forums. Can't seem to find it though. From what brief discussion in can remember on the subject, I believe they no longer had a physical body per say, but that they were more a tangible being of energy/dark matter/warp. This was due to their powerful link to the warp, and their mastery over the use of it.

Edit: However, I like Cogniczar's image above. It's never been set in stone, so you can use any image.

Edited by Nameless2all

The Koronus Bestiary has a section on Yu'Vath stuff left behind on their former worlds. There's a picture of a... thing ... doing some kind of psychic whammy on an Imperial Navy officer, which I assume is a Yu'Vath. It looks kind of like a manta ray, with crystals growing out of it...

If memory serves, one of the books speculated that the biological and psychic sophistication of the Yu'vath race (I mean, given that this a species where it has been speculated that individual members may have had millions of slaves) was such that each individual specimen might have been completely unique, their forms and manifestations tailored to their personal whims or needs. When I've considered how the Yu'vath might be depicted, I've always imagined an array of utterly disparate forms and shapes, ranging from room-sized masses of pulsing xenoflesh to colossal three dimensional lattices of crystal and bone to whatever other bizarre, aberrant, and horrifying shapes and dimensions one can conceive of.

I'm pretty sure that all of the images associated with the Yu'vath sections of various books are supposed of Yu'vath constructs and not of the Yu'vath themselves, however. One can imagine that they may have had some commonalities in aesthetic trends, however (so, evil crystals).

You've heard of transhumanism right? Well I think "transxenosism" is what the Yu'Vath underwent. With their research into the Warp they discovered that the crystals was an efficient focus or somesuch, and thus started building ships and bodies out of them like the Eldar with their wraithbone.

Unlike the pointy-eared-ones, the Yu'Vath served the Ruinous Powers (right?) and weren't beholden (or vain enough to hold) to their forms.

Honestly, I love the background for the Stryxis Yu'Vath.

"Oh, great lords of darkness, we present to you these sacrifices. We beseech you to grant us your dark blessings, that we may revel eternally in your glorious corruption!"




"Pretty please?"


"Pretty please with a skull on top?"

Edited by Magellan

Honestly, I love the background for the Stryxis.

"Oh, great lords of darkness, we present to you these sacrifices. We beseech you to grant us your dark blessings, that we may revel eternally in your glorious corruption!"


Dunno, actually. I recall reading that the Yu'Vath was an ancient race with a low warp-presence, who thought Chaos was awesome and tried their best to get to worship the dark gods as a race. Unfortunately, their low warp-presence meant that the Chaos gods didn't care about them, and the only way they could get any attention at all was with massive sacrifices.

Oh, I just re-read my post. I meant the Yu'Vath, not the Stryxis.

Ah, that makes more sense.

The account in the Koronus bestiary emphasizes that the Yu'vath used warp-based technology and created warp-fuelled/influenced constructs on a pretty massive scale (which corrupted the minds and souls of those exposed to them) and the RT core book repeatedly mentions their extensive usage of "dark sorcery". One of the Yu'vath constructs listed somewhere even has a psy rating of 6, which is pretty impressive for what is basically an automated defense system. It would be rather odd for a xenos species whose culture and technology are to a significant degree defined and distinguished by a formidable mastery of the energies of the warp to have little in the way of psychic affinity. Do you know where you read this?

Edited by Andkat

Constructing psy-tech and being psychic are not the same thing. I don't remember where I read any of that, though.

You might want to dig into the Halo Devices in disciples of the Dark Gods. The Psycharus worm was a yu'vath device, and it might explain why no-one can describe the actual alien race if the 'species' was humans bonded to halo devices...

But if there were never any Yu'Vath to begin with, who made the halo devices?

I pictured them as Spellweavers from D&D SpellWeaver.jpg

or harbinger_vision.jpg

Edited by Amaimon

But if there were never any Yu'Vath to begin with, who made the halo devices?

Seriously though, I like the idea of the Yu'Vath never having existed, and only being humans bonded to Halo Devices. As to who created the Halo Devices to begin with, that might as well be some enormously ancient xenos species that bumped heads with the necrons, for all we know.

I'm toying with the idea for my campaign that the Psycharus worm isn't a Yu'Vath device, but actually is a Yu'Vath, or some partial remnant of one is stored within. Maybe they have no physical bodies at all.

I like the idea of them being puppet masters, but I think they work better as a mysterious, creepy force if either:

a) you never see them at all

b) when you do finally meet them they are something other than just another statted monster to fight.

I'd like to keep the mystery, and once you are fighting the thing and knocking off hit points, the mystery is gone.

I'd like to keep the mystery, and once you are fighting the thing and knocking off hit points, the mystery is gone.

Not particularly true. What if you keep knocking off hit points - and they seem to never have an effect? =D

A wizard did it?

Seriously though, I like the idea of the Yu'Vath never having existed, and only being humans bonded to Halo Devices. As to who created the Halo Devices to begin with, that might as well be some enormously ancient xenos species that bumped heads with the necrons, for all we know.

But who was wizard?

Well, with my own unjustified headcanon for the Yu'Vath, I am in no position to argue.

I'm toying with the idea for my campaign that the Psycharus worm isn't a Yu'Vath device, but actually is a Yu'Vath, or some partial remnant of one is stored within. Maybe they have no physical bodies at all.

I like the idea of them being puppet masters, but I think they work better as a mysterious, creepy force if either:

a) you never see them at all

b) when you do finally meet them they are something other than just another statted monster to fight.

I'd like to keep the mystery, and once you are fighting the thing and knocking off hit points, the mystery is gone.

Not always. Once had slenderman attack/infiltrate my deathwatch group and with the aid of skype, creepy sound effects and more maps than I'd ever used before I managed to keep them freaked for about an hour and a half.

Course, he went down like a chump once they started using sanctified weapons because Rank 5/6 Deathwatch characters can curbstomp a primarch. But for a while there was a lot of suspense, even while they were whacking at him.

Personally, to keep this on topic, I've always thought of the Halo Devices as being made by the Old Ones as an attempt to get around extinction, and the Yu'Vath and Slaughth as more of their client races (ala the Eldar and Orks - mostly because Slaughth sounds like Slann and Slinnar a bit, and we know the OOs had something to do with those guys).


Personally, to keep this on topic, I've always thought of the Halo Devices as being made by the Old Ones as an attempt to get around extinction, and the Yu'Vath and Slaughth as more of their client races (ala the Eldar and Orks - mostly because Slaughth sounds like Slann and Slinnar a bit, and we know the OOs had something to do with those guys).

I totally steal this!

I like the idea that each individual eventually became something completely different from what it began as, as those dabbling in the warp are wont to do. I picture all manner of Lovecraftian horrors...with crystals! Seriously, the crystals seem to be the only commonality in all their constructs, and seem to act as a warp conductor of some sort as far as it reads to me (or looks from the artwork), so I would imagine the living beings themselves had crystals merged with their flesh as well to aid in their sorceries.

As to the Halo Devices, the Psycharus Worm is supposed to be one of theirs, but given how Halo Devices work in DH, I would say that they are of a different origin. Perhaps the Psycharus Worm was their own attempt at mimicking the unfathomable technology of some dead race more ancient than them, or perhaps was only similar enough in size and capability to just get lumped in with the others by Imperial Xenographers. As to who that dead race might be, I assume one of the many who perished during the War in Heaven, maybe creating the Halo Devices as a way of recreating their race in some way, similar to Steven King's Tommyknockers.

imma trying to start up a new lore lne that im fixing where horus never fell to chaos and that instead it was the Ultramar primarch this line though currently has its problems so im not going to post it but my thought was that with this lore line the the Craftworld Eldar have joined the Imperiam of man and im trying to work toa in to however what if the Yu'vath did what the necrons had done only into the warp they sunk themselve into a sleep of sorts in great citys within the warp and are starting to awaken because of this i was trying to look for a base of the Yu'Vath and would appreciate some feedback on it