Frozen Wastes-Tuskbeast

By mwmcintyre, in Runebound

I just bought The Frozen Wastes expansion and there is a yellow challenge that doesn't make sense, it says ANY PHASE:If your hero or Ally attacks and is unsuccessful, your Hero cannot attack or use his abilities until the end of combat.

This can't be right, if it was, one unsuccessful attack would mean it is then impossible to defeat the challenge unless you had allies. Can anyone clarify this for me, hopefully an official answer.

I'll agree, the wording of this card just plain sucks. The way our group plays it is as follows.

"If a hero or ally misses with an attack in any phase of combat, then no hero or ally may attack for the rest of this combat round."

This makes the combat challenging since you don't want to use weaker allies to attac with and forces your hero to take most of the attacks and damage himself. That said, I have no idea what the card's ability was "supposed to be".


I'm awaiting an official reply as I sent in a question on their rules questions contact page, I'll let you know when I hear something.

Assuming this is not misprint (and I freely admit that it might well be), it would basically be an ability that forces you to run away if you fail a roll. Harsh, to be sure, but I don't think its broken. It's just a beastie that will end up in the undefeated challenge track for a good long while, until someone is cool enough to smoke it quick.

Yup, the wording is correct according to the gods at FFG, just got the official reply, so if you fail you can only defend or escape after that.

Note that it doesn't say your Allies can't attack, just your Hero. So your Allies can still finish off the beast, even if you or they have already missed once.