Little Kislev - booklet and map

By Whymme, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

You may remember having seen the announcement for WimCon 2014, a two-day WFRP convention in Den Bosch, Netherlands. That con was held two months ago, and participants liked it a lot.

Everyone who participated got a little booklet and a map of Little Kislev, the quarter in Marienburg where people from Kislev live. The book is now available for download from

The stats for the NPCs in the booklet are for second edition, but there's a conversion table in the back with third edition stats.

I look forward to your feedback.

Edited by Whymme

Quick first impression is that I'll use it when/if my players go to marienburg. It seems a well thought out and interesting district. Thanks for sharing.

Also, the link for the map doesn't seem to work. I get an error when trying to open it (using chrome). The booklet works great though. :)

Edited by k7e9

It was kind of fun imagining the personalities and doing the 3e translation for the character archetypes too :)

Thank you for this supplement. You asked for feedback so here goes.

I find it would be a very useful and atmospheric addition to any Marienburg campaign, and I see no reason why it couldn't be adapted to be used with other major Empire cities as well. The document is very well written and the lay-out is such to make it easy to read.

I loved all the details that give it a distinct atmosphere and feel, like the history of the squares and all the spirits. NPCs like Father Konstatin, Baba Dasha, Helene Duschamp and Arkady Gogol were very much to my liking. I also find that the different story hooks arise very naturally from the background stories of the NPCs and places to add to the general Kislevite/warhammery atmosphere of the piece. The map looks very nice.

All in all, a very nice and atmospheric supplement. Thanks for sharing this with the community.