RtL: treachery use during encounters

By snacknuts, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I thought that during an encounter the overlord could use his treachery for some cards in his hand. After re-reading the rule book I'm not so sure. It seems that treachery can only be used in such a way when a luitenant is present. Is this correct or did i miss a sentance somewhere?

That is correct - for a standard encounter, " The overlord begins a combat encounter with zero threat and
no Overlord cards
." (Page 14)

Can someone explain how treachery works in RTL to me?

So the OL uses his XP to buy treachery, not treachery cards?

Then he can use those points to add cards to his hand (in Leutenint encoutners) or to his deck (in dungeons)?

I know it probably seems simple to you, but I keep missing little details about this game that completely throw off it's balance..



Stillborn said:

Can someone explain how treachery works in RTL to me?

So the OL uses his XP to buy treachery, not treachery cards?

Then he can use those points to add cards to his hand (in Leutenint encoutners) or to his deck (in dungeons)?

I know it probably seems simple to you, but I keep missing little details about this game that completely throw off it's balance..



Remove the question marks from you last two questions, and that's how it works happy.gif . You can use in Lt encounters to grab either treachery cards or regular cards of the appropriate type (2 normal cards per 1 point of treachery, so 2 spawn cards for 1 monster treachery). Then before each dungeon, you get to spend treachery to modify you deck.

Stillborn said:

Can someone explain how treachery works in RTL to me?

So the OL uses his XP to buy treachery, not treachery cards?

Then he can use those points to add cards to his hand (in Leutenint encoutners) or to his deck (in dungeons)?

I know it probably seems simple to you, but I keep missing little details about this game that completely throw off it's balance..



Stillborn said:

Can someone explain how treachery works in RTL to me?

So the OL uses his XP to buy treachery, not treachery cards?

Then he can use those points to add cards to his hand (in Leutenint encoutners) or to his deck (in dungeons)?

I know it probably seems simple to you, but I keep missing little details about this game that completely throw off it's balance..



When the OL buys treachery with XP, that treachery is available for use for the rest of the campaing (ie. it doesn't get "used up", just "used")

The OL can purchase points of treachery in one of 3 categories- monster (red), event (green), or trap (purple). While setting up the OL deck for a dungeon, the OL can substitute card just like in the WoD expansion: swap one 1 card in the deck for 1 treachery card you can afford. So two points invested in red treachery will let you swap an Elite Beastman War Party into your deck at the start of EVERY dungeon (NOT dungeon level)

LT Encounters work differently. For each point invested in the corresponding treachery type, the OL can "build a hand" of cards. 3 points in Green would allow you to take into your currently non-existing hand Green Treachery cards totaling 3 - a single 3 cost, one 2 cost and one 1 cost, or three 1 cost. You can also "buy" cards for your hand that don't have a treachery cost at a ration of 1:2 - 1 point in green treachery will allow you to "buy" 2 NON-treachery event cards for your hand. Red will get you spawns, and purple will get you traps.

The key is to keep the type of treachery consistent- Red-spawns, Green- events, Purple- Traps

Hope this helps

Yah it does, I didn't understand the part about buying 2 regular cards for 1 treachery, thanks for the clarification.

I guess a stat. would be to use that to get crushing blow, and use my LTs to kill off gold/silver items I don't like?

Or do you only use lts to raze cities?


Stillborn said:

Yah it does, I didn't understand the part about buying 2 regular cards for 1 treachery, thanks for the clarification.

I guess a stat. would be to use that to get crushing blow, and use my LTs to kill off gold/silver items I don't like?

Or do you only use lts to raze cities?


That is a very viable strategy. If you have access to Crushing Blow, every time you get an Lt into a fight with the Heroes use it. Unless they have Wind Pact, then it will never see the light of day because smart Heroes will take it out of your hand.

Big Remy said:

Stillborn said:

Yah it does, I didn't understand the part about buying 2 regular cards for 1 treachery, thanks for the clarification.

I guess a stat. would be to use that to get crushing blow, and use my LTs to kill off gold/silver items I don't like?

Or do you only use lts to raze cities?


That is a very viable strategy. If you have access to Crushing Blow, every time you get an Lt into a fight with the Heroes use it. Unless they have Wind Pact, then it will never see the light of day because smart Heroes will take it out of your hand.

Well, unless you present them with a tastier target. If you want to go crush-happy, all it takes is to present them with the choice of discarding Animate Weapons or one of your two Crushing Blows.

Xandria said:

Big Remy said:

Stillborn said:

Yah it does, I didn't understand the part about buying 2 regular cards for 1 treachery, thanks for the clarification.

I guess a stat. would be to use that to get crushing blow, and use my LTs to kill off gold/silver items I don't like?

Or do you only use lts to raze cities?


That is a very viable strategy. If you have access to Crushing Blow, every time you get an Lt into a fight with the Heroes use it. Unless they have Wind Pact, then it will never see the light of day because smart Heroes will take it out of your hand.

Well, unless you present them with a tastier target. If you want to go crush-happy, all it takes is to present them with the choice of discarding Animate Weapons or one of your two Crushing Blows.

One of your 1 crushing blows as of the lastest FAQ.

I'm not entirely convinced of the crushing blow strat. It will cost at least 1 green point and 8 threat to use. It might be worthwhile if you know that you will lose the encounter, but if you are fighting to win you should have better uses for your resources. And winning a lieutenant encounter should be your goal. It can have a huge swing in the game, not to mention the damage it causes to hero morale.

Depends entirely on what equipment they have. Like Staff of the Grave is always a prime target for me.

My goal in Lt encounters is to not die. If I can take a hero with me, great, otherwise, live to fight another day. It eats up plenty of the heroes time to track me down, plus I usually have a back up LT in the same location.

What does the back up Lt. do?

He can't re-inforce the fight right?

Is that so he jumps the heroes after they are hurt?



He probably means to keep the siege tokens on a city. If the LT. leaves, all siege tokens are removed.

Yeah, cutting through two or three Lts in one go is much more difficult than taking one out to save a city. Pile your Lts together to take out your main objectives. Then you can run away after doing some damage and hope the next LT does better. Losing a LT is much worse than running IMO.

Ok,so is this "either - or" case for the treachery cards during encounters valid, or can the OL have both treachery cards AND normal cards (according to the aforementioned 1:2 rule) during his encounters with heroes?I guess having both, would be kinda overkill if he was to start with 10 cards of his choice.Heroes wouldn't stand a chance.

He can have both. Say for example he has 3 points of trap treachery, you could buy one 2 point trap treachery card, and then get two normal trap cards.