So, this could immediately net negative answers just from those who don't like Psykers, don't think a game like Only War should allow PC Psykers, or people who don't think Psykers would move around in a constant group with the other players, full-time (I wonder if a group would stay so static in membership in DW, either, if the players weren't set classes, but meh.) However, I;m still curious for those who DO like them and allow their use, whether for the "special snowflake" sensation, or just because you feel that, in fact, they do belong with the rest.
So, blah blah blah, what is the best use, in Only War, for a Psyker character? If played right, they should cause some inter-party tension, being a mutant, potential heretic, but group dynamics can change. If you don't just say "magical artillery piece", so you are shying away from just pure damage output, what are some of the cool uses Psykers have been put to in your experiences? What sort of cool characters, positive or negative, PC or NPC, I suppose, have they been WITH your players, preferably as opposed to AGAINST your players.