Inquisitor vs. Primaris Psyker

By Inquisitor Twilight, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

So I have a character in the game I am running who is playing a Psyker, and as usual he is spectacularly powerful, but that isn't what this post is about. He is about to Ascend into an Inquisitor for RP reasons though he wants Primaris Psyker. The player completely controls the group and making anyone else the Inquisitor would just frustrate everyone. Again, I am trying to not to just ***** about the character, so let me get to the actual point.

Inquisitors have the ability to select a trait which gives them the ability to further their Psychic advancement, or develop a talent that doesn’t already exist. I have several questions about this.

  1. Can he purchase “Psy Rating +1” more than once?
  2. Can he purchase the Psychic powers listed in that trait more than once?
  3. If he purchases “Psy Rating +1” does he get any minor or discipline powers along with the onus d10 like he would if he bought it in the DH core book?

I went to Primaris Psyker in hopes to answer these questions and only found myself with more questions. The Primaris Psyker can only increase his Psy Rating by Purchasing Psy rating +1 in his normal advancement charts, which create a whole mess of other problems.

  1. Since there is a limit to the number of Psy Rating +1’s a Primaris Psyker can buy, then if I allow an Inquisitor to buy it multiple times, then an Inquisitor can become a more powerful Psyker than a Primaris Psyker?
  2. If a Primaris Psyker purchases “Psy Rating +1” from his charts, does he get any minor or discipline powers along with the bonus d10 like he would if he bought it in the DH core book? The Talent Psy Rating +1 isn’t located in the Talent section at all.
Edited by Inquisitor Twilight

I actually played a Psyker that became an inquisitor. My solution for power balancing that I designed myself and then talked to my GM about was that I could keep buying powers from the core book but not buy the advanced powers from the ascension book.

I believe that

1) Yes

2) Yes

3) I believe yes

Following that

1) Yes, but you could put a cap on it like the Primaris Psyker

2) I believe yes.

My suggestion would be to work something out with the player that leaves you both happy with the end result. The game is about fun after all, and the rules are ultimately up to you.