
By Bloody Spirits, in Rogue Trader House Rules

If I had a jet pack like device and dropped from a far height can I crush a guy and maybe have a shockwave that follows if not how can I make this happen

Only with GM fiat.

Worse, if you're falling at "smash everything to a pulp" speed, you're also falling at "smash yourself to a pulp" speed.

AKA "Why Falling Damage Is Nobody's Friend"

Houserule that a properly adapted Power Armor will reduce falling damage, deal the falling damage to the victim instead.

As a human, you won't have enough weight to cause a shockwave though.

Unless you hit the ground with a Power field strong enough (maybe a thunder hammer?), in which case you could deal a portion of that damage in an area effect instead?

Edited by Sebastian Yorke

Get SB+TB over 12

Carry 1000kg+




Seems like you're better off using a thunderhammer. If someone tried something like that in a game I ran I'd ensure they took almost as much damage as they person they slammed into.

Now if you wanted to booby trap a jetpack so that when someone else put it on it just shot them high up into the air and then slammed them down again I'd be all for it. But you'd need a new jetpack.

Edited by WeedyGrot

Invest in drop pods and raise your intelligence so that you an coordinate the pods slamming into the ground at the exact moment you want them to in order to disrupt your enemies.

Then have the drop pods explode because screw marvels of technology. You're rich.

If your drop-pods aren't full of explosives that trigger a perfect rendition of your Dynasty's anthem from the sound of the explosions and leave craters that spell out your name, then I don't know why you even get out of bed in the morning.

Ok thunder hammer

Or load your Drop Pods up with Evesor Assassins and a full tea set so you can enjoy a spot of tea while your enemies die before you.

Maybe if you were a power armored spacemarine... a strong armor and SUPER-ENHANCED BONES... then you might survive iit... but it does not seem like a good idea to try XD

A thunder hammer that makes shockwaves like this sounds like a fun piece of archeotech.

Don't even boost the stats up that much, just give it the ability to make shockwaves like the original poster described.

This has the side benefit of being much more plausible and survivable.

This reminds me of the rules I once drew up for the one blood ravens relic from Dawn of War that allowed you to leave craters nearly everywhere. Open Ground? Crater. Ruin? Crater. Bunker? Crater. Vehicle? Crater. Marine? You guessed it, Crater.

Edited by LordTeague

It's an easy 3-step process.

  1. Stay in school
  2. Do your homework, especiall that math and science stuff
  3. After completing school, revisit this question

It's an easy 3-step process.

  1. Stay in school
  2. Do your homework, especiall that math and science stuff
  3. After completing school, revisit this question

Why make it so complicated if you can google Newton's laws?

Action-Reaction is the law you're looking for.

That and read how many bionic upgrades Space Marines are fitted with (and how many die in the process) before becoming able to "Death from the skies"- attacks with jump packs.