2014 Nationals Results

By MajorJuggler, in X-Wing

So out of curiosity, what have been the most successful rebel and imperial builds lately that DO NOT contain any of the following?

1) Falcon with 3po

2) Whisper/Echo with ACD

3) 7-8 Tie Swarm

Tons of stats here for Regionals anyway, I have squad archetype breakdowns:


\Wave 4 tourney stats / Squad Archetypes

I am currently only differentiating by ship types not upgrades, but you can still get a good idea. Most of the lists fall into those 3 categories, but there are some standouts that are still doing well:

  • Dom's 3 Shuttles + Soontir is excellent.
  • 5+ Rebel ship builds, taken as a whole, are doing slightly above average relative to their appearances. 9% appearance rate and >10% weighted average placement, with a couple outright Regional wins.

And so everyone's worst fears have been realized...

...a shuttle has won Nationals.

(A Phantom was there, too.)

Captain Yorr is a-mazaing! He has been used very little in Regionals, but his normalized performance (weighted average results relative to appearances) is actually the best of any pilot, for both wave 3 and wave 4 Regionals!

It is a trend that may continue through Nationals with this victory.

Edited by MajorJuggler

Hail to the Empire!!!

I can't wait to see that video. I've been trying a variant of that list (Royal Guard vs Soontir, to give Yorr a Captive and FCS), and am eager to see it in action.

I'll admit I'm pretty surprised that a dual falcon list with no gunners on either made it that far. No predator or ptl or anything either to help the attacks.

Eh, when I played him, he was rolling just as good as my predator+focus attacks with his unmodified rolls. Just brutal!

D4rkt3mpl4r takes the US National. Wish I could've been there to see it in person, but I can't imagine a more deserving and gracious player. He was the best star pilot in the galaxy, and a cunning warrior. And he is a good friend.

Does this mean that one day you might cut his legs off and leave him to burn?

Just asking...

I can't wait to see that video. I've been trying a variant of that list (Royal Guard vs Soontir, to give Yorr a Captive and FCS), and am eager to see it in action.

So wait, there is going to be a video?

D4rkt3mpl4r takes the US National. Wish I could've been there to see it in person, but I can't imagine a more deserving and gracious player. He was the best star pilot in the galaxy, and a cunning warrior. And he is a good friend.

Does this mean that one day you might cut his legs off and leave him to burn?

Just asking...

I hope not, but I guess it will depend on whether I have the high ground.

Huge props to Jeff for letting the guy take his cloak action after he forgot and was about to eat 2 TL focused shots from chewie and lando at range 2 and 1.

Ya, team covenant recorded the final game, although it will take some time for them to upload.

oh and yes the top 8 cut was single elim, but the sat tourney was swiss 64, with 5 rounds. I also have some pictures, not when ill be able to upload.

Huge props to Jeff for letting the guy take his cloak action after he forgot and was about to eat 2 TL focused shots from chewie and lando at range 2 and 1.

Why should props be given? I wouldn't have allowed it. When you forget something in the National finals, you forget it. He lost the title because he was too lenient to his opponent.

Huge props to Jeff for letting the guy take his cloak action after he forgot and was about to eat 2 TL focused shots from chewie and lando at range 2 and 1.

Why should props be given? I wouldn't have allowed it. When you forget something in the National finals, you forget it. He lost the title because he was too lenient to his opponent.

Edited by AtomicFryingPan

Cloak is a free action, not a mandatory action. If you play sub-optimally, and forget to focus, or recloak, it's your fault. It's unsportsmanlike to demand a takeback, and much worse to allow it. You're doing a disservice to both the player and yourself, by giving them the unfair advantage of time travel.

Lol believe me I know I'm in the same boat. I was behind him and just cringing when he let him take it.

So out of curiosity, what have been the most successful rebel and imperial builds lately that DO NOT contain any of the following?

1) Falcon with 3po

2) Whisper/Echo with ACD

3) 7-8 Tie Swarm

Tons of stats here for Regionals anyway, I have squad archetype breakdowns:


\Wave 4 tourney stats / Squad Archetypes

I am currently only differentiating by ship types not upgrades, but you can still get a good idea. Most of the lists fall into those 3 categories, but there are some standouts that are still doing well:

  • Dom's 3 Shuttles + Soontir is excellent.
  • 5+ Rebel ship builds, taken as a whole, are doing slightly above average relative to their appearances. 9% appearance rate and >10% weighted average placement, with a couple outright Regional wins.

And so everyone's worst fears have been realized...

...a shuttle has won Nationals.

(A Phantom was there, too.)

Captain Yorr is a-mazaing! He has been used very little in Regionals, but his normalized performance (weighted average results relative to appearances) is actually the best of any pilot, for both wave 3 and wave 4 Regionals!

It is a trend that may continue through Nationals with this victory.

Congratulations CAPTAIN YORRRRRR

And DarkTemplar.

Is the performance of Captain Yorr all based on DarkTemplar though? Or someone else with a similar build? I think someone did a Whisper Yorr build that was a bit different right?

I want to know what the winning list was.

If he hasn't changed anything, it should be :

Soontir fel + Push the limit

Captain Yorr

Whisper + Adc + VI + FCS + Gunner

I wonder if he changed anything. I played this list and took it to a tournament after somebody took a regionals with it, it is quite solid, but requires you to fly it pretty well. Lost to a fat han ^^.

Completely agree with Darth Ruin that it is unneeded and nobody should take it as not being a sportman for not accepting those mistakes. I never correct myself even if my opponents allow me to, but in a national maybe i would.

Congrats to darktemplar, a battle report would be nice.

Edit - It is that list, Major Juggler already posted it on page 5.

Edited by DreadStar

Yeah looked it up.

Just scratching my head.... No RC. Gunner on a 4 dice ship??? FCS???

Captain Yorr????

No Hull on Soontir???

What a weird list. You gotta fly incredibly to take advantage of its pros.

I think its positioned as an incredible anti-Phantom build.

His gunner Whisper is liable to smoke an opposing Phantom pretty hard. The stress he gains from an enemy RC is absorbed by Yorr who doesn't die. Soontir and 2pts of intiative means two late movers/attack firsters that could easily pin down a Phantom.

Its the Fat Han I'd be afraid of too. Really want to see how he played vs two Falcons.

I would assume hanging back at R3 when he can, still get 4v2 with Gunner and FCS guaranteeing you hitting more or less. Means when they fire back you have possibly two defensive focus and 5 dice. Pretty hard target to hit.

The longer K-turn is great for this if you have Yorr near enough on the other end of it to absorb the stress, you can let the falcons blow past and still get them in your sights.

Edited by stmack

I would think he takes an evade action, and allows the FCS and Gunner to do the attacking. Have a focus from whisper. evade focus makes more sense. even at 5 gren dice.... no SIX green dice, i roll tons of blanks.

Thankfully, there are 4 points of health on a phantom. not one.

Against a luke han you hang on r3 if you can, the problem comes that he moves after you and has engine upgrade, which can force your hand sometimes. A regular gunner is not that bad, but you really don't want to be at R1.

You use evade token instead of focus too, and with gunner, you will get the FCS + gunner round if needed, and eventually, that focus token for defense.

It is an uphill battle in my opinion, and mostly decided on how you manage to deal with the z's, or if you get to focus han at the beginning (this shouldn't happen tho), and since your other damage dealer is soontir, you are kind of having a hard time against the fat han no matter what.

I could be wrong on my assesment against fat hans tho, i am not half the player these guys probably are.

Edited by DreadStar

I really want to see that matchup too. Though, there is a good chance too that for the specific metagame of tip top players, where you have to consider player choices too, that he was expecting to only run into fat han once or twice.

He and I played Thursday. I ran chubby Han, and still had trouble against him. I got a very well timed lucky shot in late that allowed me to pull it out, but my Han was down to 1 health and with only Bandits, I wouldn't have had much chance against Whisper. It was a great game, just a great tournament all together.

James Elhardt (note the correction) and I (Matt B) both had:

Han Solo YT-1300

- Vet Instincts

- C3PO

- Mercenary CoPilot

4x Bandit Z-95

We have been working on the list together, it's not a coincidence we both had the same thing.

MajorJuggler, I will have the results from the NA Championship to you on Tuesday. I am going to finalize the top 62 then submit it to FFG. Once I am done. I will have the list with MOV and score in order up to the top 8. I get back to Omaha on Monday then will work on it Tuesday Morning. Was one heck of a 3 days.

Ok, got pictures of the both Gencon semi final games and the finals game uploaded to the Facebook group X-Wing Worlds 2014. Unfortunately im a noob at trying to link stuff so i have no idea if the following link will work.


Ok, i *think* i got photobucket working, try this:


Edited by Texx