finished Eye for an Eye; what next?

By Stickyman, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

I have just run this over a series of lunchtime at school; it's not ideal but after burning the lodge down and most of the staff in the process the party have escaped with the possessed painting, lost one member in the conflagration and have another unconsciousness. They are now fleeing through the woods with the sound of howling at their heels.

I am running this with the core set and four players with another wishing to join!

1) Should I get another core set or some other combination of books/vaults?

2) I need some ideas for short, discreet episodes that run in under an hour, are not all combat based (I want to squeeze more role-playing out of them) and add up to something meaningful when connected. ( they don't have any idea how dangerous/evil the painting is!)

For another players, if you can find a Players Vault that will support another player and give some more career options etc. and dice (I think, long time since I got it).

For adventures,

Each of the expansion boxes has an adventure in it. Winds of Magic is investigation-oriented (and good generally as is the Signs of Faith).

<1 Hour Episodes, hmm, that's a bit tricky.

You might try reviewing these:

If you get a copy of the Creature Guide, in addition to the information in it re monsters each write up has scenario ideas around that creature (warning, the Creature Guide book is a bit of a fiasco, information split up and repeated between them).

For example, another one pager, "Chill Wind" on boardgamegeek is derived from it.

Running through woods they could meet Rhyan/Taalite priest, some travelling wood elves on their way to the Standing Stones deeper in forest where something is afoot etc., a group of bandits - in any case, whose help they must get (roleplay, social skills) to escape the beastmen, on their own task of some sort etc.

Depending on what happened with Lord Aschaffenburg and rest, something playing on that (e.g., they meet knights and men at arms with Lord Bruner escorting his daughter to her husband - some rolls to explain to your saviours why they shouldn't hang you) etc. How grim to make it depends a bit on how "true to the grim perilous old world" you're getting etc.

Thanks Valvorik,

Yes I like the idea of meeting Von Bruner and the bride especially since the party have just incinerated Lord Aschaffenburg. I also want to see how they explain the possessed painting away too.

Edited by Stickyman

This looks perfect Emirikol; it will suit this party perfectly; they have turned into a bunch of self serving thieves and cuthroats already and I can weave in the painting they already have somehow, thanks for the pointer.

I kind of ran it like Eye for an Eye. It has some staff walking around so I had the rogue make multiple stealth and 'distraction' type checks. The other players had to delay the guards.

This one is fun too:

..and then there was "the basement" in Worse than the Disease...


Edited by Emirikol

For two more short scenarios, I recommend googling up copies of the following:

* Peril at Stopover ::: SPOILERS::: The From the Grave POD and Grey Wizard POD stuff is handy for this one.

* The Pig, The Witch, and her Lover


Edited by Emirikol

Fantastic; I shall download all of these and that will keep them busy for the next year. I have ordered the players vault and guide ( the floppy books which came with the the core set have fallen apart already) so I can support another player. One of the players is quite a rules merchant so I am thinking we run the next chapter or so together.

Do you mean Rules Lawyer?

As a GM, I used to find Rules Lawyers annoying, but now I know they are just another RPG beast who happen to find constructing and De-constructing the rules just as much fun as the game itself sometimes. Engage their aid, they are not your opposition, they are sometimes your best friend.

Also remember you are the one in charge at the end of the day, and ALL rules bend to Rule one, the Ref is always right.

'Rules Lawyer' yes but since we are really still learning the rules as we play there is a certain amount of 'trading'. If they come up with a better reason or more dramatic scene description or action I will throw the rules aside. This has encouraged them to be more creative in their actions and RPGing. I find it quite useful to hand the rule book over and let someone else do the page flicking: that way the game keeps going most of the time.