So Super Street fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix comes out today on the PSN and tomorrow on Live. I have a 360 so I won't get it until tomorrow but I was gonna see if anyone else was picking it up and might want to play. If so message me and I'll give you my Gamertag. I mean this game should be pretty amazing from what I've heard so you should check it out.
SSF 2 Turbo HD Remix!!!
I'm from the Uk, the land Street Fighter II HD apparantly hates, as they've delayed it with an unknown release date. NOT HAPPY! Although saying that, my internets at home is dead, so I do hope that comes back before it really is released over here :|
Viewtiful I hate if for you man, cause this game is gonna be sick.
I'll be sure to let you know just how awesome it is, but seriously once the UK gets it and you have internet again we should play. Who knows maybe by that point I'll actually be good at the game. (my current skills at SSF2 are lacking, I'm more of an Alpha 3 player)
while i know i am going to download this i would MUCH rather have Marvel vs Capcom 2 god i love this game. my only worry is that the 360 controler will ruin the game
Im having no problems with the PS3 D-Pad
I don't know why, but i,m not that exited about it. Whats new beside Hd graphics of cartoon characters?
old game is old
Its..... Beautiful lol. im playing it right now lol. definitely preffering the PS controller over the X360 one.
I shall be getting the PS3 version, as I prefer the D-Pad over the 360's one. ( Also got a RRoD a couple of days ago, just to rub salt in the wound...). But I've been more excited about this than SFIV almost. I had a go at an unfinished version of it, and Vega was sex on a stick, as he should be. I shall certainly be maining him and Chun Li, once I finally get it. I'm also interested to know whether Fei Long's ACTUALLY going to be any good this time. It's doubtful, but one can hope. I need my practice too. I was one round away from top 8'ing in the UK national chapionship for Capcom Vs. SNK 2 once upon a time, I need a reason play again!
I just got done playing for a few hours and it's absolutely amazing. I mean the graphics are beautiful and the new rebalancing its very interesting. Definitely worth the wait and the $15. Now just to actually learn to play it well and I'll be in business. lol.
One of my new year's resolutions will be to get Xbox Live, and put my new Arcade Stick to good use - for this, and Street Fighter IV!
For all of the PS3 users, I always need more players to play against. Send a friend request to EnderDragon78 on the PSN. I look forward to playing.
Son Gopaul said:
One of my new year's resolutions will be to get Xbox Live, and put my new Arcade Stick to good use - for this, and Street Fighter IV!
I think I might have to make this my resolution as well. so much easier to keep than the diet thing.
So. Has anyone else noticed how **** HARD THIS GAME IS?! lol. like i used to play it when i was a kid and i NEVER remember it being this hard lol. Anyone play against T. Hawk and notice HOW FREAKING RETARDED HE IS?!!?! at least me and 3 friends were talking about the game today and he asked me if i had played against him and i was like YEAH I KNOW HES FREAKIN STUPID! LIKE HOLY CRAP HE ***** FACE.
It's a shame he's not the same in UFS... perhaps this will change in Set 11???
XBLA Gamertag= Gintok001. Hit me up! Too bad I don't have a ps3 though
yesh link. "medium" is like 8 stars in the old game. difficulty is not a joke.
on PS3 - STGouHadou (like my AIM)
My PSN name is drewkasa if anyone wants to play online.
I finally understand why everyone says the xbox controller is terrbile for fighting games. I'm perfectly fine with it in soul calibur, but I've been shoryuken'ing for many a'year now, and it seems I can't even pull it off 30% of the time now, especially when my opponent is doing a flying kick to me with their crotch open and everything just begging for a flaming fist... i just kinda slap the air and the get hit and die.
OMG a Street Fighter forum that Scott Gaines hasn't posted on.
I never thault I'd see the day.