Fully lit Slave I

By Millennium Falsehood, in X-Wing

*Is so enticed by this starship's lighting that he writes erotic fiction about it*

*Is so enticed by this starship's lighting that he writes erotic fiction about it*



Joe Boss: Forum Photo master.

OT: This looks great. Out of curiosity, where's the power button? :P

Now you have it my dear fellow!


The rest is kinda just messing around with the setup. I think your cameras ISO setting is high too, and that can be adjusted. Lower is better, say at 60%'ish rather than 100% which is what it looks like it is set to now.

Good job!


As a serious photographer, I applaud the suggestions you gave him.

Now you have it my dear fellow!


The rest is kinda just messing around with the setup. I think your cameras ISO setting is high too, and that can be adjusted. Lower is better, say at 60%'ish rather than 100% which is what it looks like it is set to now.

Good job!


As a serious photographer, I applaud the suggestions you gave him.

Thanks. I try to make my images look good.

I learned how to do things over time.


Hey Falsehood; could you take more detailed shots of your lighting setup, or maybe say how/what you did? I'm having a devil of a time trying to cram the guts (coin holder, lights/wires and button on/off switch) into my Firespray.

Lit engines are cool - but I'm a little sad, I was expecting you to have lit the cockpit too... :(

I just opened a firespray to do this as well, mt battery fits ok, I'm just wondering if I wanna drill out the enine holes or not.. lol

Lit engines are cool - but I'm a little sad, I was expecting you to have lit the cockpit too... :(



This is so cool... You guys need to stop posting pictures like these, they're just too awesome and they make me want to do it myself!

As a sidenote: Are mods like this tournament legal? I know the rules say something about not altering the size or shape, so I'm guessing that as long as you can put the miniature back togheter the way it was, everything should be good, right?

Edited by Pestage

@Pestage: If someone kicks you out of a tournament because your model is cool and lights up, they have no soul.

Edited by BenderIsGreat

I know the rules say something about not altering the size or shape

Even that is a gray area really. Last year someone at Worlds had a YT-1300 they modified so the cockpit was in the center of the ship rather on the side.

The rules say the size or shape can't be changed but the final decision is up to the TO. So it's more of a CYA type clause then anything. It gives the TO a way of dealing with someone who mod's a ship so it's no longer recognizable or perhaps even confused with another ship...

So making a Tie Fighter look like an Interceptor, or a X-Wing looking like a Z-95 for example.

I know the rules say something about not altering the size or shape

Even that is a gray area really. Last year someone at Worlds had a YT-1300 they modified so the cockpit was in the center of the ship rather on the side.

The rules say the size or shape can't be changed but the final decision is up to the TO. So it's more of a CYA type clause then anything. It gives the TO a way of dealing with someone who mod's a ship so it's no longer recognizable or perhaps even confused with another ship...

So making a Tie Fighter look like an Interceptor, or a X-Wing looking like a Z-95 for example.

Also now with multiple YT's you can't buy one YT-2400 and use your home made YT to give yourself double.

Okay, the ISO setting was on auto, so I turned it to 64 and got this: G9GRfHU.jpg

I don't think this is an improvement, though.

-Shutter Speed is how long the cameras sensor is exposed for. 1/50th of a second is a normal exposure.

-Iris or aperture is how much light the lens lets through. 2.8 lets in lots of light, 22 doesn't.

-ISO is your cameras sensitivity to light. 100 is low, 1600 is high.

Lots of consumer cameras don't allow you to control these settings (or name it some convoluted garbage). The best bet is to add as much as light as possible and reduce contrast (shadows and highlights in same image).

alternatively, buy a cheap tripod, then you can have your shutter speed as low as you like and take amazing photos.