I am trying to setup "A Matter of Trust" for the Call of the Wild expansion for the first time but I am having a problem understanding where to put the exploration cards. It says to pull out 36 cards but if I follow the instructions in Steps 5 and 6 I only use 29 of the 36 cards. What do I do with the rest?
Step 4 of the Investigator Setup says to find 36 specific Exploration Cards.
Step 5 says to deal one random exploration card into each space excluding the center of the pond, start space and each space of the bard. ( 26 cards used)
Step 6 says to put one additional card into the outhouse, center of the hilltop and sawmill. (3 cards used))
After Step 5 I have only used 26 of the 36 cards, or 32 if I put cards outside the barn but not on the spaces inside the barn.
After Step 6 I have only used 29 of the 36 cards or 35 of the 36 cards if I put cards outside the barn but not on the spaces inside the barn.
What do I do with the extra exploration cards or am I not counting the spaces correctly?