I recently opened up the CD of my old PC copy of Space Hulk (which doesn't work on Windows XP) and found the maps in pdf form. That got me thinking...could I use the maps in Doom? For that matter, could I use the Hulk scenarios as well? I was able to put together the first map using the Doom + expansion tiles, so I know it's possible. I don't see an option for inserting files, so if you'd like me to send these to you, let me know.
Space Hulk maps
You can use DOSBox to play Space Hulk under Windows XP, Linux, Mac OS X, etc. Most old dos games work great using it. I've used it to play Space Hulk myself.
Tried it...it was too fiddly. I even had friends that use DOSBox to give it a go on my machine, but to no avail. Not a big loss, though. I still own in on Playstation and it even comes with the Deathwing campaign!
There is a Space Hulk Program which recreates the game with Deathwing supplement with AI genestealers + multiplayer. It worked on XP as it was, but i cannot remember where i got it from.
Try this, http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=139199 , is the remake of the "Space Hulk SP".
Or this one, Net Hulk, www.ojnk.net/nethulk/index.html , for play over Inet ( or a LAN)
I wondered about the same thing as I still have my old copy of Hulk as well as the expansion pieces from the old White Dwarf mags that I mounted onto card back in the day. I might have to go through the book and give it a go of trying to make some of those maps (or something close) out of the DOOM map tiles.
The only problem with making SH maps out of Doom stuff is that you can have 2 marines shooting up the hallway if you use 1-inch scale stuff (this is bad for genestealers), I didn't have any terminators so I used a tactical squad of marines when i last tried this.
P.S. Making space hulk pieces isn't that hard, check it out on Board Game Geek
My whole idea was not to use Space Hulk rules, rather use the maps and scenarios and incorporate Doom rules and dice into a squad-level tactical game. More scenarios = more fun!
I'm thinking that Gears of War is going to be something like this idea.
If you are looking for custom Space Hulk stuff - look here:
There are a ton of great SF corridors and such. They are really well done.
It is a shame that FFG's agreement with Games Workshop precludes miniture based games, which would seem to Include Space Hulk (Along with other OOP favourates, like Man O'War and Warhammer Quest.)
You could use the Space Hulk maps as a guide. I've toyed with this myself as I tinker with converting Doom to a minis game. The first thing I realized is the SH rooms are much smaller than those in Doom, so you would have to take that into account, of course. Good luck!