New Foes

By Grand Trader Chode, in Rogue Trader

Thanks Adeptus-B for the comments and inspiration, now for the for the sinister "guests".

1. Mire lurk

Commonly found in the swamps of Jackob's Cove

The Mire Lurk looks like a humanoid crab.

WS: 25 BS: - S: 40 T (6)30 A: 32 INT: 27 PER: 31 WP: 25 FEL: -
MOVE: 3/6/9/12
SKILLS: Awareness (Per) +10,
Climb, Concealment +20, Contortionist +20, Dodge +10,
Search (Per) +10, Silent Move (Ag) +10, Survival (Int) +20, Swim (S) +20.
TALENTS: Ambidextrous.

TRAITS: Amphibious, Bestial, Dark Sight, Fear 1, Improved Natural Weapons (Claws), Natural Armour (4), Unnatural Toughness (x2).

ARMOUR : Carapace ( AP:4 all, Primitive).

WEAPONS : Claws (1d10+4 R, Pen:3).

2. Jorōgumo

The Jorōgumo

WP: 55 BS: 35 S: 33 T: 35 Ag: 58 Int: 43 Per: 33 WP: 48 Fel: 49

MOVEMENT: 5/10/15/30


SKILLS: Acrobatics (Ag) +10, Awareness (Per) +20, Charm (Fel) +20, Ciphers- Xeno Markings (Int), Climb (S) +20 Command (Fel), Common Lore: Imperium (Int), Concealment (Ag) +20, Deceive (Fel) +20, Disguise (Fel) +20, Dodge (Ag) +20, Forbidden Lore: Xenos (Int) +20, Inquiry (Fel) +20, Literacy (Int), Logic (Int), Scrutiny (Per), Search (Per) +10, Shadowing (Agility) +20, Silent Move (Ag) +20, Speak Language: High Gothic, Low Gothic, 1d5 others (Int), Tracking (Int) +10.

TALENTS : Ambidextrous, Basic Weapon Training (Universal), Catfall, Melee Weapon Training (Universal), Mimic, Paranoia, Resistance (Fear).

TRAITS: Changeling*,Dark-Sight, Fear (1- true form only), Improved Natural Weapons (Fangs and Claws), Natural Armour (2), Spinitod**.

* This xenos can shape shift to appear in the of any creature of Average-size, or one size category larger or smaller, which the Jorōgumo has previously encountered/eaten, and it effects all senses (sight, sound, touch, etc.).

** A Jorōgumo must feast on liquefied internal organs of a sentient being every 72 hours via its Bite attack or gain 1 level of Fatigue that cannot be removed by any means other than successfully feeding on a victim. These levels of Fatigue are cumulative; if they equal or exceed the Jorōgumo’ Toughness Bonus, it falls into a deathlike state of suspended animation until a potential victim is one meter away or less.

ARMOUR : Carapace ( AP:2 all, Primitive) or as appropriate for cover identity.

GEAR: As appropriate for cover identity.

WEAPONS: Web-Spew (20m; S/-/-; Snare, Recharge); Stab-Claws (1d10+3 I; Pen 2); Bite (2d10+3 R; Pen 4; Tearing, Toxic) and appropriate weapons for cover identity.

PS: I know neither of these are original but brownie points for any one who what folklore number 2 came from.

Edit: added Mire Lurk backstory and Changed Jorōgumo feeding time.

Edited by Grand Trader Chode


how about a little bit more about the look, habbit and demaneour of those creatures? Or are those already mentioned somewhere else (in the fluff)? If so, where? Having a tat of references to a block of stats is always helpful in actually putting those things to work in any game (RT, DH, BW or otherwise).

@the Jorogúmo
Is this a natural creature? I ask because I find the "one SENTIENT creature A DAY"diet to be hard to keep up within in a "natural Environment". Unless sentient beings are plentiful an REPRODUCING FAST in its natural environment.... and them being to stupid / docile / peaceful to start a "hunt" after a month were they wittnessed the death of 30 of their community....or after two with 60... you get me, I guess.
Which is the eccosystem this creature strives in despite ist special diet and voracious appetite?

The Jorogumo sounds a bit like from one of those old black and white thrillers. I'm not saying its a copy but I'm saying good job! I also like the Mire Lurk, exactly the thing you would find in a swampy jungle.

@the Jorogúmo
Is this a natural creature? I ask because I find the "one SENTIENT creature A DAY"diet to be hard to keep up within in a "natural Environment". Unless sentient beings are plentiful an REPRODUCING FAST in its natural environment.... and them being to stupid / docile / peaceful to start a "hunt" after a month were they wittnessed the death of 30 of their community....or after two with 60... you get me, I guess.
Which is the eccosystem this creature strives in despite ist special diet and voracious appetite?
Gregorius21778 said this.

Stranger creatures exist and as I said it sounds like its from an old thriller. A thin, spiteful creature that thinks nothing of manipulating people to slake its hunger. It can show itself by getting desperate commiting a full out assualt to escape the gnawing feeling of hunger.

Edited by Misha

Well the Mire Lurk is from Fallout, I think.

And I believe he is getting the Jorogúmo from the ancient Japanese legend of old spiders gaining a magical power that turns them into beautiful women, so they can seduce men and eat them/drain their blood/ etc. Hence with the web sprew and "claws."

Well the Mire Lurk is from Fallout, I think.

And I believe he is getting the Jorogúmo from the ancient Japanese legend of old spiders gaining a magical power that turns them into beautiful women, so they can seduce men and eat them/drain their blood/ etc. Hence with the web sprew and "claws." Nameless2all said this.

Might not be right but good connections nevertheless. I think we need a bit more detail though as I can't make out what to imagine.

As Nameless2all mentioned Mire Lurk brought immediatly Fallout into my mind


How many of these have I hunted in the dark, dank places in Fallout 3 is uncountable.

Jorogumo (Spider Woman from Japanese Folklore) as Nameless2all said


Possibly best picture I could find, everything else was almost porn

Edited by Routa-maa

:wacko: You had to show that picture didn't you?

Ah, New Foes. -Not to be confused with the U-Foes :


(Yes, I'm old enough to own this issue...)

- Ahem - So, yeah, I agree with Gregorius in the second post- more background/habitat detail would be useful in judging the depiction of these critters.