Netrunner Old School Dood

By hollowneck, in Android: Netrunner Rules Questions

This may seem a lame question but I haven't found the answer anywhere on the forum.

Can I play (mix) my 1996 Old School Wizards Netrunner cards with the new game set?

Thanks Folks (do women play this game?)

I'm thinking of jacking-in, again (maybe).


No. They are completely different games. Even though Android: Netrunner is very closely based on the original Netrunner, they are in no way compatible.

Spacebo CommissarFreesh.

Oh well...wanna' buy a vintage, mint complete set of Garfield's original game? ...just kidding...

I recall that the original Netrunner had a couple troublesome mechanics that made certain decks dominant (and almost always a Corp win) plus not enough new stuff in the original game's card pool.

This said, I loved the concept and even the semi-broken game play. I'm hoping the re-booted version is ready for Prime Time. Where on the forum can I get a complete set of the rules (before I rush out and start buying packs/sets, whatever?

Muchos Gracias

You won't find it on the forum, but you will find it on the game's minisite in the support section. Link below.

That has links to both the rulebook, and the latest FAQ. It's also worth checking in with some people who play already, as there are a lot of common misconceptions new players tend to have, even after reading the rules.

Although if you remember how the old game played, not much has changed (traces are a little different, Bad Publicity had a total rework, purging viruses is marginally different) so a thorough read of the rules may be enough to refresh and update you.

Excellent! Thanks much for the fast response. I'll check out the link.

It's been, literally, almost 20 years since I've played the original, so I'm going to read everything as a NOOB. I'm sure some of the rules will come back to me. What day is it today?....

I'm getting pumped. Too bad the (mainstream.non-DARPA) internet barely existed when Wizards released the first Netrunner!

Thanks again....