Kingsburg has challenged many players to become leaders of their realms. From defending against the ravages of invading goblin tribes to the creation of mighty buildings, each path to success has been travelled a number of times. Pathways have been explored and many a governor has triumphed.
Now Luca Iennaco brings you a new way to play. Presenting the first Kingsburg scenario! This scenario provides interesting new mechanics and will change the way you play. Each year will force players to work together in interesting new ways, for the survival of all their lands is at stake.
The Demanding Capital (pdf, 163 kb)
This is the first scenario, check back as there are more to come.
Kingsburg is a board game where players take on the roles of provincial governors tasked with protecting the furthest frontiers of the kingdom from marauding monsters. At the same time, players must use their influence to enlist the help of the king's courtiers in to civilize the wilderness, build prosperous towns, and earn the most favor from the king. The player who does the best at all of these things will achieve victory!