Custom Painted Z-95 Headhunter and E-Wing

By SmartCookie, in X-Wing

So, with the arrival of Wave 4, my Ice Squadron has been getting some new recruits. Here's the first two:



1. Base coat the model (except the canopy) bright orange.

2. Wash the entire model with a watered down dark wash (Games Workshop's Nuln Oil), about 50-50 water/wash.

3. Drybrush a light gray color on the entire model.

4. Drybrush a tiny amount of silver on the entire model.

5. Gently drybrush a few select section with a light brown color.

6. Wash the entire model with a watered down dark wash (Games Workshop's Nuln Oil), about 25-75 water/wash.

7. Drybrush white on the entire model.

8. Add wash (not watered down) in the deep crevasses.

9. Drybrush the Ice Blue paint for the squadron markings.

10. Drybrush black on the parts of the enigines that are to be dark.

11. Clean-up on the canopy (and select areas that needed it).

For the rest of Ice Squadron, see here:

Edited by Veldrin

Love the E-Wing. The Z-95 however, is a bit too dirty for my taste. Still nice work!

I love dirty ships... awesome.

Yeh, I actually really like the Z. I think on another ship it might be too much, but for the old workhorse, it fits perfectly. Excellently done!

That Z-wing looks amazing.

Edit: Herp derp, its a Z-95, not a Z wing. Whatever, I'll just call it a headhunter

Edited by Corellian Corvette

I love the z-95!

Great work, love the dirty look on the Z-95!

the z-95 is wonderful !!! great !!! how did you do that ?!?

the z-95 is wonderful !!! great !!! how did you do that ?!?

1. Base coat the model (except the canopy) bright orange.

2. Wash the entire model with a watered down dark wash (Games Workshop's Nuln Oil), about 50-50 water/wash.

3. Drybrush a light gray color on the entire model.

4. Drybrush a tiny amount of silver on the entire model.

5. Gently drybrush a few select section with a light brown color.

6. Wash the entire model with a watered down dark wash (Games Workshop's Nuln Oil), about 25-75 water/wash.

7. Drybrush white on the entire model.

8. Add wash (not watered down) in the deep crevasses.

9. Drybrush the Ice Blue paint for the squadron markings.

10. Drybrush black on the parts of the enigines that are to be dark.

11. Clean-up on the canopy (and select areas that needed it).

EDIT: added this to the original post.

Edited by Veldrin

Yeh, I actually really like the Z. I think on another ship it might be too much, but for the old workhorse, it fits perfectly. Excellently done!

Thank you!

This was exactly what I was goong for with the Z-95.

I really wanted it to tell it is an old, beat-down fightercraft which has seen its best days a long time ago (in a galaxy far, far away).