So who's all pumped for this movie? Am I the only one who is brave enough to think its gonna be good? So much of the recent summer hits(like Dark Knight) have been casting, and I think this cast is genius in alot of ways.
I'm still not sold on the new Kirk, but I'm reserving judgement.
Quinto seems like he will make a good Spock. Glad that Nimoy's in it as well. You can never have too much Nimoy. Should be interesting seeing the contrast between the two.
Simon Pegg is always fun to see on the big screen, and he should handle the Scotty role quite well me thinks, even if he doesn't look anything like the origional Scotty.
John Cho (aka Harold) is iffy. I've always enjoyed his acting, but his acting has always been comedic and Sulu is definately more serious than his previous work that I've seen. Still, I think he'll do a good job from what I've seen.
Karl Urban seems like a great Bones, even though I never would've picked that guy in a million years. Plus he seems to have that whole resenting the fact that he's living in the future/space age thing that the origional Bones had. I'll be really sad if he uses a transporter.
Uhura....meh. She seems like she'll get the job done, but for some reason I just don't think she'll be as awesome as the origional one.
Charlie Bartlet playing Checkov totally confused me at first. Then I read that the origional Checkov was created to appeal to all the teen girls. That made this casting make ALOT of sense. Touche casting director.
I'm not that excited to see Eric Bana. I just don't like him that much. It probably has alot to do with that god awful Hulk movie.