New Star Trek Movie

By Staton, in 8. AGoT Off Topic

So who's all pumped for this movie? Am I the only one who is brave enough to think its gonna be good? So much of the recent summer hits(like Dark Knight) have been casting, and I think this cast is genius in alot of ways.

I'm still not sold on the new Kirk, but I'm reserving judgement.

Quinto seems like he will make a good Spock. Glad that Nimoy's in it as well. You can never have too much Nimoy. Should be interesting seeing the contrast between the two.

Simon Pegg is always fun to see on the big screen, and he should handle the Scotty role quite well me thinks, even if he doesn't look anything like the origional Scotty.

John Cho (aka Harold) is iffy. I've always enjoyed his acting, but his acting has always been comedic and Sulu is definately more serious than his previous work that I've seen. Still, I think he'll do a good job from what I've seen.

Karl Urban seems like a great Bones, even though I never would've picked that guy in a million years. Plus he seems to have that whole resenting the fact that he's living in the future/space age thing that the origional Bones had. I'll be really sad if he uses a transporter.

Uhura....meh. She seems like she'll get the job done, but for some reason I just don't think she'll be as awesome as the origional one.

Charlie Bartlet playing Checkov totally confused me at first. Then I read that the origional Checkov was created to appeal to all the teen girls. That made this casting make ALOT of sense. Touche casting director.

I'm not that excited to see Eric Bana. I just don't like him that much. It probably has alot to do with that god awful Hulk movie.

I'm super excited.

I am a little leary of what i've heard about the plot, but if i can manage to not view it as part of Trek Lore i should be okay with it.

Well the plot isn't that bad. I mean the whole time travel thing is an accident. And everything dealing with this cast is considered "an alternate timeline." So I think they dealt with it as best as they could. God I hope we get to see The Shatner in future movies. I hear the entire cast has signed on for at least two more movies. I also strangely love the look of the new bridge. I think its my favorite bridge yet. I mean it seems so sleek and bright! I won't constantly feel like everyone's sitting in the dark. lol

Staton said:

God I hope we get to see The Shatner in future movies.

Denny Crane!

I love the chemistry between him and James Spader. I really wish that the show was just about those two. haha

I'm not a Trekkie - but I am pretty excited for this. Much more so than for Wolverine. Hope there's Klingons.

i dig the alternate timneline hook. this lets them reboot the series and boldly go where no continuity issues will piss off legions of ticket buying Trekkies.

And i heard Shatner's ticked that he wasn't tapped at all for this gig. Anyone know if there is any truth to this?

There are so many conflicting Shatner stories. First word was that Shatner wanted too much money, then that he wasn't offered a part, then that he was offered a part, but wanted some control over the story, I don't think we'll ever know the truth about it. JJ Abrams once said (when they got Nimoy) that they wanted Shatner too, but it just didn't work out.

I'm super excited about this film. I haven't seen Wolverine yet, but I told my wife we were going to this one opening night for sure. As tired as I am of time travel in Star Trek, I'm glad to see some new life being breathed into this property.

Stag Lord said:

Hope there's Klingons.

I read on the official Star Trek website that they chose to focus on the Romulans instead of the Klingons. Sorry to disappoint, but I doubt we'll see our bumpy headed friends this time around.

well i just saw the new burger king commercial for the star trek glasses...and well i almost puked...king-ons..get them before the king-ons get them....blah!

That was freaking priceless. LOL

Staton said:

Uhura....meh. She seems like she'll get the job done, but for some reason I just don't think she'll be as awesome as the origional one.

~~~yeah, wouldn't want to be caught dead taking her to prom

Seriously, I think your man card needs to be revoked - she is flat out smoking!

I was pumped to see it. I'm generally not a fan of time travel plots. This one didn't bug too much; but, I would have preferred something without the time travel aspect. It was entertaining & a good movie - but I wouldn't say great. But, definitely worth seeing. Cast extremely well.

That onion piece is priceless.

Red Matter?


remember when people where saying flip open commincaters wtf?!? and now you see them in every cell phone store....but i digress

Saw the movie last night. It was a good movie. I didn't like the romulans, but there were more a plot device then anything else. this might be a good way to get some interest back into the francise by making more accessible and the re-write (so to speak) is therefore liveable (but as far as bad guys go those were not very well thoughtout/developed bad guys. one good thing about trek is that you usually had a really good idea of what motivated the bad guys and this often made them more 'human').

Side note that only i may find funny. My girlfriend and I took my parents to see the movie. My mom (who is 60) is the original trekkie in our family and got me hooked on it. My dad...well i think he didn't want to be left out. Anyway about five minutes before the previews start my mom says to me, its not the crowd i expected to see. I asked her what she meant and she said there were a lot of 'old farts' i laughed at her and said those are the trekkies mom, the original series did come out in the sixities, and beside who told me to get tickets for the movie, but not too late? (she did). she laughed and accussed me of calling her an old fart. I had no comment.

Personally, I loved this movie. I thought they did a good job casting, the story had me hooked, I had no problem with the motivations of the bad guys, and the time-travel accident allowed them to make the changes to the series without having to start over like BSG did. Zachery Qunito was just as perfect a Spock as I expected, the story was as fast paced as anything I expected from Abrams, and the nods to the original series were priceless.

My wife was even more impressed. She was crying during the opening sequence, over characters we had absolutely no connection with minutes before. That was an amazing beginning, and if only Lucas knew how to get that kind of an emotional response perhaps the Star Wars prequels wouldn't have been so bad. I plan on seeing this movie again in the theater, and can't wait for the sequels.

Lars - thanks for sharing the personal anectdote. Interestingly. when I saw the movie, It was predominantly a younger crowd (theater about 75% full, and I'd say half the crowd were high schoolers, though it was a 9:00 pm Friday showing).

Agree the Romulans/bad guys were not done well, but as said, they were more a plot device/story was more about re-introducing cast of characters.

I particularly liked Bruce Greenwood as Captain Pike (though I've alwayrs really enjoyed his work - was anyone else a fan of Nowhere Man before it was cancelled?)

JerusalemJones said:

Personally, I loved this movie. I thought they did a good job casting, the story had me hooked, I had no problem with the motivations of the bad guys, and the time-travel accident allowed them to make the changes to the series without having to start over like BSG did. Zachery Qunito was just as perfect a Spock as I expected, the story was as fast paced as anything I expected from Abrams, and the nods to the original series were priceless.

My wife was even more impressed. She was crying during the opening sequence, over characters we had absolutely no connection with minutes before. That was an amazing beginning, and if only Lucas knew how to get that kind of an emotional response perhaps the Star Wars prequels wouldn't have been so bad. I plan on seeing this movie again in the theater, and can't wait for the sequels.

I've already seen it twice. As you said, the nods to the original series were priceless, and were well executed so that if you got the reference, you enjoyed it, but if you didn't, it was still enjoyable. I particularly enjoyed the discussion about Admiral Archer's beagle.

jmccarthy said:

JerusalemJones said:

Personally, I loved this movie. I thought they did a good job casting, the story had me hooked, I had no problem with the motivations of the bad guys, and the time-travel accident allowed them to make the changes to the series without having to start over like BSG did. Zachery Qunito was just as perfect a Spock as I expected, the story was as fast paced as anything I expected from Abrams, and the nods to the original series were priceless.

My wife was even more impressed. She was crying during the opening sequence, over characters we had absolutely no connection with minutes before. That was an amazing beginning, and if only Lucas knew how to get that kind of an emotional response perhaps the Star Wars prequels wouldn't have been so bad. I plan on seeing this movie again in the theater, and can't wait for the sequels.

I've already seen it twice. As you said, the nods to the original series were priceless, and were well executed so that if you got the reference, you enjoyed it, but if you didn't, it was still enjoyable. I particularly enjoyed the discussion about Admiral Archer's beagle.

You just made me spit Mt. Dew at my computer! partido_risa.gif

jmccarthy said:

I've already seen it twice. As you said, the nods to the original series were priceless, and were well executed so that if you got the reference, you enjoyed it, but if you didn't, it was still enjoyable. I particularly enjoyed the discussion about Admiral Archer's beagle.

The beagle story was about Admiral Archer? As in Captain Archer from ST: Enterprise?! I remember the story, but the connection went completely over my head. I wonder what other references I missed -- I'll definitely have to go see it a second time.

If I'm not mistaken, the fact that Captain Pike ended up in a wheelchair was a nod to the original series, wasn't it?

Call me a heretic, but I liked just about every character better than the original series. Chekov and Scotty were hilarious. McCoy was great (although I kept getting distracted by trying to remember where I had seen him before; answer=Lord of the Rings). And I loved the new Uhura.

The only discordant part for me was the Uhura/Spock lip-locking. I can suspend my disbelief for the sake of planet-destroying "red matter," but Uhura and Spock together? That's going too far....

Well it did seem like Spock pretty much said that there wasn't going to be anything between them. So I can understand that. I mean Spock was WAY less in control of himself than later on in his life. Plus, I'm sure his human hormones had something to do with it. lol

Guys, might want to edit your posts and denote spoilers - pretty big reveal in those posts.

You know, I don't even know HOW to edit posts on these boards. Can you?

not after 5 minutes

Well that's dumb. Man, these forums are the whale.

These boards are horrible, but the movie is INCREDIBLE. Saw it with a couple of guys my age and a couple of kids - and everyone enjoyed it immesnsely. The kids thought it was a great sci fi movie - and we just couldn't beleive how they nailed eveyrthing - form casting, to story, to acknowleding the existing universe....just a home run on eveyr front.

I never heard of half those actors, but they were spot on. And the plot was brilliant - so much is open to tehm, wihtout destroying the legacy of the original series or film franchise. Its been years since I have been ths excited about teh Trek universe. Years. Maybe since Generations.

I can't beleive how good this movie was. On every level. Easily the best blockbuster film I have seen in a Theater since Return of the King.