BfK war stats

By obak, in Rogue Trader Rules Questions

What is the engagement range for a Titan?

What speed does the difrent type of titans have?

Is the astartes unit strength equal to marines x5 or marines /2?

Are the massive combat rules usable to begin with?

And, how would you stat Rakgol?

Consensus is that the rules in BFK for mass warfare are awkward at best and ignorable at worst. I find they are useful for a benchmark on Rarities for the different forces, but that your GM would be far better using their own system or even narratively dealing with mass warfare.

I haven't run a mass combat as a GM but was in one as a party member. Man is it awkward and take forever. Our GM decided that narrative mass combat with opposed checks for things like command and tactics would be much better. Just have the party be at flash points where they might effect the battle.

Also I think a SM was worth 50 IG men.

Have been looking at some alternative rules on the forum, going to try them on for size and see if they are up for the task. I would limit myself to flashpoints, but my players like to play all kind of strategy games so I thought Id give it a try and see if they enjoy it.

I use mass combat rules from BFK.

It leeps my players more concerned about their regiments preparation and on making a realistic planetary invasion.

I constantly need large-scale warfare maps though.

I've heard a few people say the war rules from Frozen Reaches are superior to those in BfK.

Pretty much. In large part it's because you're given pre-defined units that have different abilities and bonuses, and a decent objective and reason to shuffle your dudes around, but it's also more streamlined than BFK's version. BFK makes the annoying assumption that the GM can sort all of that out.