I have read that they have twaked the other 2 remaining armies from X-Bugs and designed 2 new armies. Can we get some information from Fantasy Flight on any possible release plans???
I've been waiting for the same thing!!! Yes, I do think the plans were for 4 more armies, but so far there is no clue whether this will happen or not. The game came out, what, a year ago? Going this long without an expansion either published or clearly in the works is not a good sign.
On top of that, the game is now in their sale list for $10, which probably means an overstock of the game. Not a good sign for an expansion.
Yeah.. well... at least it's a good chance to get hold of the game for a cheap price.
Yeah I think the sale was a great oprutunity to pick up the game. If anyone has compies of the X-Bugs Game maybe they could put up some informatio regarding the unused armies an dthe MM players here could work on some conversion themselves. Also if enough people pick up th egame now while its cheap maybe there will be a rise in the intrest of the game and hence a reason for FFG to realease an exspansion. I take it as a good sign that there is still a MM forum Firborn and Marvel Heroes and Midnight to name a few lost their forums in the transfer so perhaps there is indeed some type of exspansion on the way.
I could definitely go for an expansion for this game.
Its one of the few games my wife ASKS to play occasionally and its always a big hit with people who want a little more strategy than pitch car and a little more laughs.
I always have a good time with it.
Force1 said:
I have read that they have twaked the other 2 remaining armies from X-Bugs and designed 2 new armies. Can we get some information from Fantasy Flight on any possible release plans???
I would very happily buy either an expansion or a re-issue with four new armies
MME is a very underrated game that seriously deserves some more exposure.
Hopefully the fact that the game made the transfer to the new FFG site is a good sign. Fingers crossed...
Yes very underrated game here that needs soem more love from FFG. I have ordered some sets of parts from a supplier in England but there are only 2 custom armies out there on the net right now. I would love a Official FFG Expansion. I pulled this out this weekend and 2 couples went online and bought a copy right after we played.
I'd like to see an expansion as well. I have X-Bugs (and no, unfortunately, SJG never published anything beyond the first four armies), so I've been following this game for a while: it plays fine as is, but is also formatted to allow for expansion. My understanding was that the first two expansion armies have been designed for quite a while, and possibly even published... but only in Italian?
In any case, one of them was a faction of Japanese Samurai bugs...
as a group of people we could invent our own expansion armies. the only problem would then be figuring out how to make the new pieces, though you could just take one army and format it such that each piece of that army directly represent a piece in the expansion. or you could put coloured dots on the pieces or some such. i'm going to start a thread for possible new pieces/army ideas.
Maybe one of the recently announced expansion boxes could be a Micro Mutants expansion!
Something tells me it is unlikley, but you never know!
It's now 11/09, and we have been teased by rumors of a 2-army expansion since January.
Are the old X-BUG expansions compatible with MM:E?
Yes please. I would like to add to the people who would like the expansion.
People we are creating new armies!! for the Micro Mutants fan. so chech this blog and comment and like see ya
go to this page
MMRevolution said:
People we are creating new armies!! for the Micro Mutants fan. so chech this blog and comment and like see ya