July 9th - Meeple Mart (Toronto, ON Canada) - Season 1 2014 Kit

By RobsGamingTable, in 3. AGoT Organized Play

Greater Toronto Area Game of Thrones players, I will be hosting a game night tournament at Meeple Mart on July 9th.


Date: July 9th

Time: 6p-9p (Try and show up a little earlier so that we can start for 6pm sharp)

Cost: $5

Swiss Rounds: 3

Prize Support: 2014 Season 1 Game Night Kit + All entry fee money will be added as store credit prizes

Address: 247 Spadina Ave, Toronto, ON M5T 3A8

We are trying to build the GTA meta, new players are always welcome. We also meet there every Wednesday for LCG night (AGoT, Star Wars, Netrunner).

Looking forward to seeing you there!