Hey Forum.
Just had a little issue playing FoS. One of my heroes was carrying Durin's Axe(the objective), when she died a horrible death
Since there is no text like on Gandalf's Map(EfDG), Shadow Key(EfDG) etc. saying to put the objective back in the staging area, when detached, I figured that it had to be put in the encounter discard pile(like the Athelas (AJtR).. But... That just doesn't make any sense to me thematically. If a character dies, and is carrying a big Axe, why wouldn't one of the other heroes be able to just pick it up(meaning I would have to put it back in the staging area, until one of my heroes claimed it)?
So which is the correct thing to do?
This obviously is the same thing with Durin's Helm and Greaves.
Thanks in advance